Friday, November 30, 2012
Terimakasih kepada 5.5 juta hit yang telah membuka blog ini. Terima kasih di atas sokongan anda semua. Kalau ada soalan sila hubungi
Aku mula berkenalan dgn Arif melalui internet. Usianya yang muda 9 tahun dari aku sedikit pun tidak menjadi alasan untuk kami semakin akrab. Dia masih single dan aku pula telah berpisah dengan suami aku selama 5 tahun. Arif walaupun usianya jauh lebih muda dari aku, namun dia kelihatan matang dan berpengalaman. Sewaktu chatting dia pernah menceritakan pengalaman sexnya dengan bekas kekasihnya. Dari ceritanya dapat aku bayangkan dia seorang yang hebat dalam sex. Kadang bila kami sama-sama terangsang, kami akan melakukan "phone sex" dan aku sangat puas dengan caranya melayan aku walau hanya sekadar mendengar suara dan desahan nafasnya. Kami berjanji untuk bertemu setelah hampir 8 bulan berkenalan. Pada hari yang dijanjikan, kami bertemu disebuah shopping complex. Kali pertama aku melihatnya secara live, dia seorang yang tinggi dan berbadan tegap. Penampilannya agak rugged namun dia seorang yang berbudi bahasa. Kami menuju ke sebuah hotel yang agak lengang. Bila saja kami masuk kedalam bilik hotel, dia terus mencium bibirku dengan ganas. Aku yang mudah terangsang terus membalas ciumannya penuh nafsu. "I rindu sangat kat u sayang...." bisiknya sambil meramas buah dadaku. Aku semakin terangsang dan membalas ciumannya semakin ganas...dia memegang tangan ku dan mengarahkan keseluar jeans yang dia pakai...terasa bonjolan yang keras dan besar. "Do u want to suck my cock sayang..." bisiknya sambil menjilat telinga ku. Aku yang sudah hanyut di bawa nafsu hanya mendesah dan meramas bonjolan itu semakin kuat. Dia mula membuka baju blaus yang aku pakai. Bila blaus itu sudah terlondeh, dia menjilat buah dadaku yang masih dibungkusi bra berwarna hitam. "Breast u buat I sangat bernafsu...seksi sangat sayang" Tangannya mencapai kait bra di belakang. Bila bra ku terungkai, dia mula meramas buah dadaku sambil menjilat dan menyonyotnya dengan kasar. "ohhhhh...sedapnyaaaa....ahhhhh..." aku mula mendesah. "Nak rasa yang lagi sedap tak sayang..." dia mula memancing berahi ku. Aku hanya tersenyum dan melihat kewajahnya. "I akan puaskan u hari ini...ingat tak macamana kita selalu wat phonesex sampai kita climax...sekarang I akan puaskan u betul-betul...U buat I stim tau..." Kemudian dia rebahkan aku kekatil dan terus membuka seluar slack yang sedang aku pakai. Aku yang sedang kesedapan, hanya membiarkan dia membuka zip seluarku dan melurutkan seluarku hingga terungkai di hujung katil...tinggallah aku hanya berseluar dalam...."Sayang...buka panty u..I nak tengok pussy u...." aku yang sudah mabuk berahi hanya mengikut katanya. Aku lurutkan panty ku. Bila panty da terbuka, terpaparlah pussy ku yang tembam dan tak banyak bulu ini di depan matanya. Matanya kelihatan penuh nafsu. "Cantik pussy sayang tau...tembam...sayang nak tengok cock abang tak...?" dia mula memancing nafsuku. "mestilaa nak...bukalaa..." aku mula merengek. "Sayang nak rasa cock I tak..??" dia bertanya sambil membuka t.shirt, jeans dan hanya tinggal seluar dalam yang membalut senjatanya. Kelihatan bonjol yang sangat besar, aku jadi begitu berahi. "Bukalaa...." aku merayu. Dia senyum dan menggoda ku..."Sayang nak tengok apa..??" "Nak tengok cock abang..." "Tengok jer..." pancingnya. "Nak pegang..." jawab ku manja. Dia tersenyum dan membuka seluar dalamnya. Aku terkejut bila melihat pelernya yang begitu gemuk dan panjang. "Besarnya..." aku berkata sambil memegang batang pelernya dan mengurut2nya. "Ahhhh...." dia mendesis. "Sayang...dulu sayang kata nak isap batang I da ada depan mata...isaplah..." dia berkata sambil menggentel2 puting susuku. Aku yang memang da lama kehausan batang terus melurut2kan batangnya sambil aku menjilat kepala peler yang besar tu. "ahhhh....sedapnya sayang...sayang pandai isap tau....ahhhh" aku semakin bernafsu mendengar suara desahannya. Aku mula mengulum batangnya dan menyonyotnya pelan2...dia mula mendesah dan mengerang "ohhh yaaaa....sedap sayang...isap lagi...ahhhh" pelernya semakin keras dan kembang. Batang yang panjang itu tak dapat aku masukkan habis kedalam mulut aku kerana terlalu besar dan panjang. Dia yang sudah terangsang terus menyorong batangnya kedalam mulutku sambil menekan kepalaku ke arah batangnya. "Isap...lagi....ahhhh...yess.....sedapnya" kemudian dia cabut batangnya dari mulutku dan menolak aku agar baring dikatil itu. Setelah aku baring, dia terus meraba2 ke pussy ku sambil menggentel2 kelentitku. "ahhhh....emmmm" aku mula mendesah kesedapan. "kenapa sayang..." jawabnya sambil terus mempermainkan kelentitku. "Ahhhh" aku mendesah. "kenapa..tell me..." dia bersuara sambil terus menggosok2kan pussyku yang semakin basah. "sedap sangat" aku bersuara. "Mana sedap dengan ini.." katanya sambil memasukkan jarinya kedalam lubang pussy ku yang sudah lama kehausan. Aku mengerang "ahhhhhhhh" "Sedapkan....suka tak....kalau yang tak...?" dia berkata penuh nafsu sambil memasukkan 2 jari kedalam lubang pussy ku. Aku yang sudah semakin bernafsu jadi celupar "sedap sayang...jolok lagi...dalam2...sedapnya..." aku mendesah kesedapan. Dia cium bibirku dan memasukkan lidahnya kedalam mulut ku. Setelah dia puas menyonyot lidah ku, dia beralih ke telinga ku, dia menghisap telinga dan menjolokkan lidahnya dalam lubang telingaku. Nikmatnya yang tidak terhingga. Pussy ku semakin rancak di jolok dengan dua jari. "Nak lagi yang lebih sedap tak...?" dia berbisik penuh nafsu. Aku menganggukkan kepala, mataku da mula layu. "cakaplaa...I nak dengar..." "Nak...nak rasa yang lebih sedap.." aku meracau. "apa yang lebih sedap...cuba cakap" katanya sambil menjolok jarinya kelubang pussy ku semakin laju. "Nak rasa your cock in my pussy....nak u fuck me hard and wild" aku mula meracau penuh nafsu. "Betul u nak I fuck u....nak rasa cock I tak jolok pussy u yang tembam nih...?" aku hanya mengangguk. Kemudian dia tarik jarinya dan mula naik keatas ku. "Buka kangkang u luas2 sayang...cock I nak fuck pussy u yang juicy nih..." aku terus lebarkan kangkangku. Dia mula menggosok2kan kepala pelernya di lubang pussy ku...sedap giler...aku mula merengek..."pls..fuck me...nak rasa cock u..." Dia yang semaki bernafsu terus menekankan cocknya kedalam lubang pussy ku yang da mula basah dan gatal nak merasa cocknya yang besar tu...bila dia mula menekankan batangnya dalam pussy ku, aku merasakan satu nikmat yang tidak terhingga. Batangnya yang besar tu mula membelah alur pussy ku dan menerobos masuk kedalam lubang nikmat. Aku mula menahan nafas...namun belum sempat aku menarik nafas, dia sudah menekankan batangnya dengan kasar kedalam pussy ku...ahhhhh...nikmatnya walau sedikit payah untuk pussy ku menerima batang sebesar ini. Dia mula mem "pump" batangnya dengan ganas di pussy ku...aku jadi mengerang dan mendesah. Mulut ku semakin rancak mencarut "ohhh on...fuck mu...wilder...ohh yeaa....ahhh...ahhhh..." aku semakin gila...dia semakin ganas dan berkata "do u like my cock...? besar tak cock I nih....puas tak pussy u bila my cock fuck your pussy...." aku yang da hanyut kesedapan hanya mampu menjilat bibit sambil mendesah...."U look so sexy sayang....U buat I makin bernafsu...I nak puaskan U...I nak U jerit kesedapan...pls do it for me..." Rupanya dia tergolong dalam lelaki yang suka sex ganas dan suka pasangan yang ganas dan sexy. Sedangkan aku memang kaki sex dan suka berkata lucah bila sedang mengadakan hubungan sex. Aku benar2 puas dengan batang Arif...sambil dia fuck aku, dia nyonyot puting aku ganas2...aku semakin berahi dan jadi seperti pelakon blue filem. Aku mengerang2 minta dia puaskan aku dan dia suka bila aku meraung2...dia meminta aku menonggeng kerana dia nak doggie style dan sewaktu aku menonggeng ini lah dia menarik tangan aku ke belakang dan fuck aku dengan ganas. Aku benar2 bernafsu dan batangnya yang sendat dalam pussy ku buat aku jadi ketagih. Setelah dia mengerjakan aku hampir satu jam dgn bermacam2 style...aku klimak hampir 5 kali. Dia suka aku menjerit bila aku klimak dan dia makin bernafsu fuck pussy aku. "Sayang...I da nak keluar...I nak pancut yang sedap kat dalam pussy u...kemut batang i kuat2 sayang...yess...yess...oohhh...lagiiii...ahh pussy U sedap...kemut lagiiii...yeaa...yeaaa....I kuar...ohhhhhhhh" dia melenguh panjang dengan badan yang kejang. Rupanya dia klimak. Batangnya bergerak2 dalam pussy aku. Ohhhh....satu pengalaman yang tak mungkin aku lupakan. Sampai kini kami masih lagi berhubungan dan sex kami semakin hari semakin hangat. Dia laa lelaki yang jadi idaman semua wanita.
