As the plane taxied to the runway, Wendy had a tinge of
excitement run through her as she was finally taking
the vacation she has longed for so long. Now the long
flight to Greece has begun, Wendy sat back in her seat,
turned her iPod on and relaxed.
Before long she was dozing off. It couldn't be helped,
she had booked the latest flight to save some money and
being such the plane was not crowded at all. As she
drifted in and out of sleep, she barely noticed the
gentleman sitting in the next row. A tall dark man,
with penetrating eyes, clean shaved head and dressed in
comfortable but none-the-less expensive clothes.
Little did Wendy know, but the gentleman was eyeing her
with a most peculiar look in his eye. It wasn't until
the sun broke on the horizon and Wendy woke that she
noticed him. The gentleman was no longer paying her any
attention, however Wendy was taken with his tailored
look and his air of importance.
The flight attendant brought the cart with breakfast
and coffee, offered the gentleman his breakfast and
coffee, lingering too long in conversation. There was
no need to say anything, as Wendy, unexpectedly, was
brought to the attendants attention by the gentleman,
as he said in a so sexy accent, "I would like to buy
the young lady breakfast" motioning to Wendy.
As though she didn't previously notice Wendy, the
flight attendant turned and politely served the
breakfast. Wendy thanked the gentleman and as the
attendant turned to leave, Wendy asked how long it
would be until they landed. The attendant continued on
her way not acknowledging Wendy.
With a slight smile on his face the gentleman leaned
toward Wendy patted her hand and said, "Please, don't
mind her. It won't be long now, I expect another hour
and we will be making our descent."
Wendy blushed deeply as a jolt of excitement rushed
through her as his strong hand patted hers. She didn't
know where it came from, but this man, this stranger,
made her feel very aware of her body, her breathing,
her very being.
He left her alone as she finished her food, as was
barely aware of what she was doing. Almost
automatically she ate, strangely aware of her heart
beating, her shoulder length brown hair cascading over
her shoulders. She debated, thought very hard and told
herself, "What the hell, it's vacation" and turned to
the gentleman and asked him where he was from, his
accent was intoxicating.
He smiled the same peculiar smile he had when he was
eyeing her sleeping and said, "I am on my way home from
a business trip. I live in Greece on a little island
called Tragonisi Island."
For the rest of the flight, his smile had returned to a
benign smile as they conversed. Wendy unknowingly and
uncontrollably revealing much to him and he revealing
very little to her. She had learned his name was Miklos
and that people in the states call him Mike. Wendy
learned that he owns and runs a business that takes him
all around the globe but his home was Greece .
As the captain of the plane came on the intercom and
stated that they had been cleared for landing and were
descending, Miklos took Wendy's hand in his and said,
"It would be an honor to have you for dinner at my home
in two days time. Would you do me this honor?"
Once his hand touched hers, she flushed and her
breathing quickened. Breathlessly, she said yes and
Miklos added, "I will have a car pick you up at your
hotel to take you to the marina. My yacht will bring
you to the island. Please be ready at 7," without
hesitation Wendy agreed. Miklos added, "You may bring a
bathing suit if you like, the water will be perfect for
a swim in the ocean."
The plane landed and they said their goodbye's, Miklos
took Wendy's hand in his and bowed to kiss her hand. As
his lips brushed her skin, Wendy's body reacted,
sending chills and excitement from her head down to her
toes. His peculiar smile showed itself once again as he
released her hand, watched her get in her cab and leave
for her hotel.
Miklos retreated to his island and Wendy soaked up
Athens, letting it permeate her every pore, eagerly
awaiting her dinner with Miklos.
Time seemed to pass ever so slowly as Wendy anticipated
meeting the man from the airplane again. The evening
prior to the dinner, as Wendy was relaxing and having a
drink on her balcony, there was a knock on the door to
her hotel room.
Wendy opened the door and a man dressed like a butler
stood holding a large box with a bow. The man said,
"For the lady to wear tomorrow. Miklos sends his
greetings and hopes you find Greece enjoyable. Should
you need anything, anything at all, please use this
phone. I am at your service." With a look of utter
bewilderment, she accepted the box and phone, the man
bowed and backed away as she closed the door mesmerized
by what had just happened.
