Thursday, July 19, 2012


Esok kita umat Islam mula berpuasa Ramadhan selama satu bulan. Oleh itu blog ini berehat selama sebulan. Kita jumpa lagi selepas Hari raya Aidilfitri nanti.


"MMMMPPFFFF....mmmpffff...." kulihat wanita yang semasa gadisnya kukejar-kejar itu meronta-ronta tak berdaya. Kedua tangannya terikat kesebatang besi yang melintang. Kedua matanya ditutup oleh sehelai kain hitam yang mengikat kepalanya. Mulutnya tersumbat oleh seluar dalamnya sendiri. Dulu, ia jadi buruan banyak lelaki, termasuk aku. liza namanya. Kulitnya putih mulus. Setidak2nya, itulah yang ketika itu terlihat pada kulit wajah dan telapak tangannya. Memang hanya itulah yang boleh dilihat. Ya, sebab ia selalu berpakaian tertutup. Jubah panjang dan bertudung lebar. Aku mencintainya. Cinta sekaligus nafsu. Daripada ramai2 lelaki, akhirnya akulah yang beruntung mendapatkannya, menjadi suaminya. Aku tahu, banyak lelaki lain yang pernah menidurinya dalam mimpi. Atau, menjadikannya objek melancap mereka. Tetapi, aku bukan hanya bermimpi. Aku memilikinya secara nyata dan boleh menidurinya pada bila2 masa saja yang aku mahu. Ia juga membantuku melancap pada masa dia datang bulan. Cintaku padanya belum berubah. Yang berubah hanyalah caraku memandangnya. Tiba-tiba, entah bila dan bagaimana awalnya, aku selalu membayangkan liza dalam pelukan lelaki lain. Aku bayangkan buah dada dan kemaluannya dalam genggaman tapak tangan lelaki lain. Liza seorang isteri yang setia. Tentu saja, dalam imaginasiku itu, liza sedang disetubuhi. Aku mungkin gila. Aku membayangkan liza menderita lantaran diperkosa! Dan kini imaginasiku itu menjadi nyata. Di depanku, seorang lelaki tengah memeluknya dari belakang. Sebelah tangan lelaki itu meramas-ramas buah dadanya. Sebelah lagi dengan kasar melakukan perkara yang sama pada pangkal pahanya. Tiga lelaki sedang bersiap-siap untuk menyetubuhinya. liza, seorang isteri setia yang alim. Didepan suaminya sendiri. Atas perintah suaminya sendiri. Tentu saja, liza tak tahu perkara itu terjadi atas rancangan aku, suaminya. Itu sebabnya, kedua matanya kini terikat. Tiga lelaki itu, yang merupakan kawan baikku sendiri. bukan mudah untuk mencari orang yang boleh dipercayai. Apalagi, untuk bercerita tentang perkara2 yang sangat sensitif.wanita yang bertudung. Tapi akhirnya aku memilih juga tiga orang kawan karibku ini. Mereka satu opis denganku. Ini untuk memudahkan perbualan dan hajatku ini. Ketika aku mulai yakin tentang keseriusan mereka, kami sepakat untuk berbincang. Pertemuan itu membuatku semakin yakin. kami saling bertukar maklumat tentang diri kami masing-masing. Kawanku yang pertama,kamal. Aku memang menyukainya. Bagaimanapun, aku tak ingin isteriku disetubuhi lelaki yang 'kotor'. Perawakan kamal mirip denganku. kamal mengaku tak pernah main pelacur. Tetapi, katanya, tak kurang 3 mahasiswi pernah ditidurinya. Dua yang pertama, sekarang sudah jadi teman wanitanya. Yang menarik,semuanya bertudung labuh. "Mungkin kerana selalu menidurinya, saya jadi terangsang kalau melihat perempuan bertudung," katanya. Lelaki kedua Bob,juga opismate aku tapi dibahagian yang lain. Aku juga suka melihatnya. Ia seorang lelaki yang matang. Umurnya 10 tahun lebih tuadaripadaku. Yang aku suka, perutnya gendut. Aku memang kadang2 mengkhayalkan wajah liza yang lembut dikangkangi seorang lelaki gendut. Bob mengaku tertarik dengan tawaranku kerana dia juga ada seorang rakan bertudung labuh yang cantik dan.dia juga memperlihatkan foto gadis itu kepada kami. Memang cantik. Kata Bob, dia sudah berulangkali cuba merayu gadis itu untuk ditidurinya. Tetapi, gadis itu selalu menolak. "lepas kita rogol si liza ni, aku nak korang semua tolong aku rogol Anisa pulak yer," katanya. "Boleh. Dengan senang hati. Kalau awek kau kamal, boleh tak kitaorang rogol nanti ?" kataku. kamal kelihatan agak terkejut. "Ehh, macamana ya ?" katanya. "yerlah kamal, awek kau tu kan dah takder dara? Tak payah risau. Nanti kitaorang aturkan supaya dia tak tahu yang kau merancangnya," tambah Bob. "Well, okaylah," akhirnya kamal setuju. "Semua dah setuju kita tukar2 awek bertudung kita okay. kau pulak macamana ben ?" kali ini aku menoleh ke Ben, lelaki ketiga. Aku juga suka Ben. Tubuhnya sasa. Kulitnya hitam, seperti keturunan Arab. Melihatnya, aku terus membayangkan liza isteriku terjerit-jerit bila kemaluannya diceroboh oleh batang zakar keturunan Arab. "OK guys, minggu depan kita akan mulakan.korang nikmatilah isteriku sepuas2nya.nak buat aksi aper masa tu,kita bincang kemudian okay ?" kataku mengakhiri pertemuan. melalui email, kukirimkan kepada tiga orang kawanku itu gambar2 isteriku liza. Close up wajahnya yang lembut. Full body dengan jubah dan tudung lebar. Hinggalah kegambar2 curi ketika dia tertidur dengan jubahnya yang sengaja kusingkap hingga ke pinggang. Juga saat ketika dia tertidur keletihan setelah bersetubuh tiga round denganku yang juga merupakan gambar favouriteku. Sengaja aku minta dia tetap bertudung putih lebar dan berjubah hijau muda semasa aku menyetubuhinya. Ketika itu, aku memeluk dia sampai tertidur lelap. Lalu, dalam diam-diam aku bangun dan mengambil gambarnya. liza terlentang dengan kaki mengangkang. Jubahnya tersingkap sampai ke pinggang. Dari celah kemaluannya aku melihat spermaku berserakan. Jubahnya di bahagian dada juga kubuat terbuka dan memperlihatkan sepasang payudaranya yang montok dengan puting yang menegang. Akhirnya, idea Bob yang kami pakai. Ideanya adalah menculik liza dan membawanya ke salah satu rumah Bob yang besar. Bob menjamin, jeritan sekuat manapun tak akan terdengar keluar dari rumahnya itu. Aku tak sabar menunggu saatnya mendengar jeritan kesakitan liza nanti. Hari yang dipersetujui pun tiba. Aku tahu, pagi itu liza akan ke rumah kawannya. Aku tahu kebiasaannya. Setelah aku pergi opis, dia akan mandi. Aku gembira bila melihatnya menyiapkan jubah hijau muda dan tudung putih lebar. Ini memang pakaian favouriteku. Selalu saja aku tergoda untuk menyetubuhinya jika dia mengenakan pakaian itu. Aku tidak ke opis, tetapi ke rumah Bob. Di sana, tiga rakanku itu sudah bersiap. Kamipun bergerak ke rumahku dengan van milik Bob. Lebihkurang sepuluh minit lagi nak tiba, aku call liza. "dah mandi ker, sayang ?" kataku. "Baru siap ni bang," sahutnya. "tengah nak pakai baju ni, hi hi..." katanya manja. “mesti tengah telanjang bulat tu ?" "Hi hi... ha’ah," "pakailah baju cepat,abang takut ader orang yang nampak pulak nanti !" kataku. "yerlah sayang," sahutnya lagi. "okeylah,abang nak start kerja ni ya ? Cup mmuaachh..." kataku sambil meletakkan telefon. ketika yang sama juga van Bob berhenti di tepi rumahku yang tidak mempunyai tingkap. Jadi, liza tak akan tahu siapa yang datang. Bob, kamal dan Ben turun dan terus menuju ke belakang rumahku. Aku memberitahu mereka yang pintu belakang rumahku itu tak berkunci. Aku tak perlu menunggu terlalu lama. Kulihat kamal kembali kepadaku sambil menunjukkan isyarat ok. dengan pantas aku park van Bob di garajku sendiri. "Matanya dah tutup ker kamal ?" tanyaku. "dah bos. liza dah aku ikat dan mulutnya pun aku dah tutup. Tinggal angkut jer," katanya. Memang, kulihat Bob dan Ben sedang mengusung liza yang tengah meronta-ronta. Isteriku yang malang itu sudah berjubah hijau muda dan bertudung putih lebar. Kedua tangannya terikat ke belakang. Aku duduk di tempat pemandu van. Aku menjeling kebelakang dan melihat dua orang kawanku itu sedang memangku liza yang terbaring di tempat duduk tengah. "Ha ha... best nih," kata Bob. Aku menelan air liurku ketika jubah liza disingkap sampai ke pinggang. Tangan mereka berdua kini berebut2 untuk menjamah kemaluan liza! Ken pulak telah membuka bahagian dada jubah liza dan menarik keluar sebelah buah dadanya dari coli. Ben terus menjilatinya ! liza merintih-rintih. Gila, aku menikmati betul pemandangan itu. "cukup ler tu,jom kita bergerak," kata Bob. Kulihat jari gemuknya sedang mengorek-ngorek kemaluan isteriku liza. Itulah yang kini terjadi. liza terikat dengan tangannya ke atas. Ben pulak tengah memeluknya dari belakang, meramas2 geram buah dadanya dan pangkal pahanya. "bob, kau merokok kan ? liza memang benci sekali dengan lelaki perokok. Aku teringin sekali melihat liza dicium lelaki yang sedang merokok. Aku juga teringin Bob meniupkan asap rokoknya ke arah kemaluannya," bisikku kepada Bob. Bob mengangguk.Aku lalu mengambil posisi yang tak terlihat oleh liza, tapi aku dapat melihatnya dengan bebas. Kulihat Bob sudah menghidupkan rokoknya dan kini berdiri di hadapan liza. Dilepaskannya penutup mata liza. Mata kuyunya terkelip2 dan tiba-tiba melutut. Rontaan liza semakin menjadi2 ketika Bob menyingkap tudung putih lebarnya ke bahu. Apalagi, aku melihat tangan Ben dah pun berada di balik jubah liza. Pinggang liza menggeliat-geliat. Ben kulihat tak bosan2 menciumi wajah liza. kamal yang duduk di sebelahku sambil memainkan batang zakarnya. Bob kulihat mula