aku nk cite pasal malam pengantin..aku kawin 2 tahun lepas..erm..mase dh nikah tu dh sah bergelar suami isteri.. bahagia skali aku mase tu..penat jugak mase tu..penat2 jugak aku ngn bini aku happy sebab malam tu kitorang akan buat projek pecah dara..x sabar aku tunggu malam..pas sanding ptg tu kitorang masuk bilik nk tukar bile dh ade peluang tu aku ape lagi..belum sempat tukar baju aku dh cium2 bibir bini aku..aku peluk2 bini aku..aku raba2 tetek die yg montel tu..geram giler aku mase tu siol..aku baring kan die..aku romen2..cium2 leher die..cium tetek die..aku raba cipap die yg dh sedia banjir tunggu masa malam nanti nk kene jolok ngn btg aku..aku betul2 stim giler mase tu..nk jer aku jolok cipap die mase tu bini aku ckp sabar..tunggu malam..byk prgram nk buat lagi..xpe..aku sabar mase tu..dh kuar byk air mazi aku mase tu..geram siol..kitorang pon kuar la jumper sedara mare bini aku..salam2 sume kawan2 yg dtg.. kul 8 malam kitorang sanding lagi..utk family die mase tu dh penat..aku dh malas jer..dalam kepala otak aku nk main jer malam nanti..aku asyik stim jer sial..x tahan.. akhirnye..dalam kul 11 malam..majlis aku ckp nk tido awa sebab penat sgt..padahal aku x pnat pon..aku pon masuk bilik ngn bini aku..tutup jer pintu..terus bini aku rangkul aku..kitorang bercium2 puas2..nikmatnyer..peluk2..raba2 sume la..sambil tu kitorang bukak baju badan..putih nyer tetek bini aku..geram betul aku siol..x tahn..btg aku dh keras giler babeng..ape lagi aku tolak die baring atas katil..aku rangkul die..ium2 mulut..cium leher..aku jilat2 tetek bini aku..peh sedapnyer main..tgn aku aku gentel biji klentiti die sampai basah giler..berair siol..dlm 10 minit aku romen2 die.geram sial aku tgk bdn die..aku x tahn aku masuk btg aku dlm cipap die..peh..susah nyer..maklum la dara lagi bini aku..aku tolak slow..lame2 masuk ..peh sedap..aku henjut kaw2 nyer..aku henjut sekuat hati sampai la aku terpancut..peh..bini aku nyer pancut dalam cipap..nikmat x terhingga..btg aku basah bercampur ngn air die..melekit siol..bini aku yer cipap air pon byk..malam tu kitorang bangun kul 3 pagi..kitorang main lagi..peh..x puas2 aku main..geram sial..sedap nyer..bangun tido kul 8 pagi kitorang main lagi..peh..maklum la..malam pertama dapat cipap..3 kali aku main ngn bini tu aku buat lovebite byk kt leher bini aku..amik ko..adik2 die tgk pon baru die tahu malam tadi aku projek pecah dara aku dh berjaya..aku puas hati siol dpt cepat la kawin..jgn buat maksiat..2 kali seminggu aku main ngn bini aku skrg..syok jer..die pon suke..i love t..
sbg cerita dulu bini aku ditutuh doktor singh, lepas peristiwa itu, aku dah tak ada nafsu nak main dgn bini aku lagi, hampir 2 tahun bini aku aku tak tutuh pantat dia, cipak dia tembam dan gebu terbiar ditumbuhi bulu cipah tanpa diusik oleh aku. bini cuba goda aku tapi aku buat tak layan aje, dia kestiman sendirian, aku nampak muka dia memang dah kemaruk seks tapi tak dapt dr dia main dan puaskan nafsu sendiri la. nak jadi kisah, aku ada seorg kwn lama dr afrika nama kulo atau mat black aku panggil dia, dia selalu lepak kat rumah aku, bini aku kenal baik dgn dia.pada bula mac dia nak tinggal dgn aku sebulan sbb rumah dia diambil tuan rumah, aku bg dia tinggal dgn aku sebulan pada satu malam bini ku pakai baju tidur yg jarang dan seksi nak goda aku supaya aku tutuh cipak dia yg gersang hampir 2 tahun alu tak sentuh. apa lagi terbeliak biji mata mat black tengok tubuh bini aku yg menggiur itu.bini aku bagi isyarat suruh aku masuk bilik tidur, dia nak cipak dia ditutuh.aku buat tahu aje,pintu bilik dibuka agar aku nampak dia sdg tidur terlentang, aku dan mat black pun nampak tubuhnya.aku sayang dia tapi aku tak blh tutuh pantat dia, so aku pun keluar pi kedai kejap dlm 5 minit aje..tinggal mat black kat ruan tamu sergg, so bila aku balik,mat blck dah tak ada, aku ingat dia tidur, tiba aku tengok bilik aku tertutup dan aku dengar suara org sdg tutuh, so aku pun ikut pintu blkg dan dr celah cermin tingkat samar2 aku nampak mat black sdg tindih belakg bini aku, dia sdg roman dan cium tengok dan ramas buah dada.bini pun nampak dah stim..dia biar seolah2 rela... mat black pun pusing badan bini aku,.....lalu......bini aku nampak terkejut dia ingat aku......dia terus tolak mat black hingga jatuh katil....mat black terus bangun dan terkam bini aku....kali ini bini aku ditindan dgn nya, bini kat bawah, mat black terus cium tebgok mulut dan ramas buah dada dgn penuh ganas dan nafsu, bini aku cuba melawan tapi tak daya sbb mat black besar dan berat, bini aku merayu..tapi tak diendahkan. mat black terus cium paayu dara bini aku dgn ganas dan tangan dia mula meraba cipak bini aku, hampir setengah jam dia roman dan cium dan ramas, bini aku nampak dah mula tak melawan dan mata dia nampak merah dan nafas dia makin deras dan bunyi, aku rasa dia dah mula stim sbb dah lama tak buat macam tu,,, melihat bini aku diam. mat black pun menanggalkan baju tidur dan bra biniku, terlihat payu dara dia yg besar dan putuh dan puting yg merahm mat black mcn org lapar terus meratah buah dada. then dia mula kebawah dan tarik seluar dlm bini aku dan dibuangkannya. nampaklah cipak bini aku yg tembam dan putih gegu kemerahan, mat black terus terkam dan dijilat kaw2...hingga bini aku tak keraaun dan meraung stim...arrrrghhhh, nafas dia makin kuat....melihat itu, mat black pun bangun dan bula seluar dlm dan nampak lah batang dia yg hitam dan besar dan pjg 7 inci lebih. bini aku dah stim hanya menanti dan lihat btg mat black. terus mat black tindih bini aku dan mula tekan kepala zakarnya kat bibir cipak.. sendat dan padat, bila ditekan bini aku kata aduhhhhhh sakittttt. mat black terus tekan dgn ganas dan bini aku meraung sakit dan cuba menolak zakar,,,tapi tak berjaya...mat black ganas dan kejam terus tujah dan tekan....arrrrrggggh akhirnya masuk habis kote dia dlm cipat bini aku..maka ditarik dan keluar berkali2.....biniku mengelupur dan sakittttt jerittttsakit......cipap biniku berdarh mungkin tergoyak kena btg yg besar n pjg... lepas tu mat black pusing badan bini aku dia naik keblkg bini aku, dilipat kaki bini aku .bini tertonggeng dan nampak bontot dia keatas, mat black terus menjilat dgn rakus tanpa belas kasihan...bini kesakitan tadi blm habis cuba melawan n tolak tapi tak berdaya, bini biar saja dan dia tertiarap dan tangan dia mengengam kain cadar.meraung....sakit.. mat black dah naik hantu.....dikoreknya lubang bontot bini aku...dgn jari dan dicucuk ke dlam, bini cuba lawan...serit sakittttttt , tapi mat black dah rangkul tubuh dia dgn kuat tak blh bergerak lagi....lihat bini aku meronta.....dia bertambah bernafsu lalu bangun cangkung blkg bontot bini aku...dan.... tgn dia pegang dan ramas bontot biniku....bila berrair sikt bontot dia mula cucuk btg dia kat lubang bontot biniku......biniku meraung sakit dan melawan tapi tak terdaya....mat blak rangul dgnkuat pinggul biniku....lalu terus cucuk btg dia. masuk kepala btg dia,......sakit.....tolong........jgn.....mat black terus tekan btg dia masuk sikit lagi...mat black ambil nafas kejap..kemudian 2 minat lepas tu dia terus tekan.....batang besar panjang ke dlan dubur biniku.....dgn kasar, ganas...dan masuk habis btg dia...bini aku......mengelupur sakit......dio ulang berkali......hingga bini aku dah tak terdaya melawan dibiarkan sahaja...darah keluar...dubur biniki terkoayak.....sakit dan nanggis.....mat black terus tujah dubur dgn ganas.....lama kelamaan bini ku pun mula rasa stim..sakit dah hilang cuma stim yg ada, dia mula bernafsu....maka dikemutkan buburnya SUPAYA sedap dijolok olh mat black . lihat biniku dah stim mat black bangun dan ambil btg tiruan yg besar dan pjg..bini terkejut..tapi suka...sbb besar...mat black gila dubur biniku terrus tujah btg dia kat dubur biniku dgn ganas....arrrrgh terus tujah tarik222222berkali bini stim dan kemut habis dubur..... mat black ambil zakat tiruan dan di cucuk kat cipak depan biniku....bini kesakitan....dan ghairah.bila dua dah stim dan ghairah....hampir 2 jam..akhirnya..mat black pancut air mani dia dalm dubur biniku....baanyak melimph keluar.....dua2nya terkulai layu keletihan.....dan kepuasan.....bini ku senyum pd mat black...tanda suka....dan puas, maklumlah lama tak dapat batang.... aku keluar balik tak nak ganggu keseronokan.....biniku dan mat black....aku tidur dirumah kawanku.....aku biarkan dia main.....2 tiga kali malam tu.....puas2......
