Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Aku nih student kolej kat KL.Sebelum nih tak pernah lagi fuck ngan
pompuan...pernah ler fuck jugak..tapi ngan bapok...biasanya aku cari bapok
kat chow kit.Tapi benda yang nak aku citer nih kisah aku fuck ngan pompuan tulen.Bukan
Citer dia camnih,time tuh kira cuti semester...so aku maleh nak balik umah...sebab boring dok
kat umah...yerlah..aku nih takder adik beradik x-cept abang aku ajer...tu jer lah yang baru kawin.
Kalo tak salah aku,time tuh dia dah kawin lebih kuran 4 bulan kots...kalo silap aku mintak maap ler.
Jadi nak dipendekkan citer satu malam aku lepak Bangsar,masa tuh ngan 3 orang member aku.Jadi aku pun pening
kepala nak fikir...nak buat apa time cutih nih...so member aku yang sorang nih pun kasi idea..dia kata
apa kata kalau pi lepak ss15 sebab diorang ajak aku pegi CC.So aku pun drive ler kancil aku tuh ker ss15.Main
punya main sedar2 dah dekat kul 5 dah...orang pun tak ramai..aku pun buat plan..apa kata pi lepak umah
abang aku dulu kat sunway...esok aku antar ler dia orang kat komuter sebab member aku tuh sorang budak shah alam
lagi sorang budak KL...diaorang set ajer.Kita orang lepak japs kedai mamak...sementara nak nunggu kul 6.30..pastuh aku pun drive
ler ker umah abang aku.
Nasib baik ler dia ada....dalam kul 8.30..dia kata dia nak pi kerja....aku pun masa tuh ngantuks...aku pun suruh ler dia
tulong antar member aku 2 orang nih.Dia set ajer.Aku pun tido ler.Sedar2 dah kul 12.30,aku pun bangun walaupun mata aku
pedih lagi sebab lapo punya pasal.Aku pi dapur nengok akak ipar aku tengah masak.Segan jugak aku dengan dia,time tuh pun dia pakai
baju singlet ajer.Aku pun makan ajer apa yang ada kat dapor sebab nak nunggu nasik masak lambat lagih.
Pastuh aku on japs pc,check email...boring plak..layan website blue plak..tengah dok syok layan...tetiba aku rasa cam ada orang tengah tengok
aku..aku pusing blakang..tengok2 akak ipor aku..aku pun gelabah terus disconnect.Aku senyum jer kat dia..pastuh dia sound..
'tak sabo2 dah ker?'...aku tak jawab apa2..aku diam ajer...aku off pc...pi lepak tengok tv plak....masa nengok tv tuh tetiba akak ipor aku nih
tanya,apa perasaan aku kat dia?aku jawab biasa ajer lah...dia cakap aku nih pemalu sangat ngan dia..aku cakap ala..biasa ler tuh..belum kenal orangnya
belum tau..so dia pun kata..'meh dok kat sebelah akak'...jangan jadi pemalu ngan pompuan sampai camnih...aku pun pi la dok sebelah dia kat sofa tuh
Tetiba dia pegang tangan aku..aku biar ajer..dia pun tanya..'midi nak pegang breast akak daks?'terkejut gaks aku...aku tak berani jawab..mana tau dia saja
nak test kang kalo aku pegang tetiba plak kena pelempang...dia pun amik tangan aku..letak kat tetek diabuleh tahan jugak besarnya..memula aku ramas dari luar ajer
pastuh dia suruh aku sendiri bukak baju dia..aku pun bukak ler..siglet dia tuh..time tu dia pakai bra lagih..dia pun bukak kancing bra dia..fuhh..puting merah..
dia guide aku..dia suruh aku isap puting dia..aku pun isap ler sambil meramas tetek dia sebelah kanan..lama gaks aku isap tetek dia sampai dia moan..pastuh dia kata nak
isap kote aku...aku pun kasi lah...lama jugak dia isap kote aku...pastuh dia suruh aku jilat puki dia2..aku pun buat macam orang kena pukau plak..ikut cakap dia..
selak kain dia...korek2 sambil jilat..air melimpah..habis tergesel2 kat sofa....lama gaks..dia tak tahan..dia suruh aku fuck dia..aku fuck ler dia..memula ketat jugak..lelama ok
sebab air dah banyak..licin ler sikit...aku pun enjut..sambil enjut atas sofa tuh aku isap ngan ramas tetek dia puas...lama2 aku tak tahan..aku kata aku nak pancut
dia suruh aku cepat2 tarik batang aku kluar...aku pun cabut cepat2...nasib baik..sempat..aku pancut kat bibir pantat dia...
abih belendir ngan air mani aku..pastuh dia sengih aja kat aku?pastu aku tanya dia"midi nih pemalu lagi daks?'..dia gelak pastuh dia jawab'midi bukan pemalu...tapi buat2 malu ajer"..
pastuh dia suruh aku cleanup...sebab mana ler tau abang aku balik kerja awal ker..habis jer settle semua..aku pun tido2...jaga2 dah dekat2 kul 11 pagi esoknya..ahakz...letih maaaaa...


ok, kali ni aku cerite pasal lelaki ketige yg aku main.
die nie tunang org, dan tua 5 thn drpd aku.
mase first time aku ngan die, memang aku dah agak bende nie akan jadik..
pasal mase tu, aku punye pantat pun dah lame tak dijolok.
so mlm yg aku lepak kat bilik die tu aku terus je buat-buat yg aku ngantuk sgt.
aku terus membaringkan badan aku atas tilam die and die pun baring sebelah aku.
mule-mule die cume peluk aku je, lepas tu die mule start kiss-kiss leher aku , pipi aku,
sambil tu tangan die pulak merabe-rabe tetek aku. aku mase tu
masih lagi berbaju T lengkap dgn short.
makin lame die kiss-kiss tu aku pun tak tahan la jugak, aku pun balas.
kitorang pun ber frnch kiss la lepas tu..
aku sebenarnye dah tak tahan..mulut pantat aku bagaikan meraung-raung kelaparan.
almaklumlah dah berape bulan tak bagi mkn.
mamat tunang org ni makin lame pun merabe makin kuat, tau-tau je aku dah bogel atas
tilam die tu. die pun dah bogel gak, magic betul...
puting tetek aku tegang dan keras bile die gentel dgn jari die...aku macam biaselah..tak dapat nak kontrol suare.
aku mengerang tak henti-henti...air pantat aku dah byk yg keluar.
air tu semakin melimpah-limpah bile die sentuh bijik kelentit aku yg kiut miut tu.
erangan aku semakin hebat...aku tunggu jugak, kalau-kalau die nak
jilat pantat aku...sebenarnye itulah yg paling aku suke..
tapi mamat ni kemelayuan sikit, jenis tak jilat pantat punye, so
aku adela sedikit keciwa.
tapi tak kisahlah, asalkan aku dpt batang mlm tu.
die pun dah tak sabar, terus je die halakan konek die, dan terus je die redah
lubang pantat aku.
menggigil pantat aku bile merasekan btg die masuk dlm pantat
aku yg dah basah kuyup tu.
aku merengek...tapi aku terperanjat besar bile die masukkan
btg die saampai habis dlm pantat aku.
aku terase seperti pantat aku digonyoh dgn berus...
mak oi!!!! bulu die rupenye...kasar bukan main... macam berus
melecet kulit pantat aku yg gebu.
tapi mase tu aku dah tak kire, pantat aku pun dah lapar yg amat.
die mule berdayung, aku pulak terus mengerang, kali ni sebab
sedap bercampur pedih kena bulu die...
aku belum pun sempat sampai ke kemuncak, bile aku dengar
die mengerang dan mendengus macam lembu kena sembelih..
hii...terus hilang stim aku tengok die klimaks style camtu.
apelagi...malam tu aku terpaksela melancap utk memuaskan pantat aku
yg sentiasa lapar ni...


Buat pertama kali nya saya menjamah tubuh seorang perempuan ialah ketika saya berusia 15 tahun.
Pada ketika itu saya mendiami disebuah rumah flet bersama keluarga saya.

Jiran saya Kakak Leha isteri seorang drebar lori telah benar-benar memberikan saya pengalaman yang baru yang selama ini ujud di dalam mimpi dan bayangan saya sahaja.
Umurnya sekitar 29 kalau saya tak silap, berkulit putih, rambut panjang sampai ke pinggang. Potongan badannya sungguh seksi.
Kakak Leha sering ditinggalkan sendirian oleh suaminya yang sering bekerja sebagai pemandu lori dan kadang-kadang sampai tiga hari. Kakak Leha yang saya kenali ini sangat peramah dan mesra dengan keluarga saya, punyai seorag anak kecil berusia 2 tahun dan amat comel.

Kadang-kadang ibu sering menyuruh saya menghantarkan kuih atau gulai kerumah Kakak Leha, sebagai kebiasaan masyarakat berjiran. Dalam adik beradik, saya yang sering disuruh oleh ibu kerana sifat rajin saya 
Hendak dipendek kan cerita, pada suatu petang sewaktu saya selesai pulang dari sekolah , saya disuruh ibu untuk menghantarkan bungkusan kuih ke rumah Kak Leha. Seperti biasa saya tidak pernah membantah. Tanpa menukarkan pakaian 
saya pun terus berjalan ke rumah Kakak Leha. Setibanya saya disana saya pun ketuk pintu rumahnya. " Kak..ooo Kak.!!" laungan pertama saya tidak dijawab, sekali lagi saya meneriak dan kali ini terdengar sayup-sayup suara Kak Leha dan 
sekejap itu pintu pun dibuka. Rupanya kak leha baru selesai mandi. " Ehh..apalah susah-susah nih.." saya tersenyum sambil menjeling dada Kak Leha yang gebu dan mengiurkan. Kak Leha cuma berkemban sahaja waktu itu dengan rambutnya yang 
masih basah, disambutnya bungkusan saya dengan kedua-dua tangan nya. Tak semena-mena kain kemban batik lusuhnya terjatuh menggelongsor kebawah. Aduh!! berderau dada saya melihat tubuh Kak Leha yang terlanjang tanpa seurat benang didepan mata saya.
Sempat juga saya mencuri lihat pada bulu kemaluannya yang lebat keperang-perangan sebelum dia menarik kain kembannya keatas semula. Dengan bersahaja sahaja dia berpusing masuk semula kedalam dan meninggalkan saya terkulat-kulat didepan pintu.

Saya seperti biasa akan duduk sebentar di ruang tamu sambil membaca majalah. "Kak si Ayu mana Kak? Tidur ke..tak nampak pun?" saya mula bersuara, menanyakan anaknya yang comel itu. Biasa nya jika ada Ayu mesti mendapatkan saya untuk bermanja-manja.
"Ayu dah tidur kat biliknya..dia tak berapa sihat hari ini"Sekejap tau Kak Leha keluar semula dan sudah berpakaian kain batik dan T'shirt merah. Sambil senyum tersipu-sipu dia bersuara "Hah..! itu baru nampak sekejap sudah terlopong mulut, belum 
dapat pegang lagi tu.." Berderau darah saya kali kedua bila Kak Leha mencabar saya begitu, saya kira dia malu tapi mengutuk saya pulak. " Tak Adelah !" saya cuba melindung rasa malu saya. Muka saya merah sudah. "Alah takkan boleh pegang kut, nanti abang Din kerat-kerat saya nanti."
"Ish..jangan lah bagi tau dia kalau dapat pegang pun." terasa kelakian saya tercabar."Kak Leha nanti saya pegang betul-betul nanti" kata saya. Semangat jantan saya mula memanas. Sambil berdiri saya mengacah hendak memeluk Kakak Leha.