melepaskan sumbatan seluar dalam liza yang tersumbat dimulutnya. "Lepaskaaaan aku.... awak semua nak apa ha’ah... lepaskaaaan aku....!" liza mula menjerit2. Jeritan marah bercampur takut. "rilexlah liza, kitaorang cuma nak main-main jer kejap ngan awak," kata Bob sambil menghembuskan asap rokok ke wajah liza. Kulihat liza cuba berpaling dengan keningnya berkerut2. “si Arab ni tak habis2 dari tadi.asyik kat muka dia jer," kata kamal. dia terbongkok2 di hadapan liza. Disingkapnya bahagian bawah jubah liza. Diclose-upnya jari tengah Ben yang sedang menjolok2 kemaluan isteriku. "Aaakhhh... setan... lepaskaaann aku...nngghhhh..." liza meronta-ronta. Jari telunjuk kamal terus menusuk2 ke dalam kemaluannya. Kulihat Bob menghisap rokoknya dalam-dalam. Tangan kirinya meramas-ramas buah dada kanan liza dari luar jubahnya. "Lepaskaaaan aku... jangaaann....jangannn buat aku macam ni.. setaan....mmmfff.....mmmmfffff....mmmpppfff... ." Jeritan liza hanya berlegar disitu. Bob mengucup bibir liza dengan buas. Mata liza terbeliak. Kulihat asap mengepul di antara kedua2 bibir yang berpaut itu. kamal mengclose-up ciuman dahsyat itu. Ketika Bob akhirnya melepaskan kuluman bibirnya, bibir liza terbuka lebar. Asap tampak mengepul dari situ. Liza kulihat terbatuk-batuk. liza masih terbatuk-batuk. Wajahnya yang putih mulus jadi tampak makin pucat. Bob berlutut di hadapan liza. Ben dan kamal membantunya menyingkapkan bagian bawah jubah liza dan merenggangkan kedua kakinya. "Wow," kata Bob sambil mendekatkan ujung rokok yang menyala ke rambut kemaluan liza yang tak berapa lebat. Sekejap sahaja bau rambut terbakar tersebar di ruangan ini. Bob lalu menyelitkan bagian filter batang rokoknya ke dalam kemaluan liza. Isteriku masih terbatuk-batuk sehingga terlihat batang rokok itu kadang seperti tersedut ke dalam. Tanpa disuruh, kamal mengclose-upnya dengan handycam. Bob melepaskan rokok itu dari kemutan kemaluan liza. Dihisapnya dalam-dalam. Lalu, dikuakkannya kemaluan liza lebar-lebar. Mulutnya dirapatkan kearah kemaluan liza yang terbuka. "Uhug...uhug...aaaakkhhh... aaaaakkhhh....aaaaakkkhhhh..." liza menjerit-jerit seolah2 terkena histeria. Bob tentu sudah mengembuskan asap rokoknya ke dalam kemaluan isteriku. "Aaakhhhh... panaaassss....adududuhhhh...." liza terus menjerit2 dan meronta-ronta. Kulihat Bob melepaskan mulutnya dari kemaluan isteriku. Kulihat kamal mengclose up asap yang mengepul dari kemaluan liza. liza kini menangis teresak2. Bob bangun dan menjilati wajahnya. dengan tiba-tiba dia mengoyakkan bahagian dada jubah isteriku.liza memekik. Begitu pula ketika Bob merentap hingga putus colinya. diaa terus menangis ketika Bob mula menjilat dan mengulum puting buah dadanya. aku melihat Ben kini berdiri di belakang isteriku. Batang zakarnya dah cukup tegang dan bersedia untuk beraksi. diaa menoleh ke arahku, seolah2 meminta persetujuanku. Aku mengangkat ibu jariku, sebagai memberi tanda persetujuan. Tak sabar lagi rasanya aku melihat isteriku merintih-rintih dalam persetubuhannya dengan lelaki lain. Aku memberi isyarat kepada kamal agar dating dengan lebih dekat lagi. "Tolong tutup lagi matanya. Aku nak liza menelan spermaku. Dia belum pernah lagi melakukannya," kataku. Kamal mengangguk dan segera menuruti perintahku. Setelah yakin yang liza tak berupaya melihatku, aku pun mendekatinya. "Aaakkhhh....aaakkkhhh..... jangaaaannn....!" liza menjerit lagi. Kali ini akibat penangan batang zakar Ben yang besar mulai menusuk2 keruang kemaluannya. Aku dapat menyaksikan bahawa baru masuk separuh sahaja, tetapi kemaluan liza tampak menggelembung seperti tidak lagi mampu menampung tusukan batang zakar pak Arab itu. Kulepaskan ikatan tangan liza. Tapi kini kedua2 tangannya kuikat ke belakang tubuhnya. Batang zakar Ben masih lagi tertusuk didalam kemaluannya. Ben kini kuberi isyarat agar duduk di lantai. Berat tubuh liza memaksa batang keras Ben semakin dalam menusuk kemaluannya. Akibatnya liza menjerit bak histeria lagi. nampaknya kali ini dia betul-betul kesakitan. Aku sudahpun menanggalkan seluarku. Batang zakarku terhunus ke hadapan wajah isteriku yang bertudung. Liza bukannya tak pernah mengulum batangku. Tapi, selalu saja dia menolak kalau kuminta air maniku ditumpahkan di dalam mulutnya. "gelilah bang," katanya memberi alasan. Tetapi kini dia akan kupaksa menelan spermaku. Kutekan kepalanya ke bawah agar batang Ben masuk lebih jauh lagi. Akibatnya liza menjerit lagi. ketika mulutnya terbuka lebar itulah kumasukkan batangku. Jeritannya terus terhenti. Aku berharap liza tak mengenali suaminya dari bau batangnya. Ughhhh... rasanya jauh lebih nikmat dibanding ketika dia mengulum batangku dengan sukarela. Aku memegang bahagian belakang kepalanya yang masih bertudung itu. Kugerakkan maju mundur. Sementara itu aku terasa Ben juga sudah mulai menaikturunkan batangnya. liza mengerang-erang. Dari celah kain penutup matanya kulihat air matanya mengalir deras. Aku tak mampu bertahan lebih lama lagi. Kutahan kepalanya ketika akhirnya spermaku menyembur deras ke dalam rongga mulut isteriku yang kucintai. Aku menarik keluar batangku. Dibahagian bawah, Bob dan kamal menarik kedua puting isteriku. Nafas liza termengah2 di antara rintihan dan tangisannya. Ben pula masih menggerakkan pinggangnya naik turun. Aku duduk bersila menyaksikan isteriku tengah dikerumuni oleh tiga orang lelaki. batang Ben masih tertusuk di dalam kemaluan liza. Kini Bob menolak dada liza hingga menyebabkannya rebah di atas tubuh tegap Ben. dia kini terus mengangkangi wajah liza. Ini dia yang sering kubayangkan. Wajah bertudung liza tersepit antara pangkal paha lelaki gendut. Aku mengambilalih handycam dari tangan kamal dan terus close up wajah liza yang sedang menderita. liza menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya sambil menjerit-jerit. Aku membantu Ben menarik jubah hijau muda liza hingga keparas dadanya. Kini kedua tangan kasarnya menggenggam erat kedua2 buah dada liza. Meramas-ramasnya dengan kasar. Dari depan aku melihat, setiap kali puting liza dipicit keras, kemaluannya nampak berkerut seperti hendak menarik batang Ben makin jauh ke dalam. kamal tidak mahu ketinggalan. dia kini mencari2 mutiara milik liza. Selepas dijumpai, ditekannya dengan jari melalui gerakan memutar. Sesekali, bahkan disepitnya dengan dua jari. Terdengar liza mengerang-erang. Tubuhnya mengejang2 seperti menahan sakit. "Boleh aku gigit mutiaranya ?" tanya kamal kepadaku sambil berbisik. "Boleh, tapi jangan sampai terluka," sahutku sambil mengarahkan handycam kearah kemaluan isteriku. Mahasiswa fakuti kedoktoran ini benar2 melakukannya. Mula-mula dia menjilat bahagian sensitif itu. Kemudian aku lihat mutiara isteriku tersepit di antara gigi-gigi kamal. Ditariknya jauh2 seperti hendak melepaskannya. Kali ini terdengar jerit histeria liza. "Aaaaakkhhhh....saakkkkiiiittt..." Rupa2nya Bob ketika itu menarik keluar batangnya kerana Ben ingin bertukar posisi. Ben kemudiannya berdiri sambil mengangkat tubuh liza pada kedua pahanya. batangnya yang besar masih tertanam di dalam kemaluan isteriku. Terus terang aku katakana yang aku irihati jugak bila melihat batangnya yang besar itu. liza terus menjerit-jerit dalam pelukan Ben. Ben kemudian membawanya ke atas meja. Diturunkannya liza sehingga posisinya kini tertiarap di atas meja. Kedua kakinya terjuntai2 ke bawah. Kedua2 buah dadanya betul2 terletak di tepi meja. "Kita teruskan lagi, ya liza. Kulihat dia menusukkan kedua2 jarinya ke dalam kemaluan liza. "tolongggg.... hentikaaan...kamu semua ni...jahaaat..." jeritnya sambil menangis teresak2. " maafkan kami yang jahat ini, ya ?" sahut Ben, sambil kembali menyetubuhi isteriku. Suara liza dah pun serak ketika dia menjerit Tapi tak lama, Ben betul-betul mampu mengerahkan kekuatannya. Tubuh liza bergegar2. Kedua2 buah dadanya berayun2 ke muka setiap kali Ben menyorong batangnya masuk. Buah dada liza yang putih mulus kini nampak kemerah2han. Ben aku lihat betul-betul kasar. kemaluan liza kulihat menganga lebar, tetapi sekejap sahaja kembali merapat. Tak menunggu lama, kini giliran Bob pula untuk menyetubuhi liza. Liza nampaknya tidak lagi kesakitan seperti ketika dia diperkosa oleh Ben. Mungkin kerana batang Bob lebih kecil. "Aiaiaiaiiiii.... jangaaan.... aduhhhh.... sakiiit...." tiba-tiba liza mendongak dan menjerit kesakitan.rupa2nya, sambil menusukkan batangnya ke dalam kemaluan liza, Bob menusukkan jari telunjuknya ke dubur liza pula. Bob tak mahu kalah dengan Ben. dia juga turut membenamkan batangnya dengan kasar, cepat dan gerakannya tak tentu arah. Bahkan, sesekali ia mengangkat sebelah kaki liza dan memasukkan batang zakarnya secara bersilang. ketika bersetubuh denganku, biasanya posisi bersilang itu akan membuat liza melolong-lolong dalam orgasme. Tapi, kali ini yang terdengar adalah rintihan dan jerit kesakitan. ketika aku mula merasa kasihan padanya, jeritan itu berhenti.