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My wife Allison is a beautiful blonde 26 year old with
a killer body. She has large natural breasts, a nice
round ass and some nice creamy thighs. She is a
housewife and spends almost all of her time at home in
the nude, she loves being naked and I certainly have no
complaints about it. Our marriage has been great so
far, we don't have any kids yet, just a small terrier
dog to keep us company.
When I came home from work one day I had quite the
surprise waiting for me.
I pulled up the driveway and saw a very big dog on my
back porch by the door. When I got out and made my way
up to the house I found Allison stuck inside of the
little doggy door, completely naked, and being mounted
by a big black Rottweiler! It was my next door
neighbor's dog Max, my jaw was dropped and I was almost
paralyzed at the sight of him mounting my beautiful
wife. Half of her body was inside the house, from the
waste up, and only her legs and backside were exposed.
I could hear her screams and moans from inside the
house and as I tried to get closer to pull the large
dog from off of her, he turned toward me while still
inside of her and greeted me with some vicious growls.
I slowly backed away and stood back and observed the
scene for a moment. That's when I noticed that my cock
had grown to a rock hard state.
I walked around to enter my house through the front
door. When I made my way to the kitchen I saw Allison's
face, she was obviously distraught as she moaned and
whimpered, experiencing a dog cock for the first time
in her life. Our little dog was barking her head off
which only added to the confusion. I asked Allison if
she was okay and she screamed back at me, saying, "Do
something you fucking idiot!"
I told her that I would be right back and get some help
for her right away. I went to the living room and
dropped my pants and jerked off so furiously that I
ejaculated in a matter of seconds, it was a huge
I ended up having to call my neighbor Eric, who was
Max's owner, for help. When he came over and saw the
situation he said he had to go home and get something
and that he'd be right back. He returned with a
camcorder and began filming the ordeal despite my
objections, he said it was for legal purposes.
He got in real close and told me that Max had his
"knot" stuck inside of my wife's pussy and it was going
to be very challenging to get it out. After about 15
minutes of filming it, he handed me the camcorder and
told me to take over while he got the knot out.
I reluctantly accepted and I got a good view of my
wife's vagina as Eric tried to get his dog's cock out
of my wife. As he pulled Max off of her she screamed so
loud like I had never heard before and I felt very bad
for her. As I filmed the dog knot being removed, a lot
of cum was leaking out of Allison's pussy, as it was
being stretched open beyond belief.
I was horrified as the knot came out, it was fucking
huge! It looked as if a gallon of dog cum just poured
out of Allison's vagina, but she seemed very relieved.
Eric grabbed Max's collar and literally had to drag him
I still had the camera and continued to film my wife's
backside and my cock was rock hard again. I figured why
not take advantage of the situation and I placed the
camera on a bench so it was still aimed at Allison and
I dropped my pants and mounted her myself. Her pussy
was so wet and all of that hot dog cum acted as lube
and her pussy had never felt better.
Allison was yelling at me, telling me to stop but I
just ignored her, she certainly couldn't do anything
about it and I didn't want Max having all of the fun. I
came very quickly once again and then noticed we were
not alone. Eric was behind me filming and said that now
it was his turn. I said no way but he sort of
blackmailed me by saying that if I didn't let him fuck
Allison he would show everyone in the neighborhood the
video. He held onto the camcorder as he filmed it from
his perspective and went to town on my wife.
After a few seconds of hard pounding he said her pussy
was too loose now and was going to fuck her ass. I had
never fucked her ass before so seeing my neighbor pop
my wife's ass cherry was enough to get my cock hard
once again. She was screaming asking for him to stop as
he jammed his big cock into her virgin ass. I couldn't
help but to jack off and Eric got that on film as well,
laughing at me in the process.
When he finally blew his load in her ass he left,
saying, "Have fun tonight buddy. I'll be sure to make
you a copy of the tape."
I finally pulled Allison out of the doggy door and she
stood up and slapped me so hard across the face that I
nearly fell down. I unlocked the back door and we went
inside the house. It turns out that she had tried to
quickly step outside the front door and grab the mail
but the door shut on her and she was locked out of the
She was completely naked so she ran around to the back
door and tried to squeeze in through the little doggy
door but got stuck. She said that she had been stuck
there since eleven in the morning and there may have
been more than one dog that fucked her, or maybe max
fucked her twice, who knows?
When she found out about the movie Eric made she got
even more upset and she didn't talk to me for days. I
had to sleep on the couch in the meantime and then one
day we got a knock on the door. It was Eric, he had Max
with him, he let us know that he would be coming over
often with his Max and that they would both be fucking
Allison and making more movies.
He said that if we didn't let him do this that he would
show the movie to everyone in our neighborhood. We had
no other choice but to let him and Max have their way
or else we would be forced to move but with the housing
market as is, we were in a bad spot. This has really
tested our relationship but surprisingly Allison has
begun to enjoy it.
We also found out that Eric has been selling the videos
online and making quite a bit of money off of them. I
am glad that my wife and I have both grown to live with
the situation and even enjoy it, although it means I
haven't got to sleep with my wife since.
The buzz of conversation coming through the open doorway
ahead told her she was in the right place. The hotel was
new to her but the receptionist had phoned through and
invited her to a party for guests that evening. 'It's at
6.30 in the courtyard and you're welcome to come,' she
had said. Great!