Wendy retreated into her hotel room, box in hand,
looking around as though she didn't believe she was
alone. She placed the box on the bed and slowly pulled
on the red ribbon, releasing the bow. With quickened
breath she slid the top of the box off and found inside
a silk, black dress that was exquisitely made.
Holding the dress by the straps, she moved to the
mirror and held the dress against herself, wondering
how he could have known her size, as the dress
seemingly would fit perfectly.
Wendy's mind began to race, how did he know where she
was staying, she didn't recall telling him the name of
the hotel, though she had to admit, she couldn't
remember much of the conversation they had on the
plane. It had all appeared through a fog to her, almost
as though it were a dream.
The dress was carefully placed on a hanger, as though
it were crystal and would break at the slightest touch.
Wendy sat on the edge of the bed, curious and slightly
scared though more excited than she had ever been.
Looking at the dress hanging in the closet, slight
panic set in. How was she going to do her hair?
Thinking hard, she leaned back on the bed, and as
though it had a mind of its own, the phone slid and hit
her hand. She wondered. Could she? Should she? And with
reckless abandon, she picked up the phone and dialed
the only number in the contacts list. The man answered
in a formal and polite manner, asking how he could help
the young lady.
Wendy and the man on the phone spoke for about 5
minutes, then it was all set. She changed into her baby
blue cotton pajamas, thinking how silly it was for her
to pack them. As she drifted off to sleep she thought
about buying new pajamas, pajamas for a woman.
The blazing sun hit Wendy's face in the morning, waking
her. She looked over at the clock. 8 AM, she had an
hour to get ready. Wendy slunk into the shower being
sure to shave and she dressed. As she put in her
earrings, the hotel phone rang. The voice on the other
end said there was a car for her.
Grabbing her bag, she left the room and hotel in the
car that was sent for her. In the front seat was the
man who gave her the box and answered her call the
previous evening. He merely stated, "Miss Wendy,
everything has been arranged, please sit back and
The car pulled up 45 minutes later in front of a spa.
She had merely asked for someplace that would fix her
hair and makeup for her dinner, however the butler
arranged for a day at the spa.
Wendy couldn't believe it. They treated her like a
princess. Her every desire was granted. Manicure,
pedicure, and for the first time ever, she had a
Brazilian wax. She wasn't sure why, but it seemed the
right thing to do. Soaking in a mud bath, full body
massage, from what she could tell, she had every
treatment she had ever heard of.
Wendy was brought to the salon where her hair and
makeup were done to perfection. Amazingly, when she got
up to change, as time was running late and she would
have to hurry back to the hotel to get dressed, she
entered the dressing room where she found the black
dress hanging there.
With a rush of fear, Wendy realized the bra and panties
she had brought would not quite go with this slinky
dress. She poked her head out of the dressing room door
and quietly said, "Umm, excuse me." The woman who
answered her, it seemed read her mind, and brought her
a strapless bra of most magnificent beauty, with
matching panties that would not show the slightest
under the dress.
Wendy dressed in quiet awe, looked in the mirror and if
she had not known it was her standing there, she would
have thought it were someone else. She slipped on the
shoes that were also left for her and exited the
changing room. Immediately 3 women came to her primping
and fixing any area that needed a slight touch.
Blushing deeply, Wendy thanked everyone and took her
bag, which magically had been replaced as well with a
slinky black bag, attempted to tip the women, who
quickly left the room not giving Wendy the chance.
As she left the spa, the butler smiled, took her hand
and simply said, "Everything was taken care of and may
I express that you look stunning." He helped her into
the car and they headed off to the yacht that would
take her to Miklos' house.
The events of the past 24 hours passed through Wendy's
mind as they drove up to the 140' yacht docked at the
marina. Wendy boarded with wonder and excitement. The
captain introduced himself and explained that it would
be a 45 minute cruise to Miklos' island. Wendy
stuttered and said, "Excuse me, did you say HIS
The captain smiled and said, "Yes, the island has
belonged to Miklos' family for many generations." With
that the captain bowed and returned to sail the boat to
the island.
Wendy was escorted to the stern of the boat, sat next
to the pool as the sun was turning gold over the
horizon. Three servants presented Wendy with grapes,
cheese and wine as she sat, mesmerized by the sinking
sun and the experience she had been having.