My mom had died a few months earlier. I was 17, so I 
wasn't a kid anymore, but I wasn't so old that I could
take it in stride. Or maybe you're never old enough to
take things like that in stride; I don't know.

Anyway, I still felt pretty torn up about it, but I
tried not to show it too much, because I figured it was
harder on the kids -- my brothers, Willie and Mark, four
years younger. And with Dad away most of the time
flying, I figured I had to be the man of the family.

I don't know how we would have gotten through that time
if it hadn't been for everything Aunt Sandy did for us.

She's Dad's sister. She'd gotten a divorce, so she was
free and she came to live with us after Mom died, and to
look after us. We sure needed it.

Aunt Sandy was something: a short, blond ball of fire.
With her hair cut so short she looked like a Q-tip,
except that no Q-tip was ever that curvy. Nothing
extravagant; she's no Dolly Parton or anything, but you
could definitely tell she was a woman.

It was weird having a good-looking woman around the
house. Mom was pretty, I guess, but, well, she was our
Mom, you know?

Aunt Sandy was family, too, but in a way she wasn't. We
hadn't seen much of her before.

She tried her best to fit in, though, always looking
after us and trying to help us deal with Mom being gone.
Like that day.

I had this thing at school -- an honors assembly. I
tried to act like it was no big deal, but Mom had always
been on us to do our school work and study hard. I knew
this would have meant a lot to her. So I was getting
these honors -- and she couldn't be there. I knew my Dad
would be out of town, so I didn't even mention it to
him. He'd been feeling guilty about being away so much,
and he didn't need that kind of worry on top of losing

The awards came at the end of the school day, in last
period. The gym was full of students and parents. Every
time someone walked up to the stage, you could figure
out where their parents were sitting by watching for the
pop of a camera flash. Every so often some kid would
reach out his hand for a plaque and his mom or dad would
yell out something that would echo and the kid would
look up.

Their expressions were always the same -- trying to look
embarrassed, but actually pretty happy. I knew the
feeling; my Mom could make me feel that way every time
she'd shout out my name at a Little League game or point
me out in a school play.

I guess I was feeling pretty down by the time my turn
came. Maybe I was even crying a little, I don't know.
When they called my name I walked toward the stage in
kind of a daze; the faces of the kids around me were
just a blur.

Then I got up to the podium and the principal was
reaching out his hand and there was a flash off to the
right. I had just a second to wonder whose Dad had
mistaken me for his son when there was this shout that
bounced off the rafters: "Yeah Day-Vid!"

It was Aunt Sandy, of course. She wasn't hard to spot,
leaping into the air in the third row of the bleachers,
waving her arms like a cheerleader.

It wouldn't have been cool to smile too much, but I
couldn't help flashing a grin. She must have heard
something from Willie or Mark about the assembly, but
she'd never said a word to me, just showed up. Parents
were supposed to have tickets, and I'd never picked mine
up, so I don't know how she talked her way in. Being
Aunt Sandy, I figure she just flashed those big eyes at
them and started talking fast and walking past them all
at once.

The assembly finished just a little bit after that. I
was walking out the gym door when Aunt Sandy caught up
with me and offered to drive me home.

We talked about a lot of stuff in the car, about my
missing Mom and how proud she would have been to see me
up on the stage. I'm not much at telling people how I
feel, but I felt so close to Aunt Sandy then that I just
let it all out. I don't think I actually ever thanked
her for coming that day, but I'm sure she got the idea.

Anyway, by the time we got home I was bawling like a
baby, but I didn't feel bad; I was just working out all
my feelings about my Mom. For the first time, I allowed
myself to admit how sad I was and how much I really
missed her.

And Aunt Sandy didn't say much; she didn't have to.
Mostly she just murmured every once in a while, or
offered me a tissue.

Mark and Willie were staying over at a friend's house
that night, so we got back to an empty house. Aunt Sandy
said it hardly seemed worth cooking up a whole meal just
for the two of us and wondered if I'd think she was too
lazy if she just ordered out for pizza. I said it was


Later that evening, over slices of pepperoni and
sausage, I told Aunt Sandy that I really appreciated her
helping us out. She made a joke out of it, saying that
it didn't take much effort to dial a phone for pizza,
but I could see she really appreciated my saying it. It
seems crazy now, but I think that was the first time any
of us actually told her how much she meant to us.

I guess we were all so busy dealing with our emotions
that we never stopped to think that Aunt Sandy might be
feeling down, too, with her divorce, and then coming
into a new house and dealing with somebody else's kids
and all.

Well, we finished dinner and watched TV for a little
while, and then I went up to shower and go to bed. I'd
played some basketball by myself in the driveway before
dinner and I felt kinda cruddy.

So I turned on the water full blast and stepped into the
shower, sliding the frosted glass door behind me. I just
stood under the water a couple of minutes, letting the
hot jets bite into my skin. I still missed my Mom, of
course, but after my talk with Aunt Sandy I felt like I
was finally coming alive again, getting back to a normal
life. It seemed as if the streams of water dripping off
me were taking away a big weight that had been riding me
for months.

I started lathering up when I thought I heard something
in the bathroom. The glass had steamed up, though, so I
couldn't even see any shadowy forms through it. I rubbed
the soap into the hand towel a little more and started
scrubbing my chest.

That's when the shower door opened.

"I thought you could use some help," Aunt Sandy said,
stepping in.

She was naked. Well, I guess you figured that out.

Although I'd already noticed that Aunt Sandy looked
young for her age and had a nice body, I'd never known
how nice it was until that moment. She was short, just
about coming up to my chin, but her legs seemed to go on
forever. Her breasts were more than a handful -- not
huge, but what was incredible was how firm they were, no
sag at all. Her nipples were already erect, pointing at
me like pencil erasers from the light brown circles
around them. And her bush, a curly little arrowhead
pointing right down to...