She had flown in to Darwin that afternoon at the start
of her first holiday alone in 25 years of married life.
The flight from her home city in one of Australia's
south-eastern states had taken four hours, a long haul
across the dusty, dry inland of Northern Australia.
Darwin felt really exciting to her: it was tropical and
exotic, the air filled with strange and interesting
scents, and she was far from home in a place where not a
soul knew her.
She paused at the entrance to the party and looked
around to take in the scene. There were scattered groups
of people, drinking and chatting - travelers and
businessmen and probably some of the locals as well. As
Darwin has always been something of a frontier town
there were, as usual, more men than women.
A waiter brought her a drink and she looked around for
someone to talk to. A nice old couple spoke to her for a
while and when they drifted off she caught the eye of a
man in his early 40's: around 5'8' tall and sturdy, his
blonde hair thinning just a little, but with a big
friendly smile on his face. 'Hello! My name's Chris. Can
I get you another drink?'
'I'm Alison and I'd love another drink,' she said. 'It's
been a long day.'
They settled down to talk and after half an hour of
animated conversation she happily accepted his offer of
dinner in the hotel dining room. He was extremely
pleasant and clearly attracted to her.
Gently enquiring, he found out that she was married but
separated at the time. She felt she would get back
together with her husband but there had been a long
rocky patch. Her husband had been involved in an affair
for a couple of years and every time she had gone away
somewhere, even for a day or two, he had rushed off to
see his lover. She felt sure that this time would be no
exception - despite all the promises that the affair was
Chris listened attentively and with considerable
sympathy. 'Why hasn't he come with you?' he asked.
'Well, he said we needed some time on our own and I just
wanted to get right away from everything that's happened
so I decided to take a package holiday and here I am,'
Alison replied. 'I'm leaving to continue my holiday tour
in the morning but tonight I just want to enjoy myself.
And it's my birthday tomorrow and I'm celebrating
'Well, I'd certainly like to help you do that,' he said.
It wasn't hard to work out what he meant. 'Hey, I've
been faithfully married for 25 years so don't get your
hopes up,' was Alison's cheerful reply. But he was
rather nice and why the hell shouldn't she enjoy herself
after all she'd been through with a husband who'd been
unfaithful and had deceived her for the past few years?
And besides, her husband hadn't been interested in sex
with her for a long time - even though his lover was
supposedly off the scene.
The dinner was just perfect, the wine excellent and her
companion as ardent as any woman could want. The
conversation flowed very easily, even though she was
aware that they really didn't have a great deal in
common. This was going to be a short-term acquaintance,
she decided, but so what? She enjoyed flirting with this
man: it really gave her a buzz to be with someone who,
quite clearly, was keen to take her to bed.
When Chris invited her to enjoy the lights of Darwin
from his room on the hotel's top floor she accepted
readily. He ordered another bottle of wine to take with
them and they caught the lift to the top floor.
This is getting interesting, she thought, as they made
light conversation while the lift whirred upwards. I'm
feeling nervous and excited and there are definitely
butterflies in my tummy. I do believe I'm getting wet
down there. I think I'm going to have sex with this man
and what's more I'm going to enjoy it! Yes, please!
Chris opened the door, found some side lights, turned on
the ceiling fan and poured them both another glass of
wine. Then he opened the door to the balcony and the
warm, tropical night invited them out. His arm went
around her waist as they leaned over the rail. She moved
closer and turned her head towards him as he bent to
kiss her. She has a soft, inviting kiss and after quite
a few drinks during the evening was feeling very relaxed
and sexy. Their tongues met inside her mouth and the
view of Darwin was swiftly forgotten.
'May I see your breasts?' he asked softly. 'I don't see
why not,' she replied, knowing what he was really asking
and what she was actually saying 'yes' to. 'Let's go
inside,' he said.
He lowered the lighting by flicking off the room's
sidelights and turning on the bathroom light, leaving
the door open a fraction. She took off her jacket and he
began to unbutton her blouse.
'I'm a little self-conscious about this,' she said. 'I'm
not some skinny young thing and it's been a long time
since anyone but my husband saw my breasts.'
'Don't worry Alison,' he said, 'I really like big
girls.' His hands found the hooks at the back of her bra
and flicked them open one by one, releasing her large
breasts. 'Oh, they're really nice,' said Chris. 'May I?'
he said as he reached out and cupped one in each hand.
Alison's breasts more than filled his hands. He began to
squeeze, gently and then more firmly as he saw her eyes
close in delight. His fingers and thumbs closed on her
nipples and applied gentle pressure. He bent to suck
first one nipple and then the other, continuing to knead
her breasts with his fingers. Her knees buckled beneath
her and she slowly sank onto the bed.
Chris bent over her to work on her breasts with his lips
and one hand. His other hand caressed her thighs and
gently began to explore the valley between them.
Alison's breath came faster and she began to moan as
Chris's sucking and stroking became more insistent. She
had always been responsive to having her breasts fondled
and before she was married any man who managed to fasten
his lips to a nipple had a very good chance of getting
everything he wanted.
Chris slipped off his shirt and undid his belt, then
continued to fondle Alison's breasts.
He worked his hand under her skirt and began to ease her
panties off. There was no resistance there either. In
fact, she lifted her bottom to help him slip them off.
It was all so very easy. The rest of her clothes came
off and his fingers caressed her mound, sliding gently
into her vagina to stroke her clitoris. She was soaking
wet already!
Alison fumbled for his zipper and her hand slipped into
his trousers, searching for his cock. She squeezed and
stroked it, lubricating the head and the shaft with the
juice that was seeping out of the tip.
Breaking off for a moment, Chris found the packet of
condoms he always carried and, discarding the rest of
his clothes, quickly slipped a condom onto his large
penis. He moved between Alison's wide-open legs and bent
to kiss her thighs and abdomen, beginning at the tuft of
pubic hair and moving up to suck and squeeze her
breasts. She was begging for it now, moaning, her eyes
glazed and half-closed, her legs wide open and her hips
softly bucking. She needed his cock in her right now!
She reached down and guided it to the entrance. He
pushed in slowly, the tip of his cock opening her up and
the long, thick shaft occupying the conquered territory.
Her cunt was very wet and warm and welcoming and he
gently thrust all the way home as she moaned and
shuddered in ecstasy. It had been a long time since she
had enjoyed sex and this was a man she could fuck
without any of the tension, anger and recriminations
that surrounded her marriage. 'Oh, God,' she thought,
'that feels so good. I'm being fucked by a stranger and
I love it!'
Her hands flew to his chest, stroking his nipples and
moving around to clutch his back. She reached down to
his buttocks and grasped them, pulling him further into
her. Her legs locked around him, fastening him in place.
The body language was very clear: 'fuck me deeper, fuck
me harder, fuck me faster. FUCK ME!'
Chris was delighted to oblige. Slowly at first but with
increasing speed he began to hump her, the muscles in
his back and buttocks taut as he pumped in and out in a
rhythm that brought gathering excitement and tension to
both of them.
For the next 10 minutes or so he gave her what she later
described as 'really good, exciting sex.' The excitement
for Alison, she said, was in enjoying a new body with
its different skin texture, scent, flesh and muscle
shape. Chris's movement was different to her husband's
and this was really thrilling. And he grunted in
appreciation as he pounded it into her. She loved that.
'My husband is fairly quiet when we're having sex and it
was exciting to have a man who grunted as he fucked me.
It really turned me on,' she said. 'I was determined to
have an orgasm. Even though it was my first experience
with another man for 25 years I found it really easy to
have sex with him. That surprised me. And, with a
strange man heaving away on top of me, having an orgasm
was also easy. It was like I was experiencing one of my
fantasies. It was really good, really exciting. It was
just great!'
Alison explained that there was a reason for it, apart
from the sheer pleasure of sex with a new man. 'I wanted
to have sex with someone else in order to break the
bonds of fidelity. With my husband having sex with
another woman what was the point of me being faithful?'
Alison's orgasm was shattering and she slumped back on
the bed, exhausted. Chris paused for a moment to let her
get her breath and then resumed thrusting for another
couple of minutes. She was happy to just lie back and
let him pound away.
'I think he'd been waiting for me to come,' she said,
'and he exploded not long after I came. I was quite
pleased and flattered when he came because it's a really
nice compliment when a man does that because of you.'