After what seemed like a very short time, the first
mate, came and brought Wendy to the front of the boat
where an island was quickly forming. Within minutes the
yacht pulled up to the dock and she was being helped
off. There Miklos stood with two glasses of wine,
dressed in a very informal shirt and pants, no shoes
and a warm glow to him.
He handed Wendy a glass of wine and took her hand,
spinning her on the spot, only saying, "breathtaking".
Hand and hand with Miklos, her other hand holding a
glass of red wine, he led her up the pier and toward a
magnificent house on a hill ahead of them.
As Wendy and Miklos made their way up the hill toward
the house, the landscape and surrounding area revealed
itself. It was a magnificent estate. Palm trees,
flowering plants that created aroma's Wendy had never
imagined were planted in just the right spots.
On they walked, ever closer to the house that expanded
before her eyes. The house blended into the landscape,
and Wendy imagined that if she were out on a boat, the
house would be barely visible. Tall windows lined the
walls, allowing plenty of light into the rooms as they
made their way to the back patio where a pool was laid
out before her eyes.
It seemed as though the pool drained right into the
ocean, for a short walk from the back patio was the
most pristine beach Wendy had ever seen. White sand,
clear blue water and privacy where the only people able
to see that side of the island were boaters, however it
would have to be from a distance as the depth of the
water was minimal, she could see the water deepen in
color where there was a drop off in the depth.
Taking in the grand sight before her, Wendy turned and
on the patio and set before them was a candle lit table
with a chilled bottle of wine. Miklos walked her over
to the seat and pushed in her chair as she sat. Sitting
opposite her, he poured another glass of wine and
together they sat and talked as the sun set over the
Dinner was brought to them by servers, though Wendy
knew not where they came from. Fresh Mediterranean
salad, and the most delicious entrée she had ever had.
Followed by dessert of strawberry shortcake and ice
As the night sky emerged before them, Miklos took Wendy
by the hand and danced to music that seemed to just
appear out of nowhere. They danced for what seemed to
Wendy to be hours. The stars twinkling in the sky and
the soft lapping of the ocean.
Miklos lead Wendy down the short walkway to the beach,
where they sat on a blanket already laid out for them.
Ever so briefly Wendy thought about how he must have
had this so planned out, however this thought was
quickly replaced by rapture as Miklos moved his head in
and kissed her under the moon and stars.
Her body seemed to jump to life as they embraced. She
never felt so alive. Fully aware that her hands were
eagerly unbuttoning his shirt, however unable to stop
herself. Miklos broke their embrace stood and removed
his shirt. His ever so perfectly formed torso being
soaked in by her eyes. Even as she sat there watching
in awe, she was aware of her quickened breathing as
turned and removed his pants. His tight ass just at eye
level, he walked into the sea.
Turning toward her when the water reached the middle of
his chest, he called for her. "Wendy darling, come, the
water is magnificent."
Her mind told her not to, however her body seemed to
follow his command. She stood slipped the straps of her
dress off her shoulders, peeled off the bra and panties
and slowly walked into the sea after him.
He met her kissed her briefly and turned her around,
running his hands over her supple breasts, kissing her
neck. She let him, explore her body with his hands. So
quickly she was in his control. She knew it and once
more he knew it. Her moans egging him on and she
allowed him to enter her. He was a natural lover, she
followed his rhythm and met his every thrust.
Wendy knew it wouldn't take long, her own hand slid
down and rubbed her throbbing clitoris. As Miklos
kissed her neck, his hand on her breast, Wendy's hand
rubbing her clit, she convulsed as the orgasm overtook
Her orgasm was intense, as he thrust into her and her
orgasm continued, she began to feel lightheaded and
everything faded to black.
The golden glow of the sun crept up the handsomely
decorated bedroom, soft aroma of coffee drifted through
the air like morning fog, Wendy's eyes slowly opened as
the ocean lapped against the beach close by. Slowly the
room came into focus, however it was not her hotel
Her slender body stretched in the silk sheets and she
came to the realization that she was only wearing a
man's shirt. The sheets felt smooth to her skin and
slowly she left the bed and moved to a window where an
antique looking telescope stood. She peered through the
telescope and adjusted the lens so she was looking at
the beach on the mainland. Now more than ever she
realized how different she must appear, for the women
on the beach were topless, with bronzed skin. Wendy
turned to the mirror and saw her very slightly tanned
body in it's reflection with noticeable tan lines.