"Ewah..berani marilah ..tapi jangan bising-bising nanti Ayu terjaga pulak." Sambil Kak Leha berjalan pantas kebiliknya. Tanpa berfikir panjang saya terus bingkas kebilik Kakak Leha.Di situ bermula lah adegan panas yang sangat memberahikan. Tubuh kak Leha saya tindih diatas katilnya.
Terasa kemaluan saya keras didalam seluar menekan dipangkal peha kak Leha. Kakak Leha memberi saya peluang meraba dimana sahaja yang saya mahu.Matanya sengaja ditutupnya agar saya tidak berasa malu. saya cium seluruh sudut-sudut ditubuhnya terutama di celah kelangkangnya. Kemaluannya sungguh tembam dan berbau 
aroma mandian sabun. Dia mengerang lembut bila liang kemaluannya saya jilat dan cium. saya sudah tidak sabar lagi bila pakaian saya semua saya buka dengan cepat. Kak Leha tergelak kecil bila melihat saya terketar-ketar meletakkan batang kemaluan saya di lubang farajnya. " Kak..Masuk ye.." aku bertanya."Ialah takkan 
tak boleh pulak, dah bagi raba, cium , jilat pun sudah..heehee" dia tergelak lagi. Mula-mula terasa panas kepala kemaluan saya apabila memasuki lubang faraj Kak Leha. Kak Leha mendongak ke atas apabila kemaluan saya terus masuk sampai ke pangkal farajnye. Dalam juga lubang faraj ni ye pikir saya dalam hati.
Kami saling tekan menekan, cium mencium . Mulut Kak Leha tak henti-henti mengerang kesedapan. Adegan ini berlalu selama 5 minit apabila tiba-tiba air mani saya terpancut di dalam faraj Kak Leha. Kak Leha tersenyum melihat saya mengelepar. 

Selepas itu saya dijamu oleh kak Leha didapurnya dengan Air tin dan kuih biskut. Kira setengah Jam selepas itu saya mula naik nafsu semula. Saya renung mata Kak Leha dalam-dalam, dia tersenyum sahaja tanda faham. Kali ini kami bersetubuh dilantai dapur.
Sungguh kuat bunyi hentakkan kami berdua bila sama-sama menekan dan mengangkat punggung. Puting Kak Leha saya isap sekuat-kuatnya. Kali ini saya lebih pandai sikit dari yang pertama tadi. 

Semenjak itu saya selalu kerumah Kak Leha , terutama apabila suaminya abang Din tiada dirumah.Dan adakalanya saya main dengan Kak Leha sambil berdiri di belakang pintu untuk mengelakkan anak kecilnya Ayu perasan.


so pada hari rabu, 15 mei 1998, aku telah memecahkan dara seorang jelitawan dalam sekolah...nama die shikin...aku telah kenal die lebih kurang sebulan...first time aku cakap ngan die aku boleh cover adikku lagi...tiba setengah bulan jek..aku dah takleh cover sebab die jenis cakap lepas..so aku pun ikut la cakap lepas...

so satu hari tu aku cakap la ngan die pasal sex.. die bagi green light... so time rehat jek aku ajak die gie bus stop sambung citer...adikku dah takleh control sampai die nampak la adikku yang hensem cam abang die gak... lepas naik kelas aku cakap ngan cikgu nak gie jumpa G. Besar.... pastu si shikin nie plak nak gie tandas...aku cakap ngan die baik terus gie surau dapat gak wrestling kat saner...die kata ok..so aku tak jadi nak gie jumpa G. besar....

tiba kat surau aku suruh die gie kencing tapi die taknak....aku beranikan diri pegang peha die...aku tengok muka die semacam jer aku terus ajak die gie bilik salin....die pun ikut la.....kat sane aku terus tutup bilik.....aku terus bukak kain samping....sie plak buka tudung....aku bukak baju die bukak baju....adikku seman menjadi...terus aku tarik die dan french kiss ngan die....die balas balik la....sambil cium mulut ngan die....tangan aku kerja gak mengepam buah dada die....tercungap-cungap die....

aku pun break kejap....die mula kerjakan tangan die mengurut adikku....akuterus bukak seluar aku sambil bukak terus sluar dalam aku...pastu aku bukak plak die punya kain ngan seluar dalam...seluardalam die dah basah giler.....aku teru tepis tangan die dan terus gesel konek aku ngan cipap die....diepun senyumla kat aku tapi aku dah ta endahkan ngan die punya senyuman...coz cipap die lebih baik dari senyumannya...pastu aku tryla masuk sikit sikit...ketat gak la sampai melecet konek aku di buatnya....aku enjut la sesikit
shikin ade gak meraung kesakitan tapi time tu semua belajar mana nak dengan suara sexy tu...aku pun terus enjut ngan laju lagi....sampai air die yang kuar bukannya aku....konek aku semakin laju maju mundur....shikin dah akleh handle sampai terlenguh tangan die tahan.....aku pedulik ape...aku terus enjut....tiba saat aku nak pancut cecepat shikin tolak aku tapi aku tetap menahan...manalah boleh die nak tolak sedangkan die dah layu...aku pun pancut jerlah dalam cipap die.....pastu aku pakai balikla baju aku...die pun pakai la...
sebelum keluar bilik salin aku cium mulut ngan die die pun balas la...akupun terus ramas tetek die...kira dah last la tuh....pastu masuk kelas balik.....


ver the years I have fantasized about my wife Wendy 
having sex with another man but never really thought it
would happen. A little background about my wife. We
have been married 24 years. She is an elementary
teacher, Sunday school teacher, Boy Scout troop leader
and local chairwoman of the cancer society's fund
raising events in jour town.

She is 46 years old, 5' 7" and around 135 pounds. She
did weigh around 180 but after last summers cruise, she
started walking and exercising and is now proud of her
body. My parents say she resembles Dana Delany of China
Beach. We have an 18 year old and a 12 year old. She
was not a virgin when we married and admitted she
started having sex in the 11th grade.

She had a few encounters in college and even let her
cousin and his friend fuck her one night after a party
where she was drunk. She is not a prude but is not
wild. She will flash herself in public, go without
underwear and she and I went to a bed and breakfast
that had a clothing optional pool. I have mentioned to
her after we have had a few drinks and we are horny
that I would like to see her fucked by another man. She
usually plays it off but one time about 10 years ago
she made the comment in the heat of passion that if she
did, the guy would have to wear a condom. I had a
vasectomy 11 years ago.

I had mentioned to her about taking a nude cruise. At
first she was adamant that she would not go. Last
summer we took a family cruise and several days after
our return, she told me she had been fantasizing about
going on a nude cruise but was not sure if she could go
through with it. That thought consumed my thoughts for
several weeks and I finally booked a nude cruise. I did
not tell her until two months before.

After boarding the ship, we made our way to our cabin
and then made our way topside for the bon voyage snacks
and drinks. After the emergency evacuation drill, we
made our way back to our room and did some fucking. We
had been at sea a little over an hour when the cruise
director announced it was ok to shed clothing if you
liked. As we opened the cabin door to head up to the
pool, we were met by three nude guys and two nude
women. They appeared to be in their mid 20'. After some
awkward introduction and watching my wife stare
everyone in the eyes, we headed to the pool. Almost
everyone was nude. The first night was uneventful.

The next morning, we arrived at our first port. We
headed out for sightseeing and returned back to the
ship to hang out at the pool. We ended up next to the
group that is in the cabins across the hall from us. We
introduced our selves again and struck up a
conversation with them. One of the guys, Mack, a decent
white guy with some muscle and dark hair, told us there
group was two couples and a single guy between the ages
of 27 and 28 and had graduated from college together.
They had gone to nude beaches before and made a pact
that five years after graduation they would all go on a
cruise together.

One couple had to back out due to taking a job out of
state and they were moving the same time as the cruise.
Mack's girlfriend was unable to come on the trip. She
is a nurse in the Army reserves and her unit had been
activated. One couple had a cabin to themselves and he
was the "third wheel" in the other cabin. In the middle
of the conversation, the announcement was made it was
ok to disrobe. It is an experience to see hundreds of
people strip in a matter of minutes. His friends
stripped and hit the pool and I began getting naked. He
said he had to get out of his shorts because they were
hurting his man area. He and his friends had gone
snorkeling and a jelly fish got him in an area you do
not want to get stung. He stood and started pulling
down his shorts.

Wendy had removed her shorts and was removing her top
when he slid his shorts down. She was trying to talk,
take off her top and not look at his cock. He turned to
the side to sit down again and his cock was about three
feet from her face. He had a swollen rash under his nut
sack and across his right nut. The rash made his nuts
look larger than normal. Wendy finally looked at it and
said it looked painful. He said he went to the ship's
doctor and got some cream. He needed to put the cream
on it but did not want everyone thinking he was playing
with his stuff. She told him to go ahead, guys had been
putting sun block on themselves and no one would think
anything about it.

We stayed at the pool for about two hours drinking and
I enjoyed watching Wendy glance over at his cock and
watching her as she took quick glances at it as he
returned from getting a drink. That night we fucked
before heading to dinner and after dinner. After dinner
we stripped and headed to the pool. Some people were
doing some close contact rubbing and playing in the
darker areas of the deck. I managed to get several more
drinks in Wendy and around midnight we headed back to
our room.

On the way, we ran into Mack in the hall in front of
us. Wendy asked him how his rash was feeling and he
stopped in the hall, turned and as he was telling her
it was not stinging as bad, he opened his towel and
showed her his cock. She looked straight at it and
never looked anywhere else as she told him it looked
about the same. My cock started getting hard while she
told him she would check on him tomorrow. Once back in
the room, I wasted no time in getting between her legs
and fucking her.

As I was grinding and she was humping, I began to talk
about Mack and his cock. She made the statement that
she wondered how big it really was when not jelly fish
swollen. I smiled and made the comment that maybe she
could find out. She just grinned and started humping
harder. Just as I was about to cum she said she did not
think she could do anything with him but if she did he
would have to wear a condom and since he was alone, she
doubted he had any. My mind went crazy and I unloaded
in her cunt.

The next morning we got up, ate, stripped and headed to
the pool. The ship was not set to arrive at the last
stop until 11:30 a.m. Around 9:00 a.m., the captain
made the announcement that due to a storm the ship had
changed course around midnight and was being diverted
to another port. We were set to arrive in one hour and
the announcement would be made in approximately 30
minutes for everyone to cover up in the pool and deck
area while in port.

The port we were diverted to was one we went to last
summer so we decided to stay on the ship. Mack spotted
us at the pool and got a lounge chair next to Wendy. He
pulled down his shorts and Wendy was not shy at looking
at his cock while he removed them. She asked how he
felt and it was obvious his cock was still swollen but
the red rash was almost gone. He said the stinging had
stopped but he felt much better.

After about 10 minutes, I got up to get Wendy and
myself a drink. I planned on getting several drinks in
her today. This is was the last day and I wanted Mack
to fuck her good. I returned and Mack got up to get his
drink. After he passed, Wendy stared at his ass as he
walked away and kept looking at him when he returned.
The announcement was made to cover up if outside and
Wendy stated what a shame, it felt good being naked. I
was shocked at that comment. We stood and dressed and
Mack had to arrange his cock to get the swollen thing
in the shorts. Wendy never took her eyes off his hand
on his cock as he put it back in the shorts.