Chris gave a final hard thrust and then groaned,
shuddered and collapsed on top of her as he fired his
Alison found the experience fulfilling on several
levels. 'Well, first of all, he was a good lover and
that was clearly very satisfying. But it also gave me
back some of my self-respect - the feeling that I was an
attractive woman who could still excite and arouse men
and make them want to take me to bed. He was very ardent
and I liked that.'
I'd been very hurt and depressed as a result of my
marriage problems and I had lost a lot of my self
esteem. Chris really wanted to fuck me and that was very
pleasing and exciting. Going to bed with him was a very
healing and positive experience for me. I was presented
with the opportunity at just the right moment and
although I regret the fact that my marriage had reached
a very low ebb I'm very glad that fate gave me the
opportunity. I didn't do for revenge but simply to
balance up the scales.'
They lay on the bed for a while. Chris was clearly
hoping for more. He invited Alison to stay the night and
have breakfast with him but she said she had to get back
to her room and get ready to leave early in the morning.
She dressed and left, accepting his compliments ('You're
a very sexy lady.') and taking the telephone number,
which he gave her. He pressed her to call him when she
got home, as they both lived in the same city and he
wanted to see her again.
Back in her room, Alison was jubilant and very excited.
'YES! I really did it! And it was great!' She had a long
shower, and then sat down to watch television because
she was too excited to sleep.
She crept out of the hotel the following morning, hoping
she wasn't going to run into Chris on the way out. He'd
served his purpose and she had no intention of seeing
him again. The scrap of paper with his telephone number
was left in the wastebasket in her room.
As for Chris, he could be proud of his conquest. Chris
is like a lot of men who get a big kick out of having
sex with other men's wives. This had been a special
occasion: a virgin wife of 25 years seduced. And she had
loved every minute of it. The big surprise for Alison
was the discovery that she could thoroughly enjoy sex
with other men without the experience having the
slightest effect on her love for her husband.
For the next few weeks, Alison looked back on that night
with a little thrill and a warm feeling between her
legs. She had learned a lot about herself but most of
all she had discovered that sex and love are two
separate areas for her. She could gain great pleasure
from a one-night stand with a strange man - even though
she is still happily married to me.
As for me, I discovered to my great surprise that the
thought of my wife being fucked by other men is
enormously exciting and thrilling. I've told her that
she's welcome to do it again - any time she likes. I'm
very pleased that she's not the virgin wife any more. I
love her all the more because of what happened that
night in Darwin.
We now have a new arrangement for our marriage: her vow
of fidelity has been erased. She can please herself if
she wants to have sex with other men. And she knows that
I'm very proud of her. She's a sexy woman who attracts
other men, as well as being my best friend, my business
partner and a great cook.
So far, she hasn't taken advantage of our new marriage
arrangement. All that's happened is that we have bought
her some sexy new bras, which show off her breasts
really well. She's encouraged to flirt with other men
and she enjoys that a lot. I'm hoping that sooner or
later one of them is going to pin her to a mattress and
give her a good fucking. It's fine by me if she decides
to go out on her own at night and come home the next day
with her hair all messed up, her makeup smudged and her
knickers in her handbag. She's a woman who really enjoys
sex and now she knows how good it can be with a
* * * * *
This is a true story. The names have been changed but
the facts are correct. Alison told me all about her
night in Darwin. Chris, the man who had sex with Alison,
doesn't know it but I'm really grateful to him. He
introduced us both to a new world of sexual pleasure at
a time when our marriage was on the rocks. My affair is
in the past and there won't be any others. I don't need
a lover now that I've discovered how sexy my wife really
So, Chris, if you're reading this: thanks for fucking my
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Namaku Azaliwati. Usiaku kini 35 tahun. Mempunyai hanya dua orang anak kerana aku mengamalkan pil perancang keluarga (Aku sangat suka hubungan seks tetapi tidak suka mengandung). Aku bertugas sebagai seorang pendidik disalah sebuah sekolah menengah dinegeri Johor. Apa yang kutulis disini semata-mata yang benar sahaja dan aku mahu memberi peluang pada kaum sejenisku yang malang untuk turut merasakan nikmat yang tidak dapat dinilai dengan kata-kata ini iaitu nikmat seks!. Mungkin ada kalangan pengunjung internet yang pelik dengan sikapku. Tetapi percayalah ini adalah azam yang ku jadikan bagai nazar dalam kehidupan ku. Biarlah aku ceritakan dahulu sejarahku sebelum kisah kehangatan bersatu dengan suamiku. Terpulanglah samada anda mahu turut sama menikmati atau tidak........ Aku dinikahi suamiku sepuluh tahun yang lalu. Saat itu aku sangat bahagia. Puas benar rasanya diriku dengan hubungan kelamin. Suamiku sungguh pandai melakukan hubungan seks. Sebutlah apa sahaja posisi seks kami sudah lakukan, lelaki diatas, perempuan diatas,perempuan bersujud, duduk atas batang tegang,kepala dikaki, main duduk, main berdiri, pendek kata main dengan apa carapun sudah kami rasai. Hmmmm...sedapnya jika membayangkan semua ini. Namun keenakan itu hampir pupus bila tiba-tiba alat kelamin suamiku mula lemah setelah tujuh tahun kami bersama. Tak boleh tegang. Kalau tegang pun sekejap lembik dan terpancut. Bermacam-macam usaha kami cuba, makan jamu, urut, bekam, urut refleksi namun tidak menampakan kesan positif. Setelah itu aku berjanji. Aku minta benar pada Tuhan supaya nikmat keenakan seks jangan ditarik dari kami. Aku sanggup mengizinkan suamiku melakukan hubungan seks dengan siapa sahaja asalkan kesihatan alat kelaminnya pulih. Bukankah itu lebih baik dari kongker suami sorang-sorang tapi barang tak boleh pakai. Akhirnya suamiku berurut diParit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor. Alhamdulillah!!! suamiku pulih semula, malah lebih hebat dari dahulu. Aku bersyukur dan aku akan tunaikan nazarku. Kepada wanita yang malang, pakailah suamiku. Aku rela asal jangan diambil terus. Aku tak mahu bermadu tapi aku bangga jika wanita lain dapat merasakan sama kehebatan suamiku kini.Hubungi aku di no tel : 019-9430458 e-mail : Tiga hari suamiku berurut. Aku menanti dengan hati berdebar-debar. Bolihkah penyakit suamiku dipulihkan ?. Dalam tempoh tiga hari itu kami kena berpantang. Tidak boleh lakukan seks!! Malam keempat, setelah anak-anakku tidur aku usap rambut suamiku. Dia cuba menahan senyuman. Benar seperti sangkaanku, dia hanya pura-pura tidur. Aku pura-pura tersentuh alat kelaminnya dalam kain sarungnya. Tersentak aku dibuatnya, keras sungguh batangnya, sudah terhunus, berdiri tegak dan tegang.Dadaku berdebar-debar.Aku jadi tak sabar. Ku cium pipi suamiku,ku kucup bibirnya. Dia membalas kucupanku. Bibir kami bertaut. Lidah ku hulur bersambut.Lidahku dikulum. Enaknya. Kami