Of course, I got an instant hard-on. Imagine how you
would feel if some sexy lady suddenly stepped into the
shower with you?

But what if that lady were your aunt? That's what I was
thinking. I backed up into the corner of the stall.
"Aunt Sandy," I stammered out. "Wh-what are you doing?
In here? With me?"

She didn't move toward me right away, just stood there
in the far corner. The spray from the shower hit her
about at the waist and I couldn't help following the
trickles down with my eyes, seeing them drip onto her
bush, matting down the hair, pouring down those long,
shapely legs. It was like a Playboy centerfold come to

"David," she said, and I forced my eyes back up to her
cute face. "I've been living with you several months
now, and I think it's time you understood some things. I
know you and the boys miss your Mom, and you want
someone to do the things she used to do for you --
cooking, cleaning, all of that. And I'm happy to help,
really I am.

"But I'm not your Mom. I'd never try to be, even if I
could. So things -- relationships -- are different.

"I need you to understand that I'm a woman. I have my
own needs. Do you know what I mean?"

The look on her face made my fears melt away. I knew
what she meant -- how could I have been so stupid? Aunt
Sandy had been divorced for awhile, and now she was
cooped up in a house with a bunch of kids. Of course she
had needs.

But -- me? I hadn't even gotten to first base with any
of the girls my own age, and now this older woman was
offering everything. I didn't know what to do -- I mean,
I knew what I wanted to do, but should I? And if I did,
what if I did something wrong?

I don't know if Aunt Sandy saw the emotions on my face
or if she just sensed them, but she did exactly the
right thing, taking it very slow. As she'd been talking
to me, she had taken a couple of steps toward me. The
spray from the shower was hitting just below her neck
now, streams of water flowing down her breasts and
trickling off the nipples. I was so entranced by the
vision I didn't see what happened next until I felt the
washcloth being pulled out of my hand. Aunt Sandy took
the soap, too.

Slowly, like it was a dream, she rubbed more soap on the
cloth and began to scrub my chest, my arms, my hands. I
began to get more comfortable.

Then she had me turn around and she washed my back,
rinsing out the cloth and wetting it down, wringing out
the clear water to pour down my body.

I almost forgot that I was in the shower with a naked
woman, if you can believe that. I mean, it was just
really soothing, the water splashing over me, the rough
swish of the cloth on my skin. I got really relaxed and
I think my cock even started to soften a little.

But then I felt something else. It was Aunt Sandy's
erect nipples tickling my back, and then her warm body
pressed up against mine as her hands slid around my
waist. My hard-on sprang back to life.

"Oh, David, this is going to be a day I'll never
forget," she said, and she started to slide down. Her
hands brushed against the sides of my crotch as she went
all the way down and lathered up my legs from behind.

I knew I was never going to forget this, either. I
wasn't sure if maybe I should be doing something, or
saying something, but I didn't want to risk spoiling the

I shouldn't have worried; Aunt Sandy was in complete
control. When she finished with my legs she spun me
around, facing her. She stood up, her naked body just
inches from mine. I couldn't help staring, taking in all
that firm flesh. Was I really going to touch it? Was my
cock really going to be buried in her pussy?

She read my thoughts again. "It's real, David," she said
with a giggle. "Here, feel it." She took my hand in hers
and drew it up to her breast. I gasped when I felt it.

I'd never touched a breast before, at least not one that
wasn't covered up by a bra and a blouse. But this one
was right there, in the flesh. "Rub your fingers over
it," Aunt Sandy told me. "Gently. Now circle the nipple
with one finger. Mmmmmm. You can suck it if you like."

Of course I liked. I bent down and took the brown button
into my mouth. "Lick it," Aunt Sandy said, and I did.
"Yes, now nip at it, very gently -- ohhh, yes! Very
good, David!"

I moved from one breast to the other, sucking and
nibbling like they were ice cream cones. Aunt Sandy's
hands roamed over my body, occasionally brushing against
my stiff cock. Then she rubbed some more soap on her
hands and brought them down to my crotch.

The slippery feel of her hands encircling my shaft
almost made me shoot right then, but she squeezed down
and the urge went away. "You've got a very nice cock,
David," she said. "Nice and thick. I think it's going to
fill my cunt wall to wall, dear. Do you think you'd like
that? Would like to put that hard cock in your auntie's
hot pussy?"

Up until then I had never heard Aunt Sandy use language
like that, and I never would have believed she could.
But this wasn't the same Aunt Sandy I was used to. The
look in her eyes was like fire, like there was some
animal inside her instead of a human being. Her hands
were sliding up and down my dick like wild, her breath
was coming in short gasps. With the water pouring down
over us I felt like I was in some crazy jungle movie --
you know, Me Tarzan, she Jane. I was developing an
unstoppable urge to drive my cock into my aunt's hot

"Yes," I hissed out. "I want you. Oh, God, Aunt Sandy, I
want my cock in you!"

"Mmmm, that's a good boy. You're going to do everything
your aunt tells you, aren't you?"

"Yes, yes! Just let me get it in you!"

"Such an eager boy! I was going to suggest we dry off
and go to the bedroom, but I think we'd better start
right here, don't you? Now, lean back against the wall,
David. That's it, sit back against the shelf." As she
said that, she was still stroking my cock, getting it so
hard it stuck straight up.

Sitting down like that, I was just about level with her,
so she was able to just hop up onto my lap. My cock
prodded her flat stomach as she leaned forward and
pressed her lips to my neck and slid them up to my ear.
"This is going to be sooooo good," Aunt Sandy whispered.
"Your cock is going to fill me up. And I'm going to ride
it like a pony, David. You're going to be my stallion,
do you know that? You're going to slide that fat dick in
and out of your aunt's cunt so hard, it's going to drive
me crazy. "

Her talk was driving ME crazy, that was for sure. I was
already bucking up at her, scraping the head of my cock
across her skin, desperate to get inside her.

She dug her heels into the sides of the shower stall and
raised her ass, putting her cunt directly over my cock.
When she eased down a little I could feel the slippery
pussy lips just touching the tip of my dick.

But even then she didn't take me in. Instead, she held
her cunt above me while she kissed her way from my ear
to my mouth.

I opened my lips to her and she stuck her tongue deep
inside, flicking out at mine. I kissed her back
hungrily, like I'd never get enough. Our mouths ground
together and grunts were choked out of our throats. I
forgot this was my aunt and just concentrated on having
a sexy older woman writhing naked on my body. It was

And then, at last, while our tongues were still
entwined, Aunt Sandy lowered her cunt and her slippery
pussy lips blossomed open under the pressure of my
aching cock. She took me in slowly, just a little bit at
a time, while I was lost in the incredible sensations.
Her hot, wet cunt was tight against my dick, hugging it
as it slid in deeper and deeper.

When I was in her to the hilt, Aunt Sandy broke our kiss
and leaned back.

"I knew it!" she said with a smile. "I knew you'd fill
me up. Can you feel it, David? Your cock is so big it's
filling up my pussy all the way. I can feel every inch
of you inside me, and it feels great." She leaned back a
little more and the shower stream hit her full in the
face. She spat out a mouthful of water and leaned toward
me again, laughing, her hair plastered down by the
water. She shook her head from side to side and the
water flew off, splashing into my face.

"Aunt Sandy!" I tried to look angry but I couldn't help
laughing myself. And whatever anger I had fell apart
when she began to move, pulling her tight cunt almost
all the way off my cock and then squatting down onto it

Soon we were moving in synch, driving my cock again and
again into my aunt's eager pussy. Her tits jiggled as
she bounced up and down on me, bringing me closer and
closer to shooting. But each time I felt myself nearing
the edge she slowed down or even stopped, my cock buried
deep within her velvet folds.

"You're doing very well, David," Aunt Sandy said in
between kisses. "Mmmm, my pussy really likes your cock.
I think it wants to play with it all night. Is that OK
with you? Do you want to fuck your aunt all night?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" I shouted, my words bouncing around the
stall. "I want to fuck you, Aunt Sandy, I do! I want to
bury my cock inside your cunt! Oh, God, it feels so

We kept up the rhythm for what seemed like hours, but I
guess it was only 10 or 15 minutes. Finally I couldn't
hold back any longer.

"Aunt Sandy! Aunt Sandy, I'm going to ... I can't ...
AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!" The cum boiled up inside me and shot
into her tunnel like a fire hose.

"Fill me up!" she shouted back at me. "Fill my pussy! I
want all your cum, David! Yesss!"

By the time I had recovered from that spasm, the water
from the shower was turning cold. We shut it off as fast
as we could and toweled each other off, shivering a
little until we'd gotten all dry and slipped into our

Then Aunt Sandy led me to her bedroom and lit a bunch of
candles -- on the nightstand, the dresser, all over. The
light flickered and moved around, casting weird shadows.
She slipped off her robe and lay down on the bed on her
back while I stood at the foot. In the candlelight, she
looked even sexier than before. And now I could see her
cunt spread before me, and a heavy, musky odor came up
from it. I dropped my bathrobe to the floor.

"My pussy is still hungry," Aunt Sandy said, spreading
her legs even wider. "I think it still wants to play."

"I -- I don't think I can," I said. I still felt
completely drained by our fuck in the shower.