The ship docked and several hundred people got off.
Wendy asked Mack if he was getting off the ship and he
said no. He did not get much sleep last night because
of his rash and his friends were trying to have sex so
he left the room for several hours. He tried to sleep
on deck but did not have much luck. He said he was
going to stay on the ship and try to get some sleep or
rest. No other ship was in port and the announcement
was made that nudity would be allowed in the pool area
only. We took off our clothes and had a few more

Later that night we were in our cabin packing and I had
felt pretty confident I could get her fucked. I had
given her so many drinks that I lost count and she had
trouble walking to the supper buffet. I turned to place
the last item in our suit case and when I looked back
at her she had laid back and her legs were spread wide.
It was around 10:45 p.m. and the suitcase had to be set
outside the cabin door by midnight. I turned and
started eating that bald cunt.

She started humping my face and talking dirty. She said
she needed cock and plenty of it. If I was serious
about her fucking someone I needed to get that cock in
there. She was so horny that when I asked her if she
wanted me to get Mack, she said she did not care what
or whose cock, just get another cock in there. I jumped
between her legs and pounded her cunt good. However, I
was so horny I did not last but a minute or so.

While she was still laying there, I grabbed a tissue
and wiped the oozing cum from her cunt and went across
the hall to Mack's cabin. I knocked on the door and the
other guy in the room came to the door. It was obvious
he had been getting busy. He opened the door enough to
talk and I could see his cock was hard. He said Mack
had been kind enough to leave for a while to give them
some privacy. I returned to my cabin with the empty
feeling that I had come so close to seeing her with
another man and now the opportunity was gone.

When I walked in, Wendy was on her stomach with her ass
in the air fucking herself with a brush handle. I came
up behind her and slid my cock around in her pussy
juices and then stuck my cock in her ass. As I was
fucking her ass I could feel the brush handle sliding
in and out of her pussy between the thin membrane
separating her cunt from her ass. Again I came in a
minute. I got up and looked at that gorgeous ass slick
from cum and pussy juice. She was not finished and
continued fucking herself.

I wiped off my cock and proceeded to the cabin door
with the suit case. I opened the door and set the suit
case down and as I was closing the door, I heard Mack
say goodnight. I looked and he was walking down the
hall coming toward the room. He said he went to the
pool to give his cabin mates some privacy and hoped
they were through because he was tired. He said he
enjoyed meeting and talking with us and asked me to
tell Wendy.

I hesitated for about four seconds and then blurted out
she was up and he could come in and tell her himself. I
opened the door and went in first. Wendy was laying
flat on her stomach moaning and in the throws of an
orgasm. Mack stood there speechless. He apologized and
turned to leave. I told him it was OK. He turned around
and Wendy was finished. She was laying there lightly

I told him part of her excitement was due to him and
she would not take it wrong or be offended if he fucked
her. The only stipulation was he had to have a condom.
He said he did not have any condoms. We stood there for
what seemed 10 minutes staring at Wendy but it was only
about 30 seconds. I told him it was fine; just don't
tell her he did not have a condom on.

He dropped his towel and his cock was already hard. He
walked up behind her and she was still not aware Mack
was in the room. He slid his cock between her ass
cheeks and used her pussy juice to lube up his cock. My
cock was now rock hard and I was about to see her
fucked. She sighed and said, "Oh I see you are back for
more. Well stick it in my ass first. My pussy is still
wound up." He looked at me and I shrugged and pointed
at her. He eased the cock in and when it was about half
way in, she began her sex moaning. He increased his
speed and after about three minutes she said she needed
it in her pussy.

He pulled his cock out and I handed him a tissue. He
wiped his cock off and lowered it again but this time
to Wendy's pussy. He slid it in all the way and held it
for a few seconds. He started pumping her cunt and I
got behind them and bent down to get a good look. After
about a minute, I went around to her head and stuck my
cock in her face. She gasped, raised up quickly on her
elbows and looked at me. She then turned to see who was
fucking her.

She saw Mack pumping back and forth with a huge smile
on his face. She looked at me and asked if he had on a
condom. I assured her he did. She began sucking my cock
and it was not long I blew my load. I got up and walked
around to see Mack ramming my wife. I waited until
Wendy started moaning and talking dirty before I
started taking some pictures.

After about the fifth picture, she asked me if I was
enjoying watching someone fuck her. A few seconds later
she began bucking her hip and Mack increased his
pounding. He was now making grunting sounds with each
forward thrust. The sight and sound of his swinging
nuts slapping her cunt with each forward ramming and
his body slapping up against her ass was more than I
could have imagined.

A few more thrust and I saw Mack's hands tighten their
grip on Wendy's hips and he lunged forward unloading
his nuts into my wife. Wendy. He laid on top of her for
about a minute then raised up. It was beautiful seeing
his cock slid out of her cunt and a thin string of cum
attached from her cut lips to the tip of his cock. He
stood there for a few seconds and then as if nothing
happened, he picked up his towel, wrapped it around his
waist with his cock still shining from pussy juice,
shook my hand and told us it was nice meeting us. He
then turned and walked out.

Wendy rolled over and looking at me with a smile asked
if I enjoyed the show. I said very much. I asked if she
liked it and with a huge laugh she said that was the
best fucking evening of her life. She sat up and then
noticed cum running out of her cunt. She jumped up and
grabbed a towel, placing it between her oozing cunt.
She snapped at me saying I thought he wore a condom. I
told her he did but it broke. She was a bit irritated
and said well that's just fucking great. I do not need
to be pregnant at 46. She then went in and showered.

To this day my cock gets hard every time I think of
that cruise or look at those pictures.


As the plane taxied to the runway, Wendy had a tinge of 
excitement run through her as she was finally taking
the vacation she has longed for so long. Now the long
flight to Greece has begun, Wendy sat back in her seat,
turned her iPod on and relaxed.

Before long she was dozing off. It couldn't be helped,
she had booked the latest flight to save some money and
being such the plane was not crowded at all. As she
drifted in and out of sleep, she barely noticed the
gentleman sitting in the next row. A tall dark man,
with penetrating eyes, clean shaved head and dressed in
comfortable but none-the-less expensive clothes.

Little did Wendy know, but the gentleman was eyeing her
with a most peculiar look in his eye. It wasn't until
the sun broke on the horizon and Wendy woke that she
noticed him. The gentleman was no longer paying her any
attention, however Wendy was taken with his tailored
look and his air of importance.

The flight attendant brought the cart with breakfast
and coffee, offered the gentleman his breakfast and
coffee, lingering too long in conversation. There was
no need to say anything, as Wendy, unexpectedly, was
brought to the attendants attention by the gentleman,
as he said in a so sexy accent, "I would like to buy
the young lady breakfast" motioning to Wendy.

As though she didn't previously notice Wendy, the
flight attendant turned and politely served the
breakfast. Wendy thanked the gentleman and as the
attendant turned to leave, Wendy asked how long it
would be until they landed. The attendant continued on
her way not acknowledging Wendy.

With a slight smile on his face the gentleman leaned
toward Wendy patted her hand and said, "Please, don't
mind her. It won't be long now, I expect another hour
and we will be making our descent."

Wendy blushed deeply as a jolt of excitement rushed
through her as his strong hand patted hers. She didn't
know where it came from, but this man, this stranger,
made her feel very aware of her body, her breathing,
her very being.

He left her alone as she finished her food, as was
barely aware of what she was doing. Almost
automatically she ate, strangely aware of her heart
beating, her shoulder length brown hair cascading over
her shoulders. She debated, thought very hard and told
herself, "What the hell, it's vacation" and turned to
the gentleman and asked him where he was from, his
accent was intoxicating.

He smiled the same peculiar smile he had when he was
eyeing her sleeping and said, "I am on my way home from
a business trip. I live in Greece on a little island
called Tragonisi Island."

For the rest of the flight, his smile had returned to a
benign smile as they conversed. Wendy unknowingly and
uncontrollably revealing much to him and he revealing
very little to her. She had learned his name was Miklos
and that people in the states call him Mike. Wendy
learned that he owns and runs a business that takes him
all around the globe but his home was Greece .

As the captain of the plane came on the intercom and
stated that they had been cleared for landing and were
descending, Miklos took Wendy's hand in his and said,
"It would be an honor to have you for dinner at my home
in two days time. Would you do me this honor?"

Once his hand touched hers, she flushed and her
breathing quickened. Breathlessly, she said yes and
Miklos added, "I will have a car pick you up at your
hotel to take you to the marina. My yacht will bring
you to the island. Please be ready at 7," without
hesitation Wendy agreed. Miklos added, "You may bring a
bathing suit if you like, the water will be perfect for
a swim in the ocean."

The plane landed and they said their goodbye's, Miklos
took Wendy's hand in his and bowed to kiss her hand. As
his lips brushed her skin, Wendy's body reacted,
sending chills and excitement from her head down to her
toes. His peculiar smile showed itself once again as he
released her hand, watched her get in her cab and leave
for her hotel.

Miklos retreated to his island and Wendy soaked up
Athens, letting it permeate her every pore, eagerly
awaiting her dinner with Miklos.

Time seemed to pass ever so slowly as Wendy anticipated
meeting the man from the airplane again. The evening
prior to the dinner, as Wendy was relaxing and having a
drink on her balcony, there was a knock on the door to
her hotel room.

Wendy opened the door and a man dressed like a butler
stood holding a large box with a bow. The man said,
"For the lady to wear tomorrow. Miklos sends his
greetings and hopes you find Greece enjoyable. Should
you need anything, anything at all, please use this
phone. I am at your service." With a look of utter
bewilderment, she accepted the box and phone, the man
bowed and backed away as she closed the door mesmerized
by what had just happened.

Wendy retreated into her hotel room, box in hand,
looking around as though she didn't believe she was
alone. She placed the box on the bed and slowly pulled
on the red ribbon, releasing the bow. With quickened
breath she slid the top of the box off and found inside
a silk, black dress that was exquisitely made.

Holding the dress by the straps, she moved to the
mirror and held the dress against herself, wondering
how he could have known her size, as the dress
seemingly would fit perfectly.

Wendy's mind began to race, how did he know where she
was staying, she didn't recall telling him the name of
the hotel, though she had to admit, she couldn't
remember much of the conversation they had on the
plane. It had all appeared through a fog to her, almost
as though it were a dream.

The dress was carefully placed on a hanger, as though
it were crystal and would break at the slightest touch.
Wendy sat on the edge of the bed, curious and slightly
scared though more excited than she had ever been.

Looking at the dress hanging in the closet, slight
panic set in. How was she going to do her hair?
Thinking hard, she leaned back on the bed, and as
though it had a mind of its own, the phone slid and hit
her hand. She wondered. Could she? Should she? And with
reckless abandon, she picked up the phone and dialed
the only number in the contacts list. The man answered
in a formal and polite manner, asking how he could help
the young lady.

Wendy and the man on the phone spoke for about 5
minutes, then it was all set. She changed into her baby
blue cotton pajamas, thinking how silly it was for her
to pack them. As she drifted off to sleep she thought
about buying new pajamas, pajamas for a woman.

The blazing sun hit Wendy's face in the morning, waking
her. She looked over at the clock. 8 AM, she had an
hour to get ready. Wendy slunk into the shower being
sure to shave and she dressed. As she put in her
earrings, the hotel phone rang. The voice on the other
end said there was a car for her.

Grabbing her bag, she left the room and hotel in the
car that was sent for her. In the front seat was the
man who gave her the box and answered her call the
previous evening. He merely stated, "Miss Wendy,
everything has been arranged, please sit back and

The car pulled up 45 minutes later in front of a spa.
She had merely asked for someplace that would fix her
hair and makeup for her dinner, however the butler
arranged for a day at the spa.