berpelukan. Betapa enak rasanya bila gunung semanggulku yang tidak bercoli ditindih dadanya. Biarpun masih berlapik baju, keenakan tekanan gunung itu sungguh mengasyikkan. Gunung semanggul kembar duaku diramas-ramas. Enaknya menjalar membakar darah keseluruh tubuh. Abang tidak dapat menahan sabar lagi. Tangannya menyelak bajuku mengusap gunung berputing merahku. Daging dadaku yang sudah sekian lama pejal diramas-ramas. Puting tetekku di gentel-gentel. Tak dapat kulupakan sedapnya ketika itu.Mulut kami berkucupan. Kulum mengulum lidah silih berganti tak henti-henti. Dapat rasakan air mazi sudah mela merembes dicelah kelengkangku. Nafsuku makin menggila. Maklum sahaja sudah lama tidak merasakan kepuasan bersetubuh yang sewajarnya. Butang baju kemeja abang kubuka satu persatu. Abang faham perasaanku. Baju tidurku dibukanya. Aku hanya berspender nipis warna pink ketika itu. Abang perasan ada rembesan air mazi dispenderku. Kawasan yang basah dikuis dengan jari. Aku menarik nafas, berderau darahku seperti mahu menjerit, menahan keenakan bila celah bibir cipapku dikuis begitu. Kain yang Abang pakai sudah basah bertompok-tompok disana sini. Air mazi Abang mesti banyak. Sebab itu abang tak mahu buka kain. Gunung semanggulku yang sudah tidak bersalut abang ramas-ramas. Kepala Abang turun kebawah. Buah dadaku dihisap, dikulum silih berganti. Sekejap yang kanan, sekejap yang kiri jadi mangsa kuluman dan jilatan lidah Abang. Kakiku terkujat-kujat, pehaku terangkat-angkat, punggungku terkisut-kisut kekanan dan kiri menahan keenakan. Tak sabar lagi rasanya menunggu serangan abang seterusnya. Kepala Abang turun makin kebawah. Seluar dalam warna pink nipis yang sudah basah dilurut turun. Tubuhku tidak ditutupi seurat benangpun. Aku menggeliat dan merengek keenakan bila lidah Abang menjilat rekahan bibir kelengkangku. Air likat keluar makin banyak. Betapa nikmat rasanya bila hidung Abang yang separuh mancung menekan biji kelintitku dan lidah Abang pula menjilat rakus tanpa batasan alur rekahan cipapku. Bibir kemaluanku kembang kuncup menahan kenikmatan dan keberahian.Lidah Abang masih menggila. Sudah dua kali air maniku turun lantaran keenakan yang tidak dapat dibendung melanda keseluruh jiwa. Lantaran tidak dapat menahan nafsuku yang menggelodak, rambut Abang ku jambak.Aku tidak peduli samada dia sakit atau tidak. Aku tidak sabar lagi untuk menikmati senjata keras terhunus dikelengkang Abang. Abang menurut kemahuanku juga. Abang merangkak naik.Sambil merangkak naik, kain sarungnya dirungkaikan. Kami sudah telanjang bogel. Senjata sudah mencodakk tegang terhunus. Lobang sudah kembang kuncup, makin becak dengan air likat. Mulut kami bertemu lagi. Kami berkucupan semahu-mahunya. Dadaku bagai mahu pecah menahan keasyikan dan debaran yang menggila. Tanpa aku sedari kakiku sudah terkangkang dan memaut pinggang Abang. Punggung Abang turun perlahan-lahan."AAAwwwwwwwww !!!!" aku separuh menjerit bila satu benda keras menusuk kelorong berair likatku. Tusukan itu membuatkku bagai setengah gila menahan keenakan. Bibir kiri dan kanan terkuak membenarkan senjata keras itu meluncur masuk. Tekanan lembing kepala kembang, keras mencodak itu masuk kealor menguak bibir kiri dan kanan tidakk dapat dibayangkan sedapnya. Semakin dalam semakin sedap. Semakin dalam semakin enak. Tolak lagi, makin sedap. Sorong lagi makin enak. Makin sedap. Makin enak. Enak.sedap.Enak.Sedap.Enak.Enak.Enak.Sedap.Sedap.Sedap. Sedar tak sedar akhirnya tusukan lembing sampai kepangkal.Pangkal konek bertemu bibir cipap. Bulu Abang bertemu bulu ari-ariku. Abang berhenti seketika. Dapat aku rasakan betapa enaknya persetubuhan ketika itu. Air maniku keluar lagi. Makin sedap rasanya ketika itu. Lurah kelengkangku makin licin. Sekejap sahaja abang diamkan batang konek tegangnya dalam cipapku. Lepas itu batang konek yang kembang itu disorong tarik,sorong tarik, sorong tarik, keluar masuk dalam lurahku yang dipenuhi air putih likat. Sorong!! nikmatnya tak terhingga. "Ahhh!! eemmm!! ooohhh!! eeehhh! ehhh!! ehhh!" Mulutku merintih merengek membayangkan keenakan. Kesedapan yang menggila membuat aku lupa dengan apa yang aku sebutkan.Entah bahasa apa yang keluar dari mulutku tidak aku tahu. Abang masih menolak dan menarik batang kerasnya keluar masuk direkahan kelengkangku. Air putih likat sudah berselaput membasahi kolam dan balak. Kecepakk! kecepukk! kecepak! kecepuk! Kocakkan air jelas kedengaran dari celah kelengkang. Sorong!! sedapnya separuh gila. Tarik!! Lazatnya tak terkira. Sorong. Tarik. Sorong.Tarik. Sorong. Tarik. Sorong. Tarik. Nikmat. Lazat. Nikmat. Lazat. Air maniku keluar lagi. Entah kali yang keberapa tidak dapat aku kira lagi. Aku sudah keletihan. "Sudah bang!! Az sudah...penat..." Aku mengalah. Suamiku memang hebat benar malam itu. Tidak aku duga sama sekali. Tidak sia-sia kami berpantang dan Abang berubat diParit Raja. Mungkin suamiku rasa kasihan melihatku yang sudah lepak. Perlahan-lahan batang keras mencodaknya ditarik. Dapat aku rasakan air likat mengalir deras keluar mengikut tarikan batang balaknya. "Tonggeng Yang!!" bisik suamiku. Aku menarik nafas keletihan. Ya Tuhan... keenakan membuat aku lupa, suamiku belum mencapai klimaks. Alangkah bersalahnya aku kerana mementingkan kepuasan diri sendiri. Kepuasan yang sudah sekian lama tidak dinikmati membuatkan aku melupakan klimaks suamiku yang terabai. Cepat-cepat aku menonggeng seperti orang bersujud. Abang berdiri diatas lututnya dari belakang punggung. Kemudian menyarungkan senjata kerasnya melintas bawah lubang dubur menuju rekahan cipapku yang sudah ditakungi air putih likat. Batang keras itu keluar masuk pula dari arah belakang.Aku rasakan lagi satu nikmat yang sudah lama aku abaikan. Walaupun sama, keluar masuk cipap tetapi sedap lain-lain. Cocok dari depan lain rasa sedapnya. Cocok dari belakang sedap juga tapi lain rasa. Sorong tarik, sorong tarik aku keluar mani lagi. Abang masih belum apa-apa. Ini tak boleh jadi fikirku..... Aku pun kepit kuat-kuat batang keras Abang dengan kedua papan punggungku.Bila pucuk senjata terbenam, pangkal senjata pula tersepit papan punggung, Abang tentu dilanda keenakan yang tak terhingga. Rancanganku berjaya. Sekejap sahaja sorong tarik senjata Abang mula menggila seperti tidak terkawal. Walaupun makin keras dan berdenyut-denyut Abang tidak tarik keluar seluruh batang. "Sedapnya dikk....Abang dah dekat...dah dekat....dah........."serentak itu aku dapat rasakan pancutan air menerjah memasuki alur kemaluan hadapanku. Banyak sekali air mani Abang keluar. Aku tak pedulikan lagi, terus tertiarap.....lepak. Abang juga pejam mata ,baring disebelahku tanpa bicara apa-apa lagi. Pasti Abang letih dalam kepuasan. Jam tiga pagi, ya jam tiga pagi Abang menggoncang tubuhku. Aku terkejut. "Ada apa bang ?" "Bagilah Abang sekali lagi........" Bisik Abang malu-malu. "Huh!" Aku mendengus. "Tak reti orang letih"Rungutku. Namun aku membiarkan sahaja pehaku direnggangkan, lututku ditinggikan dan .......... Sekali lagi Aku menyeru....tidak kira isteri orang, janda atau siapa sahaja yang tidak dapat merasakan kenikmatan seks. Jangan biarkan diri anda dibelenggu kerugian !!! Aku tiada wang berjuta, tiada pangkat berjela, hanya inilah sumbangan Ikhlasku untuk kita nikmati bersama......Suamiku yang telah pulih ....Gunakanlah dia. Setelah dipulihkan, Aku tidak mampu melayani nafsunya secara bersendirian.