"There are other ways to play, not just with your cock,"
Aunt Sandy said. "Just watch me."

She put an index finger into her mouth. When she pulled
it out, I could see it glistening wetly. I kept my eyes
on that finger as she touched it to her nipples, slid it
down her breast and across her stomach.

Then she stroked the sides of her cunt, still slick from
our fuck, and tangled the finger in the hairs of her fur
patch. She raised her knees up and I could see her pussy
open up before me while she slid the finger closer,
closer, until it was at the very edge of her tunnel.

I looked up and Aunt Sandy was staring directly into my

"Watch how I do this, David," she whispered, and I
looked back down at her cunt. She began to slide the
finger into her, rolling it around the edges of the
hole, then sinking it in deeper and deeper. Soon she was
bucking up at it. Her thumb spread apart the lips some
more and started twiddling a little button-shaped fold
of flesh -- her clit. She put a second finger inside her
and pushed them in and out, fucking herself faster and

Without thinking about it, I had crawled up onto the bed
and I was only a few inches from her hot pussy when she
called out.

"You do it, David! Put your finger in me! Fuck your
auntie's pussy now, please!"

My hand jerked up automatically and I slid a couple of
fingers inside her as Aunt Sandy slid hers out. I could
feel the ring of muscles at the entrance to her tunnel
grabbing greedily at me as I drove my fingers in and
out. The odor was almost overpowering, but it wasn't
bad; somehow, it made me even hornier.

"Now lick me, David," Aunt Sandy said.

I was shocked, I guess, but too horny to notice. It
seemed only natural to lower my head and slide my tongue
against her hot pussy, licking at the little clit
button. Pretty soon I was gobbling away, pushing my
tongue right into her cunt when my fingers slid out to
caress her thighs or grab at her ass. And Aunt Sandy was
humping back, mashing her pussy into my face.

"Yes, yes!" she was shouting, calling out my name over
and over again. Then her bucking got even wilder and I
could barely keep my tongue on her. Her thighs closed
around me so tight I almost couldn't breathe. "Oh, fuck,
yes!" Aunt Sandy screamed. "Yes, David, yes, I'm
cumming, I'm cuuummmmmiiiinnnggg!"

In a minute her bucking slowed down and I was able to
come up for air. I slid up on the bed to kiss her. When
I held her to me, I was surprised to feel my cock hard
again, pressing against her skin.

"Oh, David, someone else wants to play again," Aunt
Sandy said, teasing me. She wiggled her body against
mine. "Do you think we should?"

I didn't say anything. I just rolled over on top of her,
my cock already pressing at the entrance of her cunt.

When I slid it into her, my aunt lifted her legs high,
taking me even deeper than before. We started rutting
like animals, pounding away at each other without saying
a word, just grunting and groaning.

Aunt Sandy's body bounced and shook on the bed
underneath me as I drove my cock into that hot, wet cunt
over and over again. I wanted to split her wide open
with my pile-driver, and at the same time I wanted to
touch and lick every inch of her. Even though we were
fresh from the shower, our bodies were already getting
covered in sweat and my hands slipped all over my aunt,
exploring every silky nook.

Finally I rose up above her, my cock still impaled in
her slit, and Aunt Sandy brought her heels up and rested
them on my shoulders, opening herself all the way. A few
more minutes of frantic fucking and I came in a huge
burst, driving my cum into her while Aunt Sandy erupted
into her own orgasm, her arms slapping into the mattress
as the sensations ripped through her.

It was the greatest moment of my life and I didn't want
it to ever end, but my cock started to shrink and pretty
soon it slipped out of my aunt's pussy. I lay down next
to her, holding her close, nuzzling her smooth neck. "I
love you, Aunt Sandy," I whispered as I drifted off to


I woke up the next morning still in her bed, having an
incredible dream. But when I opened my eyes I saw that
it wasn't a dream. Aunt Sandy, still naked, was kneeling
at my side. Her full lips were sliding up and down my
erect shaft, giving me an awesome blow-job.

When I shifted slightly, she pulled off me and looked
up. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she said, her eyes
bright and twinkling. "I thought this would get a rise
out of you!"

I groaned at the joke, and then I groaned again as she
put her mouth back onto my cock, this time sliding all
the way down, pushing the head of my cock against the
back of her throat. The sight of her lips pressed around
the bottom of my dick was almost too much, and I came in
just a few minutes.

Aunt Sandy swallowed my full load and then licked my
cock clean like it was a lollipop.

"M-Mark and Willie will be home soon," I managed to
sputter out. "We'd better get dressed."

"Are you sure we don't have time for a little more fun?"
Aunt Sandy winked at me. "There are still a few tricks
we haven't tried. Well, it'll have to be next time, I

Next time! I can't find the right words to tell you how
I felt, looking at that perfect body, knowing that my
aunt would be with us all the time, eager to show me all
the ways of sex. I pulled her to me and kissed her
again, hard, holding her to me so that I wouldn't forget
the press of her tits, the curve of her waist, the
tickle of her pussy hairs.

From that day on, life around the house was never the
same. Aunt Sandy and I explored every kind of sexual
contact imaginable, in every room of the house. It
didn't take long before Mark and Willie joined in, too -
- but that's a whole other story.