Wendy couldn't believe it. They treated her like a
princess. Her every desire was granted. Manicure,
pedicure, and for the first time ever, she had a
Brazilian wax. She wasn't sure why, but it seemed the
right thing to do. Soaking in a mud bath, full body
massage, from what she could tell, she had every
treatment she had ever heard of.

Wendy was brought to the salon where her hair and
makeup were done to perfection. Amazingly, when she got
up to change, as time was running late and she would
have to hurry back to the hotel to get dressed, she
entered the dressing room where she found the black
dress hanging there.

With a rush of fear, Wendy realized the bra and panties
she had brought would not quite go with this slinky
dress. She poked her head out of the dressing room door
and quietly said, "Umm, excuse me." The woman who
answered her, it seemed read her mind, and brought her
a strapless bra of most magnificent beauty, with
matching panties that would not show the slightest
under the dress.

Wendy dressed in quiet awe, looked in the mirror and if
she had not known it was her standing there, she would
have thought it were someone else. She slipped on the
shoes that were also left for her and exited the
changing room. Immediately 3 women came to her primping
and fixing any area that needed a slight touch.

Blushing deeply, Wendy thanked everyone and took her
bag, which magically had been replaced as well with a
slinky black bag, attempted to tip the women, who
quickly left the room not giving Wendy the chance.

As she left the spa, the butler smiled, took her hand
and simply said, "Everything was taken care of and may
I express that you look stunning." He helped her into
the car and they headed off to the yacht that would
take her to Miklos' house.

The events of the past 24 hours passed through Wendy's
mind as they drove up to the 140' yacht docked at the
marina. Wendy boarded with wonder and excitement. The
captain introduced himself and explained that it would
be a 45 minute cruise to Miklos' island. Wendy
stuttered and said, "Excuse me, did you say HIS

The captain smiled and said, "Yes, the island has
belonged to Miklos' family for many generations." With
that the captain bowed and returned to sail the boat to
the island.

Wendy was escorted to the stern of the boat, sat next
to the pool as the sun was turning gold over the
horizon. Three servants presented Wendy with grapes,
cheese and wine as she sat, mesmerized by the sinking
sun and the experience she had been having.

After what seemed like a very short time, the first
mate, came and brought Wendy to the front of the boat
where an island was quickly forming. Within minutes the
yacht pulled up to the dock and she was being helped
off. There Miklos stood with two glasses of wine,
dressed in a very informal shirt and pants, no shoes
and a warm glow to him.

He handed Wendy a glass of wine and took her hand,
spinning her on the spot, only saying, "breathtaking".

Hand and hand with Miklos, her other hand holding a
glass of red wine, he led her up the pier and toward a
magnificent house on a hill ahead of them.

As Wendy and Miklos made their way up the hill toward
the house, the landscape and surrounding area revealed
itself. It was a magnificent estate. Palm trees,
flowering plants that created aroma's Wendy had never
imagined were planted in just the right spots.

On they walked, ever closer to the house that expanded
before her eyes. The house blended into the landscape,
and Wendy imagined that if she were out on a boat, the
house would be barely visible. Tall windows lined the
walls, allowing plenty of light into the rooms as they
made their way to the back patio where a pool was laid
out before her eyes.

It seemed as though the pool drained right into the
ocean, for a short walk from the back patio was the
most pristine beach Wendy had ever seen. White sand,
clear blue water and privacy where the only people able
to see that side of the island were boaters, however it
would have to be from a distance as the depth of the
water was minimal, she could see the water deepen in
color where there was a drop off in the depth.

Taking in the grand sight before her, Wendy turned and
on the patio and set before them was a candle lit table
with a chilled bottle of wine. Miklos walked her over
to the seat and pushed in her chair as she sat. Sitting
opposite her, he poured another glass of wine and
together they sat and talked as the sun set over the

Dinner was brought to them by servers, though Wendy
knew not where they came from. Fresh Mediterranean
salad, and the most delicious entrée she had ever had.
Followed by dessert of strawberry shortcake and ice

As the night sky emerged before them, Miklos took Wendy
by the hand and danced to music that seemed to just
appear out of nowhere. They danced for what seemed to
Wendy to be hours. The stars twinkling in the sky and
the soft lapping of the ocean.

Miklos lead Wendy down the short walkway to the beach,
where they sat on a blanket already laid out for them.
Ever so briefly Wendy thought about how he must have
had this so planned out, however this thought was
quickly replaced by rapture as Miklos moved his head in
and kissed her under the moon and stars.

Her body seemed to jump to life as they embraced. She
never felt so alive. Fully aware that her hands were
eagerly unbuttoning his shirt, however unable to stop
herself. Miklos broke their embrace stood and removed
his shirt. His ever so perfectly formed torso being
soaked in by her eyes. Even as she sat there watching
in awe, she was aware of her quickened breathing as
turned and removed his pants. His tight ass just at eye
level, he walked into the sea.

Turning toward her when the water reached the middle of
his chest, he called for her. "Wendy darling, come, the
water is magnificent."

Her mind told her not to, however her body seemed to
follow his command. She stood slipped the straps of her
dress off her shoulders, peeled off the bra and panties
and slowly walked into the sea after him.

He met her kissed her briefly and turned her around,
running his hands over her supple breasts, kissing her
neck. She let him, explore her body with his hands. So
quickly she was in his control. She knew it and once
more he knew it. Her moans egging him on and she
allowed him to enter her. He was a natural lover, she
followed his rhythm and met his every thrust.

Wendy knew it wouldn't take long, her own hand slid
down and rubbed her throbbing clitoris. As Miklos
kissed her neck, his hand on her breast, Wendy's hand
rubbing her clit, she convulsed as the orgasm overtook

Her orgasm was intense, as he thrust into her and her
orgasm continued, she began to feel lightheaded and
everything faded to black.

The golden glow of the sun crept up the handsomely
decorated bedroom, soft aroma of coffee drifted through
the air like morning fog, Wendy's eyes slowly opened as
the ocean lapped against the beach close by. Slowly the
room came into focus, however it was not her hotel

Her slender body stretched in the silk sheets and she
came to the realization that she was only wearing a
man's shirt. The sheets felt smooth to her skin and
slowly she left the bed and moved to a window where an
antique looking telescope stood. She peered through the
telescope and adjusted the lens so she was looking at
the beach on the mainland. Now more than ever she
realized how different she must appear, for the women
on the beach were topless, with bronzed skin. Wendy
turned to the mirror and saw her very slightly tanned
body in it's reflection with noticeable tan lines.

What had happened the evening prior slowly crept into
her mind and she blushed. Hurriedly she looked around
the room for clothes when there was a knock on the
French doors leading to the patio and pool.

She peered through the lace curtains and saw Miklos
standing there with a tray with coffee and fruit.
Standing there in the morning sunlight wearing only
boxer/brief bathing trunks, little droplets of water on
his body. It seemed he had just left the pool or ocean
to bring her something to eat and drink.

The gravity of what happened to her started to sink in.
He knocked again and said, "I will have coffee and food
for you to the table, please join me. There is no need
to be shy."

There was a sense of directive in the way he said
things, Wendy sensed that it was not a request but a
command. Rummaging in the armoire she found a pair of
khaki pants which she hastily put on.

Being sure to check the mirror before exiting the room,
Wendy was sure that her breasts were covered. She
exited through the French doors and sat opposite
Miklos. He poured her a cup of coffee and slid a bowl
of assorted fruits across to her. He simply smiled and
said, "There was no need to dress, we are alone today.
I have given everyone the day off. I hope your sleep
was refreshing."

He sipped his coffee, stood and strolled to the pool
where he dove in, leaving little ripples in the water.
Completing one lap as Wendy looked around, drank some
coffee and ate some fruit, Miklos put his arms on the
side of the pool facing Wendy. "A morning swim really
invigorates the body, why don't you join me?" Again
Wendy sensed that he was not asking her, but commanding
her, and before she knew what she was doing, the shirt
was on the ground and she was sliding the pants off her

For the first time, Miklos had a perfect view of her
body. The evening before was dark and he was unable to
accurately see her. Standing approximately five foot
six inches tall, with silky brown hair, Wendy found
herself trying to cover her breasts and groin from his
eyes. "Now, now, please, you are beautiful and in time
you will come to acknowledge this simple fact. Put your
arms at your sides and let me take in your marvelous

Wendy obeyed, her arms now at her sides, blushing a red
deeper than the blood that she felt rushing all over
her body. His eyes moved from her angelic face, blue
eyes, to her pert breasts, grapefruit sized, oh how he
loves natural breasts. Down her sumptuous abdomen to
her hips, only slightly larger than her waist, her body
was very much what he loved. Her slightly muscular legs
clamped together to keep his eyes from penetrating her
most private area, though deep down she knew it
wouldn't be long before he would be able to ravage her.
It was her destiny to be taken by this man in every way
he wanted.

He held his hand out and she slowly walked to him and
he put his hands on her waist, lifted her with apparent
ease and slowly descended her body into the
surprisingly warm pool. Immediately though her body
erupted into goose bumps making her already hard
nipples harder.

He brushed her hair out of her face with the slightest
of touch setting off more goose bumps. Their eyes met
and she submitted. He knew she was his now and would do
whatever he asked of her. If he wished, she would walk
through the center of Athens naked, however his wish
was to give her pleasure the likes of which she had
never even dreamed possible.

Miklos kissed her, their tongues entwined like snakes
mating. Her arms groping his body, pulling him against
her own body. She wanted to feel him, to become one
with him. Wendy broke their kiss, licked his neck,
moving ever slowly downward. Tonguing his nipples,
Wendy licked her way down his chest and rock hard abs.
Looking up at him, she took a deep breath and submerged
her head and took his hardening cock in her mouth,
sucking him into her mouth and blowing his cock out,
repeating this action to his pleasure.

Wendy remained under the water as long as her lungs
held air. Reluctantly she surfaced and immediately
Miklos slid his arm under her knees and around her
shoulders, lifting her and walked out of the pool with
her looking adoringly up at him.

Inside he took her, not to the room where she had slept
but to another room where a four poster bed stood alone
in the middle of a huge room. He placed her with ease
in the middle of the bed. Beneath the pillow he removed
a blindfold which he proceeded to put on her. He took
her left hand and caressed her arm from the fingertips
to the shoulder, and as her arm was stretched he
strapped her to the post.

Wendy did not fight. She would do anything he wanted.

As he made his way around the bed, his hands caressed
and massaged her body, being sure to keep away from
where he knew she wanted him. Her arms and legs now
bound to the bed, she pulled slightly, if only to test
the strength of the straps. She waited with baited
breath, waiting for him to enter her, to lick her, to
do anything to her and there was a creak some distance
away and the sound of a door shutting.


OK - where to start... I'm male and I have a bit of a 
cream pie fetish. I had a small problem though,
something which some of you may relate to. The thought
of eating my cream from my wife's pussy really gets me
off, but after the deposit, it becomes a turn off. I no
longer want to partake until I'm horny again.

This problem is what led me to try something new.

The wife and I had agreed that there would be no other
men after a fiasco I may write about later, so any
cream pies would be my own. However, because of the
problem mentioned above, I would not want to follow
through with sucking my cum out of her. This greatly
disappointed her, as the idea turns her on as well.