citer ni masa aku form5. first time la aku buat smua ni. so rasa teruja la kan.. aku kenal dengan boyfriend aku sebab pada mulanya dia ni abang angkat aku. tapi lepas aku clash dengan boyfriend aku(member abang angkat aku) so abang angkat aku tu terus masuk line. and aku selama ni banyak mengadu masalah dengan dia, so aku xada kesah sangat bila dia luahkan perasaan kat aku. sebab selama ni pun aku dah memang sayang kat dia. first time aku tidur rumah sewa dia kitorang tak buat apa-apa. just malam tu, aku demam. lepas mandi je aku masuk bilik and rest kejap. tapi ada la jugak buat ringan-ringan tu. sebab maybe dia stim tengok tetek aku yang memang top ni. aku saja pakai suar jeans ketat,supaya payah dia nak tarik seluar aku tapi orang dah stim, faham-faham jela. time tu jugak dia tanggalkan baju and seluar aku then time tu jugak aku bogel. bf aku ni memang nampak macam rakus je sebab dari dalam kereta lagi dah sondol leher aku nak buat love bite.time tu dia pujuk aku, nak jolok aku tapi aku xbagi.sakan aku xbagi then die mengalah. tapi aku pun hampir2 hilang kawalan la pas dia jumpa pulak pantat aku. siap jilat2 lagi sampai aku banjir... tapi aku jela yang pancutkan die.aku just goncang2 dengan tangan jer.. not more than dat. kali kedua tu memang hardcore la aku rasa.. and time tu la dara aku hilang. tapi tu aku tak pikir dah.suka sama suka. sampai je dalam bilik dia, dia terus pasang cd blue bg aku tengok.aku pun blur2 lagi time tu, so dia bukak baju aku n tanggalkan bra aku. aku da nervous habis dah.jantung aku nak gugur sebab stim aku dah datang. dapat je bukak bra aku on the spot dia hisap tetek aku. time tu kitorang berdiri lagi. entah bila aku xsedar yang dia tolak aku sampai jatuh atas katil then dia bogelkan aku lepas dia bogel dulu.citer blue yang ada dah xdihiraukan dah.aku baring. kitorang buat french kiss sampai dia melarat2 kat leher,blakang telinga n dagu aku, lovebite penuh kat leher aku. aku layan je dia buat apa kat aku. nak tengok sejauh mana dia boleh layan aku. tapi dia memang power la.. aku suka seba lepas dia kis badan aku sampai bawah pusat.. dia bangun n duduk betul2 depan kaki aku. lepas tu dia bukakkan kaki aku,kangkangkan aku seluas mungkin then dia lekap mulut dia betul2 kat lubang pantat aku pastu dia hisap.kuat gile dia hisap sampai aku rasa air yang ada dalam pantat aku habis keluar semua. lepas tu baru la dia main2 lidah dia kt sekitar pantat aku. dari biji kelentit sampai ke lubang pantat.jari dia jolok lubang pantat aku yang still dara lagi time 2.1 jari je muat..aku meronta2 xnak sebab sakit. lama jugak ida hisap n jilat pantat aku sampai dia puas..lepas tu aku pulak kulum batang dia sampai dia suruh aku stop. kitorang buat doggy, dia henjut aku sampai kepala aku berdarah kene dinding. tahan jela..aku sakit la time tu..aku merengek mintak dia stop tapi dia teruskan jugak,sampai aku bangun n berdiri,tapi aku jatuh semula sebab sakit kat pantat. sekali keluar darah,aku panik jugak tapi kitorang mandi sama2 kejap. part kedua ni aku da release sikit. dia henjut2 aku.sedap sangat time tu..aku terpancut jauh pulak tu.pandai dia main dengan aku.dia jolok je btg dia dalam pantat aku,aku dah merengek2 manja sampai dia sendiri tak tahan. dia tarik batang dia,aku kemut sekuat hati.meang dia mengeluh nikmat la..aku pun merengek2 makin kuat sebab sedap sangat.menggigil badan aku tahan nikmat. "sayang..nak terpancut la." aku mengadu kat dia sambil merengek, dia x percaya. dia ingat aku main2 je. yela, xramai mane la pompuan yang boleh pancut. aku ni punya la menggelupur suruh dia tarik batang dia jap sebab aku dak nak terpancut sangat dah tapi dia teruskan jugak jolok aku.sampai aku tolak dia kuat2 serentak batang dia keluar dari pantat aku, aku pancut tersembur-sembur air keluar.habis basah badan bf aku tu.dia pun macam x percaya je aku boleh pancut sebanyak tu.aku menggeletik la..sedap sangat kuar air pantat.. bf aku sambung jolok sampai dia pancut.pancut dalam pulak tu..bunyi kuat je crett..crett..dalam pantat aku.memang banyak la air mani dida sampai aku teran pun keluar banyak lagi.lepas tu aku tertidur..lama jugak..bgn tidur baru aku mandi.nasib aku tak pregnant. kalau tak tak pasasl2 aku xdapat masuk u. kena kawin awal.lepas tu mak ayah xmngaku dah 2 tahun benda ni berlaku.dia dah kahwin dah pun.aku? aku yang tinggalkan dia sebab aku tiba2 kena penyakit murung. sampai hampir2 nak jadi gila sebab tekanan perasaan. aku stress sebab kes buat sex ni la sebenarnya. ntahla.setiap kali buat mesti akan ada rasa menyesal punya.nikmat tu hanya sementara
kawasan umah aku mmg agak sunyi.... rumah aku plak rumah batu 2 tingkat... agak besar utk 3 beranak... aku anak bongsu.... aku je yg tggal kat umah tu dgn mak ayah aku... mak ayah aku tdo bilik bawah.... manakala aku plak tdo sorg2 kat bilik atas.... mmg aku ske memerap kat dlm bilik... sbb besar n ske pasang radio n tv kuat2.... bkn mak ayah aku dgr pun..... dpn bilik aku mmg ade beranda n tangga... tangga tu utk umah sewa kat blakang.... so tu peluang aku utk hang out mlm2.... hahaha!!! nak dipendekkan cite la.............. 1 mlm tu aku blk lewat... aku ade bwk kunci spare utk pintu atas... aku blk dlm kol 1.30am.... mmg ngantok giler waktu tu.... aku baru blk dr clubbing...... mak ayah aku xtau aku g clubbing... klu korg nak tau, mak ayah aku teramat dan tersangat jarang naik tingkat atas.... mlm tu aku blk dlm keadaan yg sgt penat.... tp x mabuk... aku pakai dress itam yg nampak separa dada, n hanya ade 1 tali je yg menyokong dress aku tu... tali tu kena ikat kat leher... so klu cabut tali tu mmg t'lucut la dress yg aku pakai... n mlm tu aku pakai g string.... mase aku melangkah nak naik tangga, mmg aku jalan lambat2... bile aku dah bukak pintu aku terus duduk kat atas kerusi.... Dgdn x semena2 aku t'lelap kat atas kerusi.... aku igt lagi perasaan aku mase tdo waktu tu.... tiba2 aku rase lemas.... aku terasa pantat aku berair... aku igt aku mimpi... so aku pejam jgk mata... mmg aku mengatuk sgt2 time tu...... lama2 tu aku terasa ade sesuatu tgh gosok2 tetek aku.... aku terjaga........ aku cuba gerakkan kaki aku.... x boleh... tangan pun x boleh..... aku bukak mata, aku tgk ade 1 lembaga ade kat celah kangkang aku n tgh jilat pantat aku..... mulut aku, tgn n kaki dah berikat.... aku meronta nak lepaskan diri.... yg lembaga tadi asyik jilat pantat aku yg masih b'bungkus dgn G-String aku tadi n sambil tgn dia meramas lembut kat tetek aku yg dah menegang dr tadi.... kebetulan aku mmg x pakai bra g clubbing tadi.... aku cuba meronta..... dlm hati aku mmg maki seranah mamat tu... pastu baru aku perasan yg aku lupa tutup pintu... SHIT!! patutla senang je dia masuk..... mamat tadi perasan aku meronta n dia pun stop jilat pantat aku... dia bangun n dia bisik kat tepi telinga aku..... "my syg dah bgn kew??? ermmm... sedap x syg??? meh abg bwk syg pergi syurga... tp syg janji la kat abg... dok diam2 k?" sambil tangan dia masih meramas2 tetek aku dr luar dress....... "urmmm...... breast syg nie pejal n besar... sedap sgt ramas..." dia wat sore gersang kat tepi telinga aku.... aku cuba jgk nak lepaskan tgn aku... dia dah ikat tgn aku kat tepi kusi... kaki plak terkangkang... dia ikat kat kaki kusi.... DaMnn...!!! aku masih lagi cuba nak lepaskan diri... mamat tu makin rancak cium leher aku sambil tgn dia ramas2 tetek aku... aku dah makin lemas...... aku makin teransang..... "syg..... abg lucutkan baju syg k?" kata mamat tu..... dia pun tarik tali baju aku yg terikat kat leher... pup! baju aku aku pun melurut.... "urmmhhh.....!! urmmmhhhh........!!!" suara