Kisah berlakunya peristiwa ini ialah pada usiaku yang baru menjangkau 26 tahun. Kisah bermula apabila ada 4 orang gadis yang baru datang bertugas di tempat kerjaku. Tidak keterlaluan jika aku katakan mereka ini adalah guru-guru yang baru keluar maktab. Jadinya, aku ni lebih seniorlah dari mereka tu di tempat kerjaku. Hari pertama pendaftaran mereka aku dah berkenan dengan salah seorang daripada mereka...Hanida namanya (ku panggil Hani). Diringkaskan cerita, aku ni suka pandang-pandang dan jeling-jelingnya. Kadang-kadang waktu dia mengajar di kelas aku selalu godanya. Kalau di kantin memang hobiku menghampirinya dan cuba berbual dengannya. Aku akui, memang aku menyukainya. Tapi dari gerak gerinya aku pasti dia pun apa kurangnya.Hinggalah pada satu hari, aku memberanikan diri mendekatinya. Waktu itu, di bilik guru tinggal beberapa orang saja. Yang lain masuk kelas tunaikan tanggungjawab. Aku ajaknya tengok wayang. Dia setuju. Lega hatiku. Petang tu lepas habis kerja aku pun ke panggung wayang bersamanya. Dalam panggung aku tak berapa berani buat apa-apa kat dia. Cuma ramas-raman tangan dan pehanya. Aku pasti sangat, responnya positif. Aku cuba menyentuh breastnya dengan siku kananku. Terasa kenyal dan lembut, walaupun aku akui breastnya tak lah besar sangat. Aku agak-agak cukup untuk tapak tanganku mencekupnya. Adengan tu habis disitu sampai wayang tamat. Cerita apa pun aku tak pasti. Gelora dadaku yang kencang pun aku tak terlayan.Selang beberapa hari, hubungan kami makin mesra hinggalah disedari oleh kawan-kawan lain. Aku buat tak kisah. Aku memang sukakannya. Pada satu hari aku dapat satu nota dari Hani. Anak murid kelasnya yang hantar. Antara isi kandungannya, "Abang, petang ni boleh tak hantar Hani balik rumah di PJ. Hani malas nak naik bas, kena tunggu dua bas. Tiap hari sampai rumah mesti pukul lapan lebih. Abang, boleh tak?...kalau boleh hantar note ya?....itulah antara isi kandungannya. Aku pun balas mengatakan O.K. So, petang tu, lepas mengajar aku pun start motor hantar dia balik. Kami sempat singgah beli makanan. Sampai di rumahnya dah dekat jam 8.00 malam jadi aku ingat nak balik tapi Hani tahan. minum dulu katanya. Aku pun tunggu. Minum punya minum dah dekat pukul 9.30 malam. Hani kata tidur sinilah. lagipun tak ada sesiapa dirumah. esok pagi baru balik. lagi pun kita ngajar petang apa nak risau. Rupanya dia tinggal sorang dirumah tu. Rumah tu disewa oleh abang dan kakaknya. Tapi diaorang tu duduk di KL(Quaters Penjara Pudu). So, line clear lah. Hani berikan towel untuk ku mandi. Selesai mandi Hani pulak mandi. Lepas mandi tu kami tonton TV.
Degupan dadaku semakin kencang.. kami duduk rapat sambil bersembang dan bergurau senda. Indah sekali. Tanganku macam biasalah..terus merayap ke serata arah. Sambil kami berkucupan. ku hampir pasti Hani semakin bernafsu sekarang. Nafasnya saja macam lembu kena sembelih..cuba lah bayangkan Aku memberanikan diri memegang breastnya.. phuuuhhh... best. walaupun saiz kecil tapi tegang. Sampai satu ketika aku kata padanya... "Abang tak tahanlah Hani...." Hani pun sama...sambil mendengus. Aku pun merebahkan badannya ke lantai. maklumlah tak ada sofa. Lepastu aku mengiring disebelahnya. Ku kucup bibirnya sambil membelai breastnya. Tangannya mula beraksi lincah, menggosok-gosok belakangku sambil memaut rapat tubuhku ke tubuhnya. Itulah kehangatan kali pertama yang kualami. Aku terus menanggalkan baju kelawarnya...Berderau darahku memerhatikan susuk tubuhnya..langsing, padat, dan menggiurkan..amboi putihnya...Hani....abang buka bra ya?....
Hani hanya mengangguk sambil membantuku melucutkan kancing branya. Bila dah terbuka, maka tersaksilah dua buah bukit kecil di depan mataku. Aku hampir lemas, habis lenguh sendi-sendiku. "bang. Abang orang pertama buat gini kat Hani tau..Hani takut, nanti jadi apa-apa. Mendengar penjelasannya aku jadi serba salah. Semua tindakan ku terhenti. "Abang sayang Hani tak?..."Tentulah...jawabku ringkas. "Kalau gitu,...kita teruskanlah...jelasnya lagi. Aku berasa lega. Kali ini kami lebih agresif. Hani pun bertambah ghairah dengan stroke yang agak advance. Putingnya menjadi sasaran utama. Aku elus-elus dan nyonyot perlahan...aku nampak matanya terpejam menahan kesedapan. Sambil tu aku picit-picit puting sebelah lagi. Best betul. Waktu tu..batangku tak tahu nak kata..macam nak pecah terkurung dalam spender. Aku terkejut bila tiba-tiba saja tangan Hani hinggap di batangku, walaupun masih beralaskan kain pelikat dan spender. Tangannya semakin ganas meramas dan mencengkam batangku. Serentak bila aku hisap putingnya..kala itulah nafasnya mendengus kencang dan cengkaman ke batangku jadi makin power. Yang ku dengar tika itu hanyalah dengusan nafas kami yang kian kencang..Aku terus memberanikan diri meraba pantatnya. iissshhh..!! basah dah! ku seluk kedalam pantiesnya...ku usap pelan-pelan..rimbunan bulu-bulu halus melingkari sekitar pantatnya. Jari-jariku makin berani menelusuri celahan pantat Hani. Terasa licin, lembut dan hangat...Nafasku makin sesak...ku lihat tubuh Hani menggeliat lembut bila jari ku mengusap dan menguis lembut lubang dan biji pantatnya. Air semakin banyak. Dengan perlahan dan kelembutan aku pun lucutkan panties Hani. Hani cuba membantu dengan mengangkat punggungnya. Terserlah pantat gebunya yang selama ini hanya ku bayangkan saja. Memang halus dan mulus kulitmu Hani. Aku mengkagumimu. Kucupan di mulut dan breastnya kulepaskan dan menyusuri tubuhnya hinggalah beralih ke bahagian idaman sang lelaki. Kucium bulu-bulu halisnya..Hmmm...ada bau sabun..wangi. Aku beralih posisi dengan duduk sujud dicelah kedua kakinya. Ku kangkangkan kakinya luas-luas.
Agak payah untuk kulakukan kerana mungkin terasa sakit olehnya. Hani seolah-olah malu...cuba menutup celah kangkangnya. Aku alihkan tangannya. Dengan jari ku selak celahan pantatnya..oohhhh....merahnya...air menggenangi sekitar lubang pantatnya. Ku jilat perlahan di kelentitnya. Terjongket-jongket badannya. Aahhhhhh....!!!!!!..eemmmmm.hhhhh....suara Hani dah terkeluar. Aku teruskan menjilat dengan lebih pantas hinggalah Hani merasa macam tak tertahan seperti menggelupur...Tangannya tak keruan kadang menekan kepalaku rapat ke pantatnya kadang menarik-narik tikar di tepinya...Abang.. bbbaaang..heeekk...hhhhh...khhhh..aaahhhh!!!!...fehhh!!!...haaaahhhhh.....penghujung suara itu makin lemah, lembut dan beransur hilang...nafasnya masih turun naik dengan kencang. Hani terus memautku rapat ke tubuhnya...Kini aku betul-betul di atas tubuhnya. Batangku hampir mencecah lubang pantatnya. Aku cuba memacu dan menyentuhkan kepala batangku ke liang pantatnya. Sekali lagi Hani bagai terkena karan letrik..bagai terkejut ...Abang...Hani geli lagi...jangan bagi kena biji bang..Geli sangat...tak tahan...sambil tangannya memaut batangku. Hani terus menujukan kepala batangku ke liang pantatnya yang telah becak. Bang...jangan tekan kuat sangat..Hani takut...Aku hanya angguk kepala saja. Bila tangan Hani melepaskan batangku aku pun terus tekan perlahan..nyata Hani masih dara lagi. Walaupun suaranya tidak menyatakan kesakitan tapi kerutan muka dan reaksi tubuhnya sewaktu ku masukkan sebahagian batangku amat menyakitkan. Setelah hampir pasti batangku masuk semua ke dalam pantatnya..aku pun bertanya... Macamana? sakit lagi? Hani tak menjawab...cuma mengangguk lembut sambil memejamkan mata.
Ditarik kepalaku hampir ke bibirnya...dikucup bibirku..aku tahu hani suruhku teruskan aksi. Sambil berkucupan aku cuba mencabut batangku... Ahh....bang..slow!...aku akur..ku cabut dan masukkan kembali begitulah aksiku hingga ku lihat bibir hani mula tersenyum , nafasnya kencang semula, pautan jari jemarinya makin erat. Kini Hani mula bernafsu semula...mungkin rasa sakit dah hilang..Sssss...sss....sedappp....bang....sedap....aaahhhh..... Aku makin melajukan dayungan. Batangku makin ligat keluar masuk pantatnya..bunyi berdecap decup..mengghairahkan suasana malam itu.Hani makin kuat erangannya...tiba-tiba... Bangg!!!.... hhuuuuhhhhh....i isssshhhsyyy.... ahhhh...bang..Hani...nak sampai ni....cepat bang ahhh...sambil tangannya erat memelukku...bagai tak mahu dilepaskan lagi. Bibirnya rakus mengucup seluruh mukaku..Sambil tu dapat ku rasakan kemutan pantatnya makin kuat menyedut-nyedut batangku. Itu yang aku tak tahan sangat...Aku teruskan mendayung...laju dan laju...kehangatan pantatnya memang mengasyikkan..Sedap bang...laju lagi bang..sambil tu Hani merapatkan kedua pehanya... AAhhhhh...semakin sedap kemutannya..semakin ketat kepitan pantatnya..agak susah untuk ku bernafas.
Semakin lama semakin sesak nafasku.... batangku seakan membengkak... memanjang.. berdenyut kuat. Kemutan pantatnya makin kuat... Hani... Hhhhhaaanii..... uuhhhhh... aaaaaahhhhhh..... Ku rasakan dunia nak pecah... batangku memancutkan mani berkali kali di dalam pantatnya...aku teruskan henjutan hingga tak terdaya tanganku menongkat lagi. Aku rebah di atas Hani yang makin kuat memelukku....Ku biarkan saja batangku terus bermastautin di pantatnya..Denyutan batangku dan kemutan pantatnta seiring dan senada...sesekali aku tekan dan tarik batang ku yang makin kendur...Gelilah bang.... hani bersuara... Ait..geli lagi...Bang..bestla malam ni. Hani rasa...macam nak meletup tadi....Dua kali tau bang..Hani terpancut tadi...Malam tu kami berpelukan sampai siang...Pagi tu aku pun balik ke rumah sewa. Tengaharinya Di sekolah Hani tersenyum memandangku....sesekali berselisih sempat juga dikatakan olehnya.."Pantat Hani rasa kembang ni...macam batang abang ada kat dalam lagi..."..."Bang...bila nak hantar Hani balik lagi????...Sebenarnya soalah itulah yang sering ditanyakan olehnya bila berselisih..yang akhirnya membawa kami ke alam keindahan dan kenikmatan. Kami selalu melakukannya. Hani kenangan bersamanu tetap terpahat di hati ini