So I was thinking one day on how to remedy the
situation and still satisfy both of us. Other men
making the deposit was not an option so I came up with
the idea of using my own cum, but saved from a previous

I found an airtight plastic jar, and for several days I
jacked myself into it, then, after each time, placed it
in the freezer to preserve freshness.

When I had a few loads saved up, I would warm it up,
suck the juice into a syringe, and make the deposit
into my wife before either of us had cum.

I would start with her, licking and sucking, and she
would have a great orgasm. Then I would allow myself to
cum, and it would be over. Both satisfied.

So I got to thinking one day... I would really like to
fill her up and see what it would be like. I didn't
tell her about it, because I wanted to surprise her.
Actually, I wasn't really sure how she'd react to the
quantity, so not telling her might help with the
delivery - she wouldn't have time to think about it and
possibly decide she didn't want to go that far.

For over a month, I methodically emptied myself into a
much larger jar, day after day. Most of the time, it
was several times a day, until I had a whole pint saved
up. I'm sure for some it would not have taken that
long, but my ejacs only contain about a teaspoon or
slightly over normally. All those stories where someone
says they came a cup's worth is bullshit. Anyone who
has tried to save any finds out quick that it takes
some time.

Anyway, when my pint jar was filled to the brim, I
started thinking about how I was going to make the
deposit in good time, as the syringe was only 30 cc and
it would take many fills to complete the transfer. This
would surely tip her off to the fact that it was not
the normal amount that we had done previously. It took
some thought, but I figured the best way to do it would
be to pump it in.

I went to the hardware store and found a bulb style,
one-way pump similar to a ball pump that people use on
the gas tanks of boats with outboards. It draws in the
"liquid" from one side, and pumps it out the other side
when the bulb is squeezed. I looked around for an
applicator to put on the end of the tube, but finally
decided that a douche nozzle would work the best - plus
it fit perfectly on the tube coming out of the bulb.

With the application method taken care of, I started
making plans of when and how.

At the next opportunity where she seemed receptive to
the idea (she goes in streaks - sometimes it turns her
off), I would convince her that a blindfold would make
it more exciting. I knew she would be OK with that -
we'd done it before and she gets into it.

After just a few days, I made the suggestion that we
"try something a little different". She gave me that
look that I'm sure a lot of men get from that statement
- like... what exactly do you mean, "a little
different". I told her not to worry, that it wasn't
something I knew she wouldn't like... blah, blah, blah.
She said OK. I told her to get naked on the bed, put
the blindfold on and that I would be there shortly.

I heated up the cum, making sure that it was hotter
than it would normally be, but not scalding or
anything. I walked to the bedroom and asked before
entering if she had the blindfold on... she did. I
pulled the bulb pump out, and I got down on my knees by
the bed. I told her to get on her knees, doggy style,
and move to the edge of the bed. This position was
important to the plan, because from past experience I
learned that in any other comfortable position, the cum
would leak out as fast as it went in.

I don't know if my wife's pussy is unique at all, but
she is the first I had ever been with that has a fairly
small hole, but big enough inside that she inflates
during sex. Well, doggy style anyway - air will fill
her in this position to the point that when I thrust
in, she is pressurized, and then the air shoots out
around my cock as I bottom out. It's an incredible
feeling, and between that and the sounds it makes, it
gets me off every time.

So now she was blindfolded, doggy style, and at the
edge of the bed with me looking straight into her
pussy. Perfect.

I reached into our "drawer" and retrieved her favorite
vibrator. I handed it to her and told her that I
thought it would be pleasurable for her to hold it to
herself while I was messing around. She was starting to
get excited from the idea that she didn't know what I
was doing and agreed.

I didn't want to start with a few shots of air into her
pussy, so I pre-loaded the pump with cum until it just
started to cum out of the nozzle. I then inserted the
nozzle slowly into her pussy.

"That feels good, what are you doing?" she said. I told
her to never mind and just enjoy the feeling.

I started pumping - it took 12 squeezes of the bulb,
and during the process I asked her what she was
feeling. She said that she felt the warmth, she felt
the inflation, and that it all felt really good. She
said she was getting close to cumming already (before
I'd even finished pumping), so I told her not to, as I
had other plans. Although I'm sure it was difficult for
her, she removed the vibrator from her clit and let me

At the end of the pumping, when the suction hose of the
bulb started sucking air, I tipped it up so that
gravity would allow the remainder of the cum to enter
her pussy during the last pump. I shot a very small
amount of air into her at the end just to make sure the
hose was empty and that all the cum had gotten in. She
jumped a little with that, but only because it was

There... the whole pint was inside her, and much to my
amazement, plenty of room for more. I really thought
I'd fill her up to overflowing with the pint, but as I
said before, she's very big inside.

I pulled the nozzle slowly out, and there was a dribble
of cum that escaped from her pussy. Upon seeing that, I
dove straight in and started licking and sucking her,
careful not to bring her to orgasm just yet.

When I had brought her close several times, I stood up
and slid my cock inside her. Liquid heaven is all I can

It was much warmer than I thought it would be, from the
hot cum I pumped in, and I knew instantly that this
wasn't going to take long. I brought myself close a
couple of times, and I kept her at the edge as well. I
definitely didn't want to cum at this point, 'cause I
knew I'd lose interest, and probably even think it was

Funny how when you are filled with lust, your mindset
is totally different then when your not. I carefully
pulled out, and upon seeing a huge gush of cum rush
from her pussy, I went down on her again, licking the
outside clean. Yum! I collected as much as I could on
my tongue, and then slid it up to her asshole.

Using the cum as a lubricant, I slid my tongue in her
ass (another thing that is great when your horny - but
seems bogus when your not). She enjoys anal sex, but
only when she is in the right mood for it. She never
tells me she wants it in her ass, so I have to use
guesswork to figure out the right times. Sometimes I'm
wrong, but most of the time I'm right about it.
Luckily, this was one of those right times.

I stood again, and placed my cock to her asshole, and
slowly, carefully slid in to the hilt. Learned long ago
that even when she's in the mood for it, making it
painful will ruin it for her.

I let her get used to the feeling while I reached below
and fondled her clit. I have to be real careful when
doing this as she cums very quickly and easily when my
cocks in her ass. As I said before, I had other plans
for making her cum.

I began a slow rhythmic thrusting movement in her ass,
and had to stop myself several time to keep from
cumming. I looked down and watched my cock slip into
and out of her ass, and thought what a wonderful sight
it was. But it was time for more pussy, so I slipped my
cock out of her ass, moved down a little and slid right
up into her hot juicy pussy again.

"Hey," she said. "You know I don't like the idea of
that" - - I said, "Come on, we agreed that it was OK up
until something happened. Just relax and enjoy!"

She has always been paranoid of an infection of some
sort from the ass to pussy stuff, and as yet, of the
several dozen times we've done it in our ten years of
marriage, nothing's ever happened. (Knock on wood!)

I started slipping my cock into one hole, then into the
other, back and forth, but finally had to stop 'cause I
wasn't going to make it much longer. And I could tell
by her breathing that she wasn't far behind me. She
loves when I go from hole to hole, and yet every single
time she reminds me that she's concerned about doing
it. Go figure.

It was time to bring this session to a close. I knew
that she was losing some of the cum from my repeated
withdrawals, so this looked like the best time to
complete my plan.

I told her to just hold still while I repositioned
myself. I got up on the bed, laid down on my back with
my head towards her ass in almost a 69 position. I
wiggled myself beneath her until my head was under her
pussy, then I told her to sit down on my face. It was
time to make her cum.

Not sure why I didn't expect it, but as she sat her
pussy to my face, the cum began running out in
torrents. For a few moments I couldn't breathe from all
the cum that rushed out. It filled my mouth, and my
nose, and was running down my face and neck. I
sputtered a little, but then it stopped and I was fine.
Apparently just the act of her movement caused a
momentary rush of cum to leave her pussy. The rest
stayed inside.

I went to town then, licking and sucking on her for all
I was worth. It was quite exciting.

In just a few minutes, I knew she was getting close.
She started grinding her pussy into my face and her
breath was quickening. Then she was there and it

As she started a very powerful orgasm, cum gushed from
her pussy in time with her orgasmic contractions. Again
I was unable to breathe, but I rode it out - I just
kept sucking and licking and swallowing until she was
done. It was really cool!

As her orgasm subsided, the gushes ebbed, but there was
still more in there. I asked her to go ahead and push
the rest out for me. I was amazed at the quantity, even
though I had seen exactly how much was pumped in. It
just kept flowing as she pushed and I continued my
sucking and swallowing until at last, she would push
and only a few drops and bubbles of air were coming

My turn to cum! I flipped her over onto her back, slid
my cock in and in record time, couldn't have been but
two minutes, I was shooting a fresh load into her

Afterward, we talked about it and she said it was an
incredible feeling. Being pumped full of cum like that
really turned her on, and she also said that the
feeling of the cum shooting out during her orgasm was
something she had never experienced before. She really
liked it and thought it was probably the closest thing
to ejaculating like a man that she could ever

I am now saving up again, with her blessing... this
time I'm going for a whole quart and I figure anything
that doesn't fit in her pussy, I'll pump into her ass.


We had been invited to an army camp to collect an award 
for my wife's late father. They were having a Naafi
dance that evening and we were invited to attend and as
the camp was in the middle of nowhere, we were provided
with a room for the night.

The dance started off very slowly as the WRAC's who
were coming from the next camp, some distance away,
were late in arriving. There were a few officer's wives
and daughters but the men far outnumbered the women, so
Vy was in great demand for dances.

As the evening drew on, it was clear that something was
wrong and that the girls were not going to arrive. At
last it was announced that there had been an accident,
nothing serious but as it had delayed them so much and
as a lot of the girls were shaken up, that they
returned to their camp.

So now that the men knew there would be no girls
arriving, Vy was in even more demand. I noticed as time
went on, that some of the men dancing with my wife were
holding her very close, they were getting very intimate
on the dance floor and Vy looked very flushed.

The band stopped for a break, so Vy returned to me for
a sit down and a drink. The poor love was exhausted.
She had been dancing for over an hour without a break.

"Enjoying yourself, you sexy bitch?" I joked.

"Oh yes, it's lovely. I've never had so many hard cocks
pressed up against me. I'm turning them all on!" She
laughed. "I'm glad that accident happened and the
WRAC's didn't arrive. I just love being the centre of
all this attention."

"You always did like to flirt, I'm just glad that
you're enjoying yourself."

"You don't mind do you?"

"On the contrary, I'm getting turned on watching you
but you had better be careful, you're stirring up all
that male lust. They might just explode and drag you
off into a back room and rape you." We both laughed.

I could see that Vy was having a wonderful time and the
thought of her with all these men was turning me on. We
have had a few 3somes before and I had really enjoyed
watching her thrashing about and screaming in sexual
abandon, so to see her with another man was nothing new
but they had been one a day and a long time in between.

The music started up again and she was off, dancing the
night away. She joined me a couple of times but only
briefly to grab a drink and to tell me how turned on
she was. I really didn't need her to tell me as her
flushed face gave her away.

Eventually the evening was over and we said our
goodbye's and went to our room. Vy was still very
excited and I thought that I would have to give her a
really good fucking to try to calm her down or we
wouldn't get any sleep. She stripped naked and was
sitting up in bed, endlessly chatting about her
exciting evening, I was packing our clothes away ready
for an early departure, when there was a knock on the
door. I opened it to find one of Vy's dancing partners.

"Oh! Hello," says I.

"Erm! Ah! err, I'd like err, I've err... just come to
thank Vy for making it a wonderful evening," he

"Who's there?" shouted Vy.