What had happened the evening prior slowly crept into
her mind and she blushed. Hurriedly she looked around
the room for clothes when there was a knock on the
French doors leading to the patio and pool.
She peered through the lace curtains and saw Miklos
standing there with a tray with coffee and fruit.
Standing there in the morning sunlight wearing only
boxer/brief bathing trunks, little droplets of water on
his body. It seemed he had just left the pool or ocean
to bring her something to eat and drink.
The gravity of what happened to her started to sink in.
He knocked again and said, "I will have coffee and food
for you to the table, please join me. There is no need
to be shy."
There was a sense of directive in the way he said
things, Wendy sensed that it was not a request but a
command. Rummaging in the armoire she found a pair of
khaki pants which she hastily put on.
Being sure to check the mirror before exiting the room,
Wendy was sure that her breasts were covered. She
exited through the French doors and sat opposite
Miklos. He poured her a cup of coffee and slid a bowl
of assorted fruits across to her. He simply smiled and
said, "There was no need to dress, we are alone today.
I have given everyone the day off. I hope your sleep
was refreshing."
He sipped his coffee, stood and strolled to the pool
where he dove in, leaving little ripples in the water.
Completing one lap as Wendy looked around, drank some
coffee and ate some fruit, Miklos put his arms on the
side of the pool facing Wendy. "A morning swim really
invigorates the body, why don't you join me?" Again
Wendy sensed that he was not asking her, but commanding
her, and before she knew what she was doing, the shirt
was on the ground and she was sliding the pants off her
For the first time, Miklos had a perfect view of her
body. The evening before was dark and he was unable to
accurately see her. Standing approximately five foot
six inches tall, with silky brown hair, Wendy found
herself trying to cover her breasts and groin from his
eyes. "Now, now, please, you are beautiful and in time
you will come to acknowledge this simple fact. Put your
arms at your sides and let me take in your marvelous
Wendy obeyed, her arms now at her sides, blushing a red
deeper than the blood that she felt rushing all over
her body. His eyes moved from her angelic face, blue
eyes, to her pert breasts, grapefruit sized, oh how he
loves natural breasts. Down her sumptuous abdomen to
her hips, only slightly larger than her waist, her body
was very much what he loved. Her slightly muscular legs
clamped together to keep his eyes from penetrating her
most private area, though deep down she knew it
wouldn't be long before he would be able to ravage her.
It was her destiny to be taken by this man in every way
he wanted.
He held his hand out and she slowly walked to him and
he put his hands on her waist, lifted her with apparent
ease and slowly descended her body into the
surprisingly warm pool. Immediately though her body
erupted into goose bumps making her already hard
nipples harder.
He brushed her hair out of her face with the slightest
of touch setting off more goose bumps. Their eyes met
and she submitted. He knew she was his now and would do
whatever he asked of her. If he wished, she would walk
through the center of Athens naked, however his wish
was to give her pleasure the likes of which she had
never even dreamed possible.
Miklos kissed her, their tongues entwined like snakes
mating. Her arms groping his body, pulling him against
her own body. She wanted to feel him, to become one
with him. Wendy broke their kiss, licked his neck,
moving ever slowly downward. Tonguing his nipples,
Wendy licked her way down his chest and rock hard abs.
Looking up at him, she took a deep breath and submerged
her head and took his hardening cock in her mouth,
sucking him into her mouth and blowing his cock out,
repeating this action to his pleasure.
Wendy remained under the water as long as her lungs
held air. Reluctantly she surfaced and immediately
Miklos slid his arm under her knees and around her
shoulders, lifting her and walked out of the pool with
her looking adoringly up at him.
Inside he took her, not to the room where she had slept
but to another room where a four poster bed stood alone
in the middle of a huge room. He placed her with ease
in the middle of the bed. Beneath the pillow he removed
a blindfold which he proceeded to put on her. He took
her left hand and caressed her arm from the fingertips
to the shoulder, and as her arm was stretched he
strapped her to the post.
Wendy did not fight. She would do anything he wanted.
As he made his way around the bed, his hands caressed
and massaged her body, being sure to keep away from
where he knew she wanted him. Her arms and legs now
bound to the bed, she pulled slightly, if only to test
the strength of the straps. She waited with baited
breath, waiting for him to enter her, to lick her, to
do anything to her and there was a creak some distance
away and the sound of a door shutting.