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Nama aku Norazlina..tapi kengkawan panggil aku Lin..ader yg panggil aku Ina..ader gak yg panggil Nor dn kengkawan yg nakal panggil aku Kak Pah kerana dorang kater aku ni bercakap kalut dn laju sket.. Bercakap tentang sex ni..aku ni termasuk dalam golongan orang yg hardcore sebab aku takleh nak duduk kalo dah sampai seminggu tak dapat butoh... Semenjak aku kenal dengan kekasih aku..gian aku melampau2 dan puki aku akan mengemut2 bila teringat aku menutoh dengan kekasih aku.. Tapi pengalaman pertama aku sebenarnya dengan sorang lelaki bernama Remy pada malam dia nak akad nikah dengan tunang dia dan aku pula masa tu baru berumur 19 tahun dan bekerja sebagai operator kat kilang Shanshin Bakar Arang,Sungai Petani. Petang tu Remy col aku dan aku menjawab walaupun aku tak kenal dia.Dia kenalkan diri dia dan kami bercakap2 tentang macam2 hal sampailah dia tanya aku tentang sex dn macam2 lagi. Aku ni keturunan Benggali campur Siam,jadi memang jenis kuat sex punya. Masa bercakap dengan Remy tu, puki aku dah mula merenyut dan rasa stim semacam jer. Dia ajak jumpa esok petang untuk minum2 petang di Dataran Sungai Petani. Keesokannya kami jumpa di Dataran SP dalam kul 5. Aku ni jenis chubby dn tak cukup tinggi..tak sampai 5'2" pun. Remy ni budak Kuala Nerang. Kami bercakap2 dan berborak2 dan aku tengok mata Remy asyik dok ushar tetek aku jer. Aku pulak takler berapa teringin sangat kalo setakat tengok badan dia yang kerempeng jer tapi oleh sebab lubang puki aku dah mula berair..aku layan ler juga dia dok merapu macam2 sambil minum tu.... Tetiba2 jer dia ajak aku ronda2 dengan kancil buruk dia. Aku dah mula berlenja2 kat celah kangkang kerana aku tahu dan pasti sekurang2nya sekejap lagi tetek besar aku ni pasti akan kena ramas sekurang2nya walaupun aku sangat2 teringin nak rasa batang butoh.. Dah puas berpusing2 sekitar Pengkalan Lebai Man,dia bawa aku ke jalan Permatang Pasir. Waktu tu dah dekat pukul 7 petang dan cuacu semakin redup..bila masuk jer jalan kampung tiba2 dia terus pegang belakang kepala aku dan tarik ke arah butoh dia.. Rupa2nya dia dah buka zip seluar dia masa nak masuk kereta tadi lagi cuma aku yang tak tahu.. Dalam terpinga2 tak tahu nak buat apa dan nak buat macamana, batang butoh dia dah tersumbat masuk dalam mulut aku.. Mula2 aku terkejut sakan gak tapi oleh sebab keinginan untuk merasa butoh yang kuat dan pengalaman aku menonton blue dengan kengkawan kat asrama Sek Men Teknik SP dulu..aku mula mengulum dan menghisap butoh dia.. Tapi..tu lah jantan sundal nama dia..nafsu jer lebih tapi tenaga hampeh... Belum pun sempat 3 minit aku mengulum dan menghisap..tiba2 crutt crutt crutt crutt dia pancut dalam mulut aku. Aku yang tak pernah merasa airmani lelaki terus meludah keluar dan menahan rasa nak termuntah yang amat sangat. Aku terus lap mulut aku dengan tisu dan duduk diam semula di tempat duduk aku di sebelahnya. Kecewa sangat aku kerana aku sendiri belum di sentuh kat mana2 pun sedangkan dia dan terpancut berlambak2 dalam mulut aku. Aku diam..dia pun diam. Aku pejamkan mata aku sambil jari2 aku sesekali mengusap pelan2 puki aku yang lencun itu.Sesekali bila aku buka mata,kami di kawasan Penghulu Him dan bila buka mata lagi dah ada di kawasan Laguna Merbok..aku biarkan dan terus mendiamkn diri, memejamkan mata sambil melayani fikiranku sendiri. Tapi bila aku buka mata aku sekali lagi,kami dah ada di Sungai Lalang menghala ke Ladang Bukit Lembu yang penuh dengan pohon2 sawit jer. Aku ingat ker dia nak short cut jalan mana2 untuk hantar aku ke Taman Ria, rupanya bila sampai di tengah2 ladang sawit itu dengan cuaca gelap kerana dah hampir pukul 8 malam,dia berhenti kereta dan keluar. Aku tengok dia kencing berdiri di sebelah kereta. kemudian dia datang dan membuka pintu sebelah aku.Terus jer dia rebahkan kusyen kereta dan minta aku buka seluar aku. Belum pun sempat aku buka zip dia tolong buat semua itu dengan cepat. Kemudian dia sendiri londehkan seluarnya sambil lurut2kan batang butohnya yang aku rasa sekitar 5" jer tu. Kemudian dia angkatkan sebelah kaki aku dan diletakkan ke atas stereng kereta dan sebelah lagi dia sangkutkan ke tingkap kereta setelah dia undurkan kusyen kereta ke belakang sedikit... Aku yang memang teringin nak rasa batang butoh sejak dari tempat kerja lagi dah tak pakai underware.. tanpa romen,tanpa kissing,tanpa ramas,tanpa raba dia terus letakkan kepala butoh dia yang tak berapa keras sangat kat muka puki aku yang berlendiar2 dengan air puki. Dia cuma tonyoh2kan kepala butohnya ke lurah puki aku beberapa ketika.Aku yg sekian lama giankan butoh merasa semacam jer. kemudian dia terus benamkan batang butoh dia ke dalam puki aku...dua tiga kali tekan jer dia terus malajukan hayunan punggung dia dan aku memang terasa sedap walaupun tersa sedikit pedih kerana inilah kali pertama puki aku disengkang oleh batang butoh walaupun tak sebesar mana dan tak sepanjang mana... Tapi memang dasar jantan hampeh...bila aku dah mula rasa stim tiba2 dia cabutkan butohnya dan terus pancutkan airmaninya ke atas perut aku...setan tol la si Remy ni.. Kemudian dia terus ambil tisu dan lapkan butohnya.. kemudian pakai kembali seluarnya. Dalam 5 minit dia dan start kereta dan bergerak kaluar dari Ladang Bukit Lembu.. Aku terus sarungkan seluar aku selepas lapkan airmaninya ketika kereta dan sampai ke Pekan Sungai Lalang. Ketika kereta berhenti di traffic light depan Sek Men Sg Lalang memang aku perasan ada driver lori yang nampak aku sedang memakai seluar di dalam kereta. Sampai jer ke rumah,aku terus masuk bilik dan berbaring di atas katil sambil memikirkan peristiwa tadi... Walaupun ianya berlaku secara agak terkejut dan biadap pada pandangan aku tapi aku dapat juga merasakan bagaimana rupa dan bentuk butoh lelaki dewasa walaupun amat jauh sekali dari jangkaan aku kerana aku menjangkakan ianya cukup besar dan panjang seperti yang selalu aku lihat dalam blue film. Dan aku juga kecewa kerana tidak di tutoh dengan kasar dan lama seperti di dalam blue dan aku sendiri tak sempat untuk mengerang pun tadi, dia dah terpancut... Pengalaman daraku pecah di dalam Ladang Sawit di atas kusyen kereta kancil agak mengecewakan tapi aku berazam akan aku gunakn pengalaman yang sedikit ini untuk dapatkan batang butoh yang benar2 dapat memuaskan aku..aku mahu ditutoh biar sampai aku lembik jadi seperti kain buruk....


Naked, young Benjamin Dryor strolled back into the 
bedroom from the tiny bathroom of his efficiency
apartment. Although he could have easily grabbed a
washcloth to clean up after himself, he didn't. He
decided to enjoy the wetness and the pungent odor of
clover and vinegar, of green tea and yeast which clung
to his saturated penis after love making. The cool,
breezy feeling blowing across his cock encouraged him
to savor the moist sticky sensation following a
wonderfully juicy fuck.

There on top of the bedclothes laid a naked older white
woman, still panting from sexual exertion and rolled up
in a loose ball suggesting the fetal position. As he
sat down on the edge of the bed, he let his hand rub
against her hip. His companion only curled up tighter.
Ben smiled at the irony. She'd borne six children in
her lifetime, but here she was curled up in the fetal
position because of an intense hour long fuck with
someone less than half her age.

Grinning, Ben felt pretty smug at the moment. Now that
he'd had the opportunity to bed her in his own place,
Benjamin felt as if in some way he'd continued a family
tradition of sorts, especially since his own African
American father sported the first black dick this woman
had ever consented to take into her Caucasian pussy.
She'd even conceived a child by his dad.

Their affair lasted for seven months right up until his
dad died in a skin diving accident. Over the last day
or so, Benjamin had taken a particularly important
heirloom from his patrimonial legacy--he'd fucked his
father's bleached blond mistress.

Ulyssa was a big woman in her early forties. Although
Ben didn't consider her fat exactly, his blond
companion displayed not only the weight of her
maturity, but the vanity of her years. Ben had known
Lyssa for a very long time. He'd been aware that she
colored her hair; still, he couldn't begin to say how
exciting it had been to learn the truth of her natural
coloring the way he did. She'd allowed his eyes and
fingers to discover that her hair was not naturally
blond, and his dick soon discovered that her pubic hair
color didn't matter in the least once he'd probed
beyond it.

"Hey," Benjamin whispered slowly slipping his fingers
down the back of her thighs where the slippery flow
back of their combined juices still bubbled and seeped.
"Are you okay?"

"Umm-hmm, yeah," she answered. "I'm fine. Just tired.
Really tired."

Looking for any excuse to touch her pale, warm feminine
flesh again, Ben reached over to caress her. "Want me
to rub your back?"

"Mmmm. Now that would be heavenly, thanks," Ulyssa

Ben smiled. "I've already had my small share of heaven
tonight," he murmured. Slowly, carefully, he began
massaging the muscles in her back. "Thank you."

Ulyssa sighed and relaxed under his ministrations.
"You're welcome, honey. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Enjoyed it? Whew!" Even though he wasn't as dark
skinned as his father had been, his own skin, the color
of warm umber, contrasted with the moonlit pale skin of
her body. As Ben pressed forward in a full back rub, he
brought his hands, arms, shoulders and chest down close
to her and, taking a big emotional chance, he whispered
in her ear. "I think I finally understand why you've
had so many lovers."