"It's one of your friends come to thank you for the
dance," I replied.

"Well bring him in." When he entered the room and saw
Vy sitting up in bed naked, he stammered all the more
but couldn't take his eyes of her lovely breasts.

"Come and sit beside me." she said as she patted the
bed were she wanted him to sit. I could see that she
was relishing being in control of the situation. The
young man didn't know quite what to do. He looked
around at me, hesitantly.

"It's ok," I said as he sat on the edge of the bed.
They spoke together for a few minutes and then Vy took
his hand and placed it on her breast. Very nervously he
looked at me, by now I had sat down on the other side
of the room to watch.

"It's ok!" I smiled at him.

"Suck my nipples!" Vy demanded as her hand foraged into
his pants to grab hold of his throbbing (by now, fit to
burst) cock. He let out a moan and jumped to his feet,
pulled off all his clothes, dragged Vy down the bed so
that she was flat on her back, got on to the bed and
lifted her legs onto his shoulders and rammed his cock
into her juiced up pussy as hard as he could. The poor
lad was that turned on; remember Vy had been keeping
him on the boil all evening, that he 'came' within
seconds. It was the nearest thing to rape that I had
ever seen.

As soon as he had finished, he was that embarrassed, he
jumped up, got dressed and apologising, left.

"Well! You sex mad slut!" I laughed.

"Oh yes! That was lovely," she purred, "not very long
but thrilling none the less. It's your turn now."

"Hey bitch!" I said laughingly. "Don't be trying to
make out that you are doing it for me, you just want

"Oh yes please!" she said as she opened her legs. I sat
on the bed and put my hand on her pussy and as my
fingers dipped inside her beautiful pussy, the spunk
started to seep out. I dragged my wet fingers up and
lubricated her clit with spunk. Her moans grew louder
and louder as her climax neared; then a full blooded
scream came from her lips as wave after wave of
pleasure swept through her body. She had just collapsed
into a (contented) heap when there was another knock on
the door.

"More of your friends no doubt!"

"Oh I do hope so!" she purred as she looked up at me
from under her half closed, lust filled eyes.

I opened the door to be greeted by another young man.
"I've er. I've just come to..."

"Come in!" I told him, then turning to Vy I said, "It's
for you."

"Oh! Yes please. More, more! I've got to have more!"

This young man was a bit more controlled. He took his
time and worked Vy up slowly but surely. She was
nearing another climax even before he had put his cock
into her. I was quite surprised at the size of it, it
must have been at least 8 or nine inches long but it
was also very thick. I thought to myself that this
would make her sit up and take notice and by golly it

As he put it into her, slowly, very slowly, you could
see the expression on her face changing, her eyes
widened and her mouth gaped open and moans came from
her throat, deep and low and slowly building in
intensity. The huge monster stretched her cunt to the
limit. In and out went the huge cock. She was lost in a
sea of passion.

Orgasm after orgasm sent shudders through her lovely
body. I was extremely turned on myself, I had to take
my cock in hand but I didn't want to come yet. Not
until I could get my dick into my wife's beautiful,
well used, spunk filled cunt. Then the young soldier
groaned as his orgasm came, with a few hard thrusts he
shot his load of come into her and collapsed on top of
her still writhing body.

I had hardly closed the door behind him when there was
another knock, word was spreading, another young
soldier. Vy was grinning from ear to ear, she just
wanted more and more. After he had fucked her, as I was
letting him out, I popped my head out of the door and
looked down the landing. There was a queue of young
soldiers lined up outside our room. I said to Vy "There
are 7 guys waiting outside."

Smiling, she said, "I never did like Pepsi, I always
fancied 7UP," and burst into a fit of the giggles. Then
in a really sexy voice, she said. "Bring them all in

"Are you sure? It's a lot to take, 7 vigorous young men
at the peak of physical fitness."

"Oh yes! Your making it sound better all the time," she
replied as she wriggled about on the bed, squeezing her
breasts and pinching her nipples.

"Ok! If you're sure." I opened the door and said "Ok
lads, she wants a gang bang, anyone who wants to join
in, come in."

With that they all trooped into the room. "Right, the
first thing to do is get the mattress onto the floor, I
don't think that bed will take the weight of all of you
at once. Let's get the mattress onto the floor and
stand the bed up against the wall out of the way."

Two of them lifted Vy's naked body off the bed whilst
the rest arranged everything. No sooner was she placed
on the mattress than someone was between her legs
shoving a cock into her. Two other guys were kneeling
either side of her head and trying to get two cocks
into her mouth at the same time.

She was moaning and writhing around in sheer pleasure,
I'd never seen her so turned on. Then the guy who was
fucking her, rolled over so that she was on the top of
him and another guy got on top of her. I got down to
see what they were doing, as I was worried in case she
got hurt as I didn't know if she would like being
buggered or not, but no, they were just trying to get 2
cocks into her cunt and she was that lubricated with
spunk that they went in easily.

It was a beautiful sight to behold, the woman I loved
was stretched out naked on top of a guy with his cock
stuck up her and the guy on top had his cock in her as
well. Two cocks in her mouth and a cock in each hand.
The 7th guy was trying his best to get at her tits,
trying to get his hand in between the heaving bodies to
get a feel. The guy on top was the fist to come, his
moans were muffled in her hair as he thrust powerfully
and shot all his spunk into her ever hungry cunt.

As he pulled his dick out of her, all the spunk seeped
out and trickled down the cock of the guy underneath
and dripped of his balls. He rolled her over and
started to wildly screw her. All the others just sat
watching as they played with their cocks. They made no
further attempts at doing it as a group but just took
turns fucking her in a straight forward way. Everyone
enjoyed the use of my lovely wife's body, all 7 of the
young soldiers shot their spunk into her, in fact the
first guy who came, had a second go and fucked her

Eventually they all left, saying their farewells. Vy
smiled up at me, she looked beautiful lying there
naked, glistening with sweat and drenched with spunk.

"Your turn now Darling," she purred.

"You bet your life it is, you brazen little slut."

"Come on, fuck me! Fuck Me!" And I did, all night long.

Monday, October 29, 2012


Ini pengalaman yg kualami baru2 ini. Selepas hari raya, aku mengalami masalah
kewangan yang agak memeningkan juga. Bingung aku dibuatnya. Kawan2 semuanya
senasib, tak dpt nak pinjamlee...

Dlm aku dok termenung2, last2 ada sorg rakan sekerja yg memberiku idea.
Terkejut sungguh aku mendengar ideanya. Dia menyuruhku cuba berjumpa dengan
akauntan syarikat. Anak dara tua itu loaded, gaji besar, anak bongsu tauke
lagi... tentulah dia berduit. Tetapi sebenarnya, syarat2nya lah yg mengejutkan
aku. Membuat aku berfikir berkali2.

Akhirnya, aku pasrah saja pada nasib. Untung sabut timbul, untung batu...

Esoknya, pagi2 lagi, aku menunggu ketibaan Miss Chin. (Nama betul, tapi aku
yakin korang takkan tahu nama penuhnya, top secret!! Pasal aku dah berjanji.)

Anyway, bila dia datang pagi itu, aku tersenyum padanya. Wuimak, seksi
sungguh dia hari itu. Bila dia lalu depan meja aku, aku berdiri. Dia
tau aku nak bercakap, lalu memandang aku.

"Ada apa Joe?" (Bahasa Melayunya memang kelas)
"Boleh saya berjumpa dgn Cik sekejap?"
"Boleh, marilah ke dlm bilik saya..."

Dgn hati penuh debaran, aku ikut dia ke biliknya. Nasib baik hari masih
awal, yg lain belum datang. Kalau tidak... entahlah teruk aku kena perli

"Ada apa Joe?" tanyanya lagi setelah duduk. Akupun sudah duduk juga
di depannya.
"Begini..." Aku terkial2 nak memulakan kata.
"Terus terang sajala... " suaranya yang lunak, melegakan hatiku.
"Saya ingin nak pinjam duit sikit... pasal saya tengah sesak sekarang."
Suaraku macam ndak tak ndak saja keluarnya. Dia senyum saja.

"Siapa yg cadangkan awak berjumpa saya?" tanyanya. Ini membuat aku serba
salah. Dia merenung tajam.

Tiba2 dia ketawa kecil. "Tentu Zek, bukan?"
Aku tak sedar mengangguk, tampa kata.
"Tentu dah tahu kehendak saya, kan?" tanyanya lagi.
"Cik Chin nak..." tiba2 seram sejuk menyerang seluruh tubuhku.

"Joe, mari dekat saya..."
Aku ikut. Dia menarik tanganku, hingga akhirnya aku berdiri bersandar mejanya
dan mukanya menghadap kelangkangku.

"Joe, awak pernah main perempuan?" tanyanya.
Saya menggelengkan kepala.
"Bohong... saya tahu hubungan awak dengan Maria... tak usah temberang."

"Jangan bimbang. Saya tak marah. Itu hak awak berdua..."
Aku menelan air liur.
"Berapa umur awak sekarang?"
"25" kataku.
"Tentu sudah matang zuriat awak. Baguslah. Kenapa tak kawin saja dgn
Maria? Dia baik. Lihat, dia sanggup serahkan diri pada awak..."
Aku terdiam.

Tapi, diam2 tangannya sudah meramas2 kelangkangku.
"Tak apalah Joe. Hari ini saya ingin rasakan apa yg Maria rasakan."

Perlahan2 dia menarik zip seluarku. Kemudian menarik batangku keluar.
Aku sudah keras sebenarnya. Tapi masih nervous juga.

"Patutlah Maria suka dgn awak... hebat awak ni... lebih hebat daripada
Zek sendiripun." katanya tersenyum. Sambil itu, dia melurut2 batangku
yg terus kian tegang dan keras. Aduhai, pandainya dia melurut! Macam
nak terus terpancut di situ juga. Mujur aku ada pengalaman dgn Maria.
Pandai juga sedikit petua mengawal diri.

Miss Chin tak banyak bicara lagi. Dia menjilatnya. Mula2 dekat kepalanya.
Bahagian muncung, tempat keluarnya air. Turun ke bahagian bawah kepala.
Kemudian merayap pula lidahnya ke batang. Sampai kira2 di pertengahan
batang, dia menggunakan bibirpula. Dinyonyotnya. Aduh...

Lepas itu, bibir dan lidahnya terus merayap2 lagi ke segenap bahagian
batang. Kemudian, dia kembali ke bahagian kepalanya lagi. Tenggelam
seluruh kepala ke dalam mulutnya. Aku mula merasai kehangatan mulutnya.

Daripada situ, perlahan2 batangku turut masuk melepasi bibirnya. Sempit
mulutnya mengkagumkan. Mariapun tak sehebat ini. Aku mulai mengakui
apa yg telah diceritakan oleh Zek kepadaku. Miss Chin memang pakar
hisap. Kata Zek lebih sedap daripada hisapan Pondan kakilima. Kata
Zekla... aku tak main pondan ni...

Sewaktu Miss Chin mulai menghanggukkan kepala, dan batang kebanggaanku
keluar masuk dari mulutnya, aku tak sedar aku terpaksa berpaut begitu
kuat kepada sisi mejanya.

Walaupun cuba sedaya upaya menahan bunyi, kadang2 aku mengeluh juga. Tapi
Miss Chin tak peduli. Berdecup2 dia menghisap... Tak dapat aku bayangkan

Rasanya lebih 15 minit, baru aku inzal. Dia meneguk habis. Tak setitikpun
tumpah ke luar. Baru kusedari peluh memercik di tubuhku. Tapi Miss Chin
belum melepaskannya.

Dia tersu pula menghisap.

Mula2 ngilu juga. Tapi lama2 aku terangsang lagi. Cukup lama. Lebih 20
minit, sebelum satu lagi siri inzal terhasil. Pun licin.

Seluruh sendiku terasa lemah bila dia selesai. Diaturnya semula serta
dizipnya kembali.

Sebentar kemudian dia menghulurkan not 100 sekeping yg masih baru.
"Sedap mani awak Joe. Lemak-lemak masin. Pekat pula." Aku cuma senyum
lemah. Tak terlarat berkata apa2.

Semasa aku berpaling, hendak keluar, selapas menerima wang itu, dia me
nahan pula tanganku. Aku menoleh.
"Nanti, minta lagi ya? Saya suka mani awak"
Angguk. Kemudian dia menambah lagi.
"Malam minggu depan ni, datanglah ke rumah saya. Saya ganti Maria.
Sekali2 cubalah juga main dengan saya. Bertambah pengalaman tu..."
Pun angguk juga.

Di luar Zek beri isyarat, bagaimana? Aku tunjukkan ibu jari: OK.

Cerita kami berdua malam minggu itu, terpaksa masuk part lain pula.
Biar aku katakan saja:

Malam Minggu Badai Mengamuk,
Aku kering di kaki subuh
Nafsu diturut, Kehendak dipupuk,
Dalam Aircond kami berpeluh!!


Aku menikah dengan usia yangrelatif muda, yaitu 25 tahun dan istriku 22 tahun. Aku bersyukur bisa memperoleh istri yang cantik dan tubuh yang seksi dengan dada yang menantang dan pantat yg sekal, tapi bukan itu alasanku memilih dia tapi kebaikan dan ketaatannya dalam beribadah yang membuatku yakin dengan pilihanku.

Karena menikah dengan usia muda dan karir masi pemula membuat kami belum mampu membeli rumah sendiri, sehingga kami pun ngontrak rumah dipinggiran kota. Itu pun tidak lama karena mertuaku menyuruh kami tinggal bersama mereka. Karena berbagai pertimbangan kami pun setuju tinggal di rumah mertuaku.

Mertuaku tinggal di rumah berdua, dan mereka mempunyai toko yang terletak tidak jauh dari rumah. Mereka mempunyai 2 karyawan wanita sebagai penjaga toko, dan 2 karyawan laki-laki berusia remaja (sekitar 18 tahun) bernama yusup.

Ibu mertuaku masih relatif muda yaitu 40 tahunan dengan badan agak gemuk dan dada yang besar. Wajahnya masih cantik untuk ukuran usianya. Bapak mertuaku juga masih terlihat tegap.

Tidak ada yang aneh hingga peristiwa itu terjadi. Saat itu aku pulang siang dari kantor karena kepalaku sakit sekali. Tiba di depan pintu rumah, terlihat rumah sangat sepi. Karena memiliki kunci aku bisa masuk dengan leluasa. Langsung menuju kamarku, tetapi ketika aku hendak melewati dapur terdengar suara-suara mencurigakan dari dapur.
dengan mengendap-endap aku menuju dapur. Dadaku langsung berdegup kencang melihat pemandangan yang kulihat.

Kulihat ibu mertuaku meronta-ronta dalam pelukan pria yg aku tau itu bukan bapak mertuaku. Tadinya aku ingin bertindak menghajar laki-laki itu, tapi entah kenapa aku hanya terdiam saja.

Laki-laki itu dengan kasar meremas dada mertuaku yang saat itu memakai daster dengan tali yang kecil hingga ketiaknya terlihat. Tangan itu kemudian menurunkan tali dan BH sehingga menyembul dada besar mertuaku. Tangan laki-laki yang semula meremas berganti memilin puting susunya.

"Jangan Sup, ibu kan udah tua", kudengar mertuaku bicara ditengah desahannya, dan tangannya mendorong pelan dada laki-laki itu, yang bernama yusup! Ya yusup, karyawannya yang masih muda, aku takjub berani juga anak itu!, batinku.
"habis, bodi ibu seksi bgt, apalagi toketmu. Jadi ga tahan pengen ******* ibu' ujar yusup, sambil tangannya kini bergerak menyingkap kan daster, sehingga paha putih dan cd krem berenda mertuaku terlihat jelas.

Yusup kemudian berlutut dan memelorotkan cd mertuaku ke bawah sehingga muncul bulu-bulu jembut mertuaku yang rimbun. Yusup langsung melahap vagina mertuaku yang terpampang, menjilat dan mengigit kecil itil mertuaku. Nafas mertuaku semakin tak beraturan, matanya merem melek, kemudian badan bergetar, sepertinya dia sedang memperoleh kenikmatan yang dahsyat.

Tiba-tiba mertuaku menarik kepala yusup. "cepet masukin sebelum suamiku datang!" bisik mertuaku. Yusup dengan cepat membuka celana jeansnya dan sedikit menurunkan cdnya hingga mengacung batang ****** yang ingin segera masuk ke sarangnya. 

Mertuaku tampaknya tidak ingin buang-buang waktu, dia segera mendorong yusup hingga terlentang, batang kejantanan yusup digenggam kemudian dijilat dan dikulum sebentar. Tak lama kemudian mertuaku naik ke badan yusup lalu meraih ****** yusup kemudian diarahkan ke lubang vaginanya. Bless... ****** yusup pun amblas ke dalam. 

Bagaikan joki yg sedang menunggangi kuda, mertuaku bergerak liar menggoyang pinggulnya, sementara yusup mendesis keenakan. Hingga 'saya mau keluar bu' desis yusup, "ibu juga! ... Aaakh..." kedua tubuh mereka mengejang dan "croot...croot..". Mereka terdiam beberapa saat menikmati sisa-sisa kenikmatan yang ada. Kemudian ambruk bersama-sama."

"ayo cepat kamu balik lag ike toko, nanti suamiku nyariin!".. Kata mertuaku perlahan pada yusup. Yusup pun bergegas merapikan celana Kemudian mencium kening mertuaku "terima kasih ya bu...". Mertuaku tak menjawab, hanya terdiam mengumpulkan nafas setelah pergumulan tadi. Yusup pun segera keluar, saat mertuaku masih terlentang dengan daster acak-acakan. Sementara aku juga bengong dan dalam keadaan horny berat.

Pikiranku berkecamuk, antara horni pengen ikut ******* mertuaku dengan kesetiaanku pada istriku. Sementara ibu mertuaku masih merapikan bajunya yang acak-acakan. Dengan gemetaran karena pikiran yang campur aduk, aku mendekati mertuaku, "birahiku juga harus disalurkan!, aku akan ******* ibu mertuaku" tekadku saat itu, tapi dasar sial, saat aku sudah mau bergerak. Pintu depan terbuka dan terliat bapak mertuaku datang masuk ke rumah. Membuyarkan keinginanku.

Ibu mertuaku ternyata pandai juga bersandiwara, dengan suaminya dia berlaku seolah tidak terjadi apa-apa, 5 menit yg lalu!. Aku langsung masuk ke kamar dengan kepala yang makin pusing, kepala atas dan bawah.

Sejak peristiwa itu, aku jadi semakin memperhatikan ibu mertuaku. Gak kusangka, dibalik ketelatenannya mengurus suaminya ternyata dia tega menghianatinya dengan perselingkuhan, yang entah sudah berapa kali dilakukan. Berapa kali? Dengan siapa aja?
Pertanyaan ini lebih menarik untuk kucari tau ketimbang aku ikut menghianati istriku dengan berselingkuh dengan ibu mertuaku.

Diam-diam aku membeli perlengkapan kamera yang kupasang dibeberapa tempat strategis dirumah mertuaku, kupasang juga alat perekam sehingga aku tetap bisa melihat apa yang terjadi ketika aku di kantor.Ternyata bermanfaat juga.

Kejadian pertama terjadi didapur lagi, dan terbilang sangat nekat. Siang itu ibu mertuaku sedang menyiapkan makan siang u/ suaminya. Seperti biasa, ibu mertuaku menggunakan daster yang sangat tipis, berwarna kuning tanpa menggunakan bra, sehingga toket besarnya terlihat mengacung besar dengan lingkar puting coklat yang tercetak membayang. Bagian ketiaknya terlihat longgar sehingga dari samping sering terlihat gundukan toket yang sangat menggairahkan.

Sementara itu tampak yusup sedang membantu bapak mertuaku membetulkan kabel lampu yg putus karena digigit tikus. Terliat Ibu mertua dan yusup, sering curi-curi pandang dan melemparkan isyarat-isyarat khusus disaat bapak mertuaku lengah. Seperti ibu mertuaku mengurut-ngurut mentimun dengan gerakan seolah-olah mengocok penis, yang dibales yusup dengan gerakan tangan seperti meremas toket. Sepertinya mereka sudah sangat horni. Tanpa diduga, bapak mertuaku bergerak pergi ke kamar mandi, mungkin karena ingin buang hajat, dan biasanya bisa berlangsung hingga lebih 15 menit.

Sesaat bapak mertuaku masuk ke kamar mandi, yusup bergerak cepat mendekati ibu mertuaku dan memeluknya dari belakang.
Bagai orang kelaparan mereka berciuman dengan buas, tanpa peduli bahwa bapak mertuaku berada dikamar mandi yang terletak hanya beberapa meter dari tempat mereka.

Tangan kanan yusup bergerak masuk ke balik daster melalui bagian ketiak yang longgar kemudian meremas toket yang sudah dari tadi menggodanya.
Tangan kirinya menelusup ke selangkangan dan menggosok-gosok memek mertuaku yang sudah sangat basah.

Mendapat serangan seperti itu, ibu mertuaku melenguh kenikmatan, tangannya bergerak merangkul leher yusup dan mendorong kepalanya hingga mereka bisa berciuman lebih ganas.

Ibu mertuaku berbalik menghadap yusup dan bersandar pada meja dapur.
Mereka kembali berciuman dengan ganas, toket mertuaku tersembul yang langsung disedot dan digigit-gigit kecil oleh yusup, sementara tangan satunya lg memilin-milin puting.

Tangan mertuaku bergerak ke arah selangkangan yusup dan meremas tonjolan batang dibalik celana katunnya. Kemudian membuka ruitsletingnya, merogoh cd dan menggenggam batang kejantanan yusup, kemudian mengocoknya secara perlahan. 

Mengetahui waktu yang dimiliki tidak banyak, ibu mertuaku tidak mau banyak membuang waktu, setelah Yusup memelorotkan cd mertuaku, dia segera mengarahkan rudalnya ke nonok mertuaku. Bless... Mulut mertuaku menganga menerima desakan batang yusup yang keras dan hangat pada vaginanya yang sudah basah. Yusup mendiamkan kontolnya diam sesaat merasakan remasan vagina mertuaku dan kemudian memompanya secara liar, sebelah kaki mertuaku melingkar ke badan yusup, memberikan akses penetrasi yang leluasa. Mulut yusup sibuk bergantian mencium bibir mertuaku dan menghisap serta mengigit-gigit toked montok mertuaku.

Tangan yusup meremas gemas toket yang tetap diiringi gerakan maju mundur pantatnya untuk melesakkan batangnya dan memberinya kenikmatan duniawi tanpa mempedulikan bapak mertuaku, suami dari wanita yang sedang ia setubuhi berada di kamar mandi yang tak jauh dari tempat mereka *******.