"What?" She stretched, flipped over on her back, and
looked back at her young companion. "What kind of thing
is that to say to the woman who just let you make love
to her?"

"It's just that I think you're addictive." Ben dropped
his hand to rest it on her pussy. "Down here. It all
feels so--so damn good." In his mind, Benjamin wallowed
freely within her again, his dick obsessively craved
the totality of her loins.

His cock had wanted to remain buried deep in the
confines of her warm loving vagina--so what if this was
the pussy that so many men, including his father, had
used for their pleasure; at least, now, Ben understood
the lure and the joy of it. Yeah, some folks might
think this is wrong, he thought. But, out loud, he
murmured. "I've never found anything to compare with
this feeling. It's like the human form of heroin."

Ulyssa snickered. "Only to young heterosexual men."

"Lucky for me that I fall into that category." Ben slid
his hand possessively along her vulvae lips. Lyssa had
a surprisingly thin matte of fine brown hair growing
out from the last time she'd depilated her pubic mound.
His fingers lightly traced along some of the patterns
in her pubic hair.

She reached up to place her hand gently upon his cheek.
"Lucky for me somebody else fell into that category
too." She dropped her hand down close to where his own
hand had been resting, and dipped her fingers into the
crevice between her legs. "You leave lots of natural
wetness behind, as well. You're so much like your
father," She paused. "Very, very wet--probably very,
very potent."

Ben shivered. Never in his life had he expected to be
compared to that man in a moment such as this. "D-do
you really think so?"

"Of course, I do," she murmured. Reaching down, she
took hold of his slowly thickening erection. "Just like

Ben shuddered under her tender touch--a combination of
both delight and confusion. Then his pale skinned lover
let go of his dick, and reached across his lap to grab
a pack of cigarettes from his night stand. He sighed

"Listen, sweetheart," she murmured. "Would you mind so
very much if I had a cigarette? I know this is your
place and all, and I don't want to stink it up, but
would it be okay to have just one?"

Ben knew Ulyssa's husband didn't allow her to smoke at
home. They had four children at home, two of them
barely toddling. Lately he'd found that the tobacco
odor which clung to her breath and to the pours of her
skin was oddly enough a part of their collusion to
experience intimacy. Yet, he was pleased that she asked
first. He smiled and nodded.

Taking on the role of a gentleman, he struck flame to a
kitchen match which he'd bought for that very purpose,
and then Ben held it to the end of her cigarette. She
inhaled, and in two puffs, Lyssa filled the small
bedroom with the wafting odor of acrid tobacco. He
watched her breasts heave and her ribs swell as she
breathed the thick smoke in and held it. She exhaled a
strong gray stream of cloudy smoke which quickly spread
out through his tiny studio apartment. Benjamin
wrinkled his nose.

"I always compared that first cigarette of the day with
sex," she told him. "Your lungs fight against the
smoke. Your body's starved, fighting for oxygen. The
feeling rips through your mind with that same lack of
control that grips you during an orgasm."

"I think I like the orgasm idea better."

Lyssa laughed. "Hey," she murmured, taking a quick
drag. "Kiss me."

"Now that's mean," Benjamin said, watching her finish
that puff. After he'd tasted the ashen smoke that
permeated her saliva, he made another face as their
lips parted.

As it was, the older woman managed to finish only about
a third of her cigarette, when she smashed the butt out
in a little ashtray. Lyssa laughed softly. "Want to see
how easily you can slide into all this wetness again?"

Her young lover smiled. "Do I?" Quickly Ben clambered
up onto his mature white partner. "Absolutely!"

Lyssa didn't have to say another word. She opened her
knees and thighs so that he could balance himself over
her torso, and then she reached down to grasp the tip
of his penis firmly with her hand. Carefully rubbing
the business end of his shaft directly into the moist
opening at the base of her abdomen, she urged him into
place until he confidently thrust his penis all the way
forward--all the way in.

"There," she sighed. "Now you're exactly where we need
you to be."

Ben moaned as he felt the length of his erection slide
forward to burrow straight into the warmth of his
partner's underbelly. He was sinking warmly,
luxuriously into his lover's spreading labial lips.
Some of his friends always bragged about how tight a
woman should be, but right now, he could care less
about such trivialities.

Pushing his cock inward, he found himself looking
directly into the beautiful face of his partner--the
happy, familiar face he'd known for many years. Ben
wanted to blush, and, yet, he wanted to boast at the
same time. He suspected that Ulyssa wasn't getting
certain needs met at home, and with just a bit of
encouragement on his part, she'd turned to him.

"Awwwe-some!" Ben gasped as he pushed inward. "You feel perfect--I can't describe it."

"I'm glad you like it, baby."

"Mmm-hmm," Ben whimpered, as she helped him re-
established that perfect, primal two-two rhythm which
has worked so well for mankind since well before
recorded history. He was inside the warm, wet cunt of a
woman he'd known all his life. Ben knew which of the
men in her life had planted their seed inside of her,
he seen her body blown up by that strange powerful juju
magic of pregnancy, and he'd been around to see most of
her babies born. She'd had a lot of children, Ben
thought, but she never made a foolish claim of virgin
birth or immaculate conception.

Yesterday, and earlier tonight, she'd worked her mature
loving magic on Benjamin, but there was absolutely
nothing immaculate about the messy excitement they'd
shared. This part of sex was totally different from the
way he'd dreamed it would be. But he was certain of one
thing, there probably wasn't a person alive whom
ultimately could tell the difference between fucking
for pleasure and mating for procreation.

That little fact preyed upon his mind, as Benjamin slid
his stark erection in and out of his partner's
accommodating pussy--picking up speed and searing the
edges of a million nerves all screaming for her warm
and wet attentions. All that attention centered right
at the midsection of his body, so that every time he
pulled out, he was eager to thrust back in again. In a
short time, everything inside of him changed
dramatically. A burst of aching heat ignited in Ben's
loins, and he began to breathe irregularly. "Oh, God!
Oh, my God!"

Ulyssa gripped his naked buttocks with her hands as Ben
grunted and groaned and panted over her naked body--
roiling emotionally deep within her open loins. "It's
okay, babe. Let go."

She gave him permission, and that was all he really
needed. Ben's hips and loins jerked. He ejaculated with
the impressive potency of any young man under the age
of twenty--a true cascade of teeming semen flushed from
his system out into the world. Of course, the flowing
symbol of his potency was enclosed tightly within
Lyssa's vagina. "Ohhh, Jesus!"

Ben brought his mouth down hard onto her mouth again,
and they kissed passionately for several minutes all
the while his body spewed and spurted his loving gift
inside her. "Ohhh, God!"

Breathing heavily, Ben let the excitement continue to
liquefy and flow steadily out from the aperture of his
cock. "God, I love you," he panted. "I love you so
much, Mom."

"I know, baby." Ulyssa stretched out her arms to hold
the young light skinned black man selfishly atop her
and deep inside her for several long moments of solace.
He was her oldest son, and, God help her, he'd always
been her favorite. "I love you, too."

"Sssoo wonderful. Soo soft," he hissed softly. His body
both shuddered and trembled over her until both of them
sensed that finally his passion had abated. He felt of
two minds about the whole affair. Sure both Ben and his
mother knew this was supposed to be wrong--really
wrong. But Ben felt so damn proud--so utterly thrilled
that he refused to believe for one minute that he'd be
damned to hell after feeling so totally blessed.

"Would you tell me something, Mom?" he panted as he
collapsed over her.

Ulyssa rubbed her hands across her son's back as he
sprawled limply atop of her. "Sure, sweetheart."

"Why does this feel so--so damn good?"

"I don't really know," Lyssa answered. "My guess is
because the human race has such a strong desire to go

"What do you mean?"

"If the act that makes babies feels this good, then
people will continue to indulge themselves in the act,
and babies will continue to be made."

"Babies?" Benjamin gulped. "Jesus!" He raised his head
up and looked at his mother in a brand new light. "Mom,
doesn't the thought of getting pregnant by... umm...
pregnant again frighten you?"

She looked him in the eyes. Then she shook her head.
"Maybe it did a day or so back, Ben. Not so much now."

Benjamin Dryor didn't say anything. He just kept his
eyes riveted on the one woman he'd ever really wanted
in his life. No it didn't make any sense, but when did
everything in life make sense?

"I think that if he'd lived, your father would have
been thrilled to learn that he's very likely to become
a grandfather sometime soon," she whispered. "What do
you think?"

Ben gulped and then allowed his body to settle down on
top of his mother's. "M-mother, does this mean you'd
actually... umm... carry my baby?"

Giggling, she threw her arms around him and pulled him
close. "Now that's kind of iffy, honey," Ulyssa
replied. "But I suppose I might be able to handle
getting pregnant again."

"Wow! Really?"

"On the other hand, don't count on it. Forty-four years
of age is way too young to be a grandmother."

Smiling, Benjamin Dryor shimmied and readjusted himself
over his lover's soft body, trying not to lose his
penetrating hold within her. We'll see about that,
won't we, he thought.