Kini mereka telah merubah posisi, ibu mertuaku menghadap ke meja, sementara yusup menyodoknya dari belakang, dengan posisi itu, toket mertuaku menggantung bebas dan bergoyang-goyang seiring dengan pompaan yusup dari belakang. Dengan posisi itu tidak berlangsung lama karena yusup kemudian mengejang dan meningkatkan pompaanya, hingga akhirnya ambruk dengan menyemprotkan sperma yang berceceran dilantai.

Mereka terdiam sesaat, yusup masih memeluk tubuh mertuaku, batangnya masih menancap, membiarkan sisa-sisa kenikmatan yang ada. Tangan yusup masih meremas-remas pelan toket mertuaku kemudian mereka berciuman mesra layaknya pasangam kekasih.

Tak lama, mereka sadar bahwa bapak mertuaku akan segera keluar, mereka buru-buru merapikan pakaian dan rambut, tak lupa melap sisa cairan senggama yang berceceran tadi.

Bapak mertuaku memang punya kebiasaan BAB yang lama, seperti saat itu, dia melewatkan persetubuhan kilat istri dengan karyawannya.Sementara aku hanya berani melihat dan menikmati itu semua, tanpa keberanian melaporkan ke bapak mertuaku atau mungkin ikut mencoba mencicipi ibu mertuaku yang semakin hari semakin menggairahkan dimataku.

Tetapi entah kenapa dengan hanya melihat perselingkuhan itu aku sudah cukup puas, dan dengan bantuan kamera tersembunyiku, hasratku cukup terpuaskan, berkali-kali kulihat pergumulan mertuaku dengan yusup melalui kameraku.

Cerita Panas - Perselingkuhan ibu mertuaku berlangsung berkali-kali, diantaranya sering sekali nekad.. entah mungkin mereka makin bernafsu bila resiko ketahuan makin tinggi.. Sering kulihat ibu mertuaku mengusap-ngusap batang yusup padahal suaminya sedang didepan mereka yang tengah mengerjakan sesuatu.

Berkali-kali aku berpikiran untuk memanfaatkan kameraku untuk bisa ikut mengentot mertuaku, tetapi rasa takut dan sayangku pada istriku berkali-kali itu juga menghalangi niatku. Hingga terjadinya peristiwa itu...

Seperti biasa, setiap hari sabtu-minggu aku ngga kerja dan biasanya diisi dengan kegiatan bermalas-malasan dan tidur-tiduran dikamar sambil nonton tipi. Seperti juga sabtu itu, sementara itu istriku masuk kerja.

Karena malamnya begadang nonton tipi hingga pagi hari, otomatis pagi hingga siang kuisi waktu dengan tidur. Bangun tidur, rumah dalam kondisi sepi, mertuaku mungkin sedang ditoko. Ingat mertuaku aku jadi penasaran apakah ada kejadian yang seru hari itu yang terekam dalam kameraku.

Aku mulai memainkan rekaman video dari berbagai ruangan rumahku pada hari itu. Kulihat mertuaku tidak ada, cukup mengecewakan, yang ada hanya ruangan yang kosong. Tetapi tidak lama kulihat pintu rumah terbuka dan terlihat istriku masuk ke rumah, dan ternyata dia tidak sendiri, dia bersama 3 orang lainnya, 2 orang perempuan dan 1 orang laki-laki. mereka cukup kukenal sebagai teman kantor istriku. Teman wanita istriku bernama Indri dan Fitri, mereka cukup menarik, Indri agak tinggi dengan kulit putih mulus dengan dada yang padat, sementara Fitri lebih pendek tapi jauh lebih montok dengan dada berukuran ekstra. Tetapi yang paling cantik tetap istriku, dengan tinggi yang pas serta dada yang montok membuatku merasa menjadi pria yang sangat beruntung. Mereka menggunakan seragam kerja blazer dan rok span selutut kecuali istriku yang menggunakan pakaian yang menutup dari mulai rambut hingga tumit kaki.
Sementara Johan kulihat lebih pendek dari istriku dan berbadan kurus.

Tampaknya mereka sedang mendiskusikan pekerjaan mereka, istri dan kedua teman wanitanya tampak membacakan sesuatu dan Johan, satu-satunya laki-laki yang ada kebagian mengetik.

Setelah berdiskusi beberapa lama, kulihat kedua teman wanita istriku tampak pamit untuk pergi, hingga tinggal istri dan johan yang ada di ruangan itu. Aku mulai berdebar, karena menduga-duga hal yang akan terjadi selanjutnya.

Johan masih sibuk mengetik, sementara istriku tampak menyiapkan minuman untuknya.
Johan tampak celingukan melihat-lihat keluar, kemudian ngomong sesuatu pada istriku. Istriku terlihat tersenyum kemudian menuju pintu rumah kemudian menutupnya!.
Jantungku makin berdebar-debar, terutama setelah kulihat istriku duduk merapat pada johan yang masih mengetik. Adegan selanjutnya membuatku terkesiap !.
Johan memegang telapak tangan istriku kemudian menariknya dan menaruhnya diselangkangannya. Istriku menarik tangannya.. tetapi kulihat Johan tampaknya membujuk istriku, istriku terlihat bimbang, kemudian beranjak dari tempatnya pergi menuju kamar, ya kekamarku, dia membuka pintu sebentar kemudian menutupnya kembali. Saat itu, siang tadi aku tertidur dengan lelapnya hingga tidak menyadari yang terjadi di ruang tamu.

Dari kamar, istriku kembali ke ruang tamu tempat Johan berada. Melihat istriku datang, tampak Johan menanyakan sesuatu pada istriku dan entah dijawab apa karena aku tidak bisa mendengar suara mereka. Istriku kembali duduk disamping Johan, dan laki-laki itu mengulang kembali perbuatannya tadi, dia menarik tangan istriku kemudian mengusap-usapkan tangan istriku ke tonjolan selangkangannya!

Kali ini istriku tidak menariknya tetapi malah bergerak mengusap-usap tonjolan selangkangan Johan. Merasakan nikmat, Johan berhenti mengetik sesaat kemudian melanjutkan pekerjaannya. Gila.. Johan mengetik di laptop sementara istriku memberi servis tambahan yaitu mengusap-usap batang kejantanan Johan yang kulihat semakin menonjol seolah-olah meronta ingin dikeluarkan dari celananya.

Sesaat kemudian Johan membuka resletingnya, dan muncullah batang penis yang kulihat cukup gemuk apalgi bila dibandingkan badannya yang kurus. panjangnya tidak seberapa, bahkan bila kubandingkan masih jauh lebih besar dan panjang punyaku !
Tangan istriku bergerak mengambil bantal kursi untuk menutup penis Johan, dan meminta johan memegang bantal itu. Kemudian terlihat tangan istriku naik turun mengocok penis Johan.

Jantungku berdegup kencang dan tubuhku gemetaran melihat pemandangan itu, Istriku mengocok penis lelaki lain! bukan cuman itu dia melakukannya di rumah!!! Tak tahan dengan kocokan istriku, Johan berhenti mengetik kemudian bersandar dikursi matanya terpejam menikmati servis yang dilakukan istriku.

Tangan johan mulai bergerak, mengelus-elus punggung istriku yang masih dalam posisi duduk dan celingukan melihat-lihat keadaan mulai dari melihat ke arah jendela rumah hingga sesekali melihat ke kamarku, mungkin untuk memastikan aku tidak bangun.
Tidak berhenti hanya dipunggung, tangan johan bergerak ke depan kemudian mengelus-elus toket istriku dari luar bajunya. Istriku terlihat sesekali merem kemudian membuka matanya untuk kembali melihat-lihat keadaan.

Tangan johan sudah bergerak masuk ke balik bajunya, kemudian merogoh toket dibalik Bra dan meremas-remasnya. Karena kesulitan, Johan bergerak membuka kancing kemeja seragam PNS istriku, istriku semula menahan tetapi kemudian Johan membisikan sesuatu hingga akhirnya membebaskan Johan membuka 2 kancing atasnya, dan menyingkap bajunya, hingga terlihat toket istriku yg masih terbungkus bra hitam berendra sehingga tampak sangat kontras dengan toket istriku yang putih mulus.
Toket kenyal dan montok yang merupakan toket kebanggaanku itu kini diremas-remas oleh lelaki lain!!!

Karena ukurannya yang besar, serta tersumpal oleh baju, toket itu tampak membusung dan sangat menggairahkan!.. dan johan pun tau itu.. tidak sabar dia segera membuka kait bra istriku yang terletak didepan. sehingga toket istriku menyembul dengan bebasnya.

Johan langsung menjilat dan menghisap toket istriku, sementara penisnya masih dikocok oleh tangan mulus istriku. Kedua toket istriku dijilat dan dihisap secara bergantian.
Istriku semakin merem keenakan, perasaan waspada yang tadi ada sepertinya sudah hilang, dia sudah tidak peduli lagi dengan sekelilingnya. Bibir merahnya merekah karena kenikmatan yang diperolehnya, yang kemudian disambut oleh deep kiss oleh Johan yang diiringi oleh permainan lidah. Ciuman mereka cukup intens dan lama.

Tangan johan bergerilya ke arah selangkangan istriku, mengusap-usapnya, istriku terlihat sangat menikmati usapan johan, terlihat dari pahanya yang dibuka semakin melebar.Istriku kemudian mendorong badan Johan hingga bersender ke kursi, kemudian istriku menunduk ke arah penis johan yang semakin tegak berdiri. yang kemudian tenggelam dalam lumatan mulut istriku. Istriku mengulum, menghisap dan menjilati penis gemuk dan hitam Johan, seolah-olah menikmati penis itu. Padahal denganku, suaminya, istriku sering sekali menolak untuk menghisap penisku.

Istriku bergerak naik ke atas badan johan kemudian menyingkapkan rok panjangnya ke ujung paha hingga terlihat jelas paha putih mulus istriku, kemudian dia melucuti sendiri celana dalam yang dia pakai. Penis johan digenggam dan dikocok perlahan kemudian diarahkan menuju liang vaginanya.

Istriku menggesek-gesekan penis itu ke mulut vaginanya, seolah-olah vaginanya gatal dan penis itu digunakan untuk menggaruknya. dan kemudian bless.. penis itu amblas masuk seluruhnya ke vaginanya, kemudian terdiam, badan istriku melengkung menikmati gesekan penis johan kedalam vaginanya.

Johan yang bersender di kursi dengan rakusnya melahap kedua bukit kembar istriku, sementara tangannya memegang pantat istriku untuk menaik turunkan pantat itu. Istriku pun menyambutnya dengan menaik-turunkan pantatnya, hingga terlihat jelas sodokan-sodokan ****** johan yang dibenamkan ke dalam memek istriku. sementara tangan istriku bertahan pada senderan kursi sehingga keseimbangan badannya terjaga.
Istriku bergerak makin cepat begitupun Johan yang menaikan pantatnya, menginginkan penisnya terhujam makin dalam ke liang memek istriku.

Gerakan naik turun pantat istriku untuk mengeluar masukan ****** Johan yang diiringi juga dengan gerakan johan, berlangsung semakin cepat dan cepat..!
hingga mereka akhirnya terdiam dengan membenamkan kelamin mereka semakin dalam.. untuk menjemput puncak kenikmatan..!

Istriku masih berada diatas johan untuk beberapa saat mereka berciuman...
Pandanganku berkunang-kunang, kepalaku terasa berat melihat Istriku yang selama ini kubanggakan, baru saja bersetubuh sedang dengan lelaki lain.

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