aku menahan kesedapan... aku tau xde gunanye aku melawan... dia tetap akan dapat ape yg dia nak... aku pejam mata dan mendongak ke atas... mase mamat tu pintal2 puting tetek aku yg dah mengeras tu, dia main2kan lidah dia kat pantat aku... aku dpt rasekan g-string aku lenjun sbb air aku dan air liur mamat tu.... mamat tu x puas lagi.... dia stop dan kembali bisik kat telinga aku... "abg nak lagi yang... klu syg x melawan, cepat kita smpai syurga..." aku melirik manje kat dia... dlm hati aku dah x igt ape dah... sbb dah sedap sgt... dia turun ke tetek aku... dia jilat keliling tetek aku.. aku dah makin x tahan.... slow2 dia jilat plak puting tetek aku... "urgh..... ummmhhhh....." suare aku mengeluh dgn mulut yg kena ikat.... bila dia puas jilat puting aku, dia isap tetek aku dgn gelojoh sambil 1 lagi tgnnye cuba meleraikan ikatan kaki aku... bila kaki aku dah x diikat, dia kangkangkan kaki aku seluas2nye...dia letak kaki aku kat atas tgn aku yg diikat tadi... mmg mengangkang abes time tu... smpai G-string aku terselit kat pantat aku... dia selak g-string aku... dia tolak ckit je... biji aku dah t'keluar... dgn rakus, dia isap biji cipap aku... "ummmhh.... mmmhhhh........!!!" aku x tahan... air makin byk... sambil dia jilat, dia jolok2 2 jari dia kat dlm lubang pantat aku... mula2 dia sorong slow.... pastu makin laju n kuat dia hentak... smpai air aku klua.... bila air aku klua dia bisik lagi "sedap kan yang.... meh abg bwk syg g bilik... abg nak bwk syg g syurga...." aku yg lemah cuba pejam mata je... tiba2 dia pun kluarkan sumthing kat seluar dia... alamak! pisau....!! dia acukan pisau tu kan leher aku... aku t'paku n ketakutan.... dia bisik lagi... "sowy syg.... xnak syg melawan.." dia leraikan sume ikatan aku... dia hunus pisau tu kat perut aku... dia tarik aku suro bangun... aku masih x nampak dia sbb gelap... dia pun pelok aku dr blakang n lucutkan dress aku.. "jom syg, kita jalan g bilik syg k??" x semena2, aku pegang tgn dia yg acu pisau tadi... dia t'kejut dan mengemaskan pegangan pisau dia... aku pun belai tgn dia... dia xtau sbnrnye aku dah x tahan nak main... aku pun ckp..... "Mmmhhh.... jom" gembira bkn main kepalang lagi mamat tu... terus dia kisz leher aku b'tubi2......... aku pegang kepala dia.. aku pun tarik tgn dia masuk bilik aku... dia ikut tanpa paksa... sampai je kat katil, aku trus duduk kat katil sambil dia b'diri ngadap aku... aku gosok2 batang dia yg dah keras tu.. dlm hati aku "mak aih! besar gak btg dia nie" aku makin geram.... dia plak belai2 rambut aku.. spt nak meminta sesuatu... aku plak dr tadi asyik gosok btg dia dr luar sluar je... aku jadi leka sbb aku t'pegun dgn btg dia yg besar tu... dia mungkin x tahan... dia trus bukak zip n lucutkan sluar dia... btg dia m'canak btul2 kat muka aku... dia peganag btg dia n masukkan dlm mulut aku.... "UrrmmmHhhh!!! urghhh......!!" suare aku sbb btg dia penuh kat dlm mulut aku.. dia pun pegang kepala aku dan hayun btg dia... "aahhh.... ahhh.... errmmmmmhh" suare dia menahan kesdapan... "urgh! syg... nak kluar!" dia pegang lagi kepala aku... akhirnya, air mani dia terpancut kat dlm mulut aku... mmg byk... smpai melimpah klua... mase pancut tu dia hayunkan lagi btg dia kat dlm mulut aku.... dia puas, n baring kat sebelah aku... aku bangun, dia trus pelok aku, dia tanye nak kemana.... aku ckp nak g toilet.. dia x caye n ikut aku skali...... mase aku tgh basuh mulut aku, dia perhati aku atas bawah... aku biarkan je... dia mula dtg dekat ngan aku, dia tggalkan g-string aku.... aku biarkan... dia bukak shower, dia tarik aku skali... kami kebasahan... dia amik sabun n sabun tetek aku terus.... smbil tu tgn dia yg 1 lagi dia main kat biji cipap aku... dlm hati aku kata "pandai jgk mamat perompak nie layan aku..." dia masih kat blakang aku... tiba2 dia stop n tolak aku dekat dgn dinding.. aku rase btg dia yg dah keras tu b'laga2 dgn bontot aku... dia bisik kat aku, "syg, abg nak bwk syg pegi syurga nie... tahan ye..." dia angkat kaki aku naik kat atas kolam... pastu dia bongkkan ckit bdn aku m'hala kat dinding.. muka aku n tgn aku menahan kat dinding.. dia jolok2 dulu pantat aku dgn jari dia, pastu dia amik btg dia n dia cuba cari lubang aku... dia basahkan lubang aku dgn air kat dlm kolam... "ummmHhh..." suare aku mengeluh... btg dia yg besar wat aku makin x tahan... akhirnya, btg dia jumpa jgk lubang pantat aku... dia masukkan sedikit kepala btg dia... "aahhh" suare aku mula nak kuat... "syg... tahan ckit ye yang... abg nak bwk syg g syurga, mesti syg xkan lupakan..." mamat tu bisik lalu dia tutup mulut aku dgn tgn dia... Zuupppp!!! dia masukkan btg dia dgn laju n kuat... aku makin menggelupur tahan sakit n sedap... "uhhh.... uhhh! sedap kan yang" dia benamkan btg dia kat pantat aku.. mulut aku masih kena tekup... tgn dia lagi 1 pegang bahu aku... dan........................ Pap...!!! pap...!!! pap.........!!! mamat tu Fuck aku dgn laju... "ummhhh3x......!!" tgn aku n badan aku makin x keruan.... sedap dia nak wat aku m'jerit... dia masukkan btg dia dlm2.... "ahhh... ahhh.... ahhhh!!!" "arghh......!!" makin slow dia fuck aku... pastu dia kluarkan btg dia... dia pusingkan aku... dia dukung aku masuk bilik balik... aku rase sgt best.. dia baringkan aku yg agak lemah... dia x puas.. dia kangkangkan kaki aku n tahan dgn lengan dia... dia masukkan lagi.... aku m'jerit tahan sedap... makin laju dia fuck aku.. btg dia yg besar tue wat aku nak gila tahan sedap b'tubi... dia pusingkan aku... dia angkat punggung aku.. dia doggy aku... kali nie dia pegang punggung aku... dia tarik punggung aku nak bg dayungan dia makin dlm.... aku m'jerit2 tahan sedap... sambil dia fuck aku dr blakang, dia jolok burit aku dgn jari dia.... pastu...... "arghhh.. arhhh...." dia lepaskan air mani dia kat atas bdn aku... aku terbaring lemah n t'tdo semula... aku x sedar bile dia pakai baju n blk... yg aku tau dah cerah n keadaan ruang tamu yg bersepah, n ade tali kat kerusi.... aku t'senyum.... aku masih lagi t'tanye2 sape yg fuck aku mlm tadi... aku nak dia fuck aku lagi.... smpai skrg.... aku xtau n masih t'tanye2.... klu aku kenal dia, aku xkan marah dia... malah aku akan jemput dia dtg lagi.... sbb btg dia besar n aku ske cara dia melayan aku....
I have always been a cross dresser and enjoyed it.
Maybe it was too much at times. I some how let the guys
go too far with me. That is a different story. When I
got married I put all my special clothes in the
basement and lived a normal life.
One day I was home from a trip early and found my wife
was doing the laundry. There on the top of the pile
were her pink thongs. I was taken aback and grabbed
them and slipped them on and the warm rush of my past
feelings came back to me. I loved the feel of the silk
on my body. I was running my hand across them and soon
I was feeling my now erect member and soon it was
shooting its results of my rubbing. I took them off and
tossed them into the washer and left the room.
It was a couple weeks later that I needed to go out of
town for the night to repair a customer’s computer. As
I was packing I took a pair of her panties out of her
drawer and took them with me. While on my trip I wore
them the entire time. As other trips came up I took
more and more of my special clothes. I was soon
dressing up and finding new spots to go to and have fun
Well if you call having drinks bought for you and hands
under your skirt and, well later about that. I was
careful to have two bags one normal and one special. I
was packing and again took a pair of my wife panties
with me. On my trip I wore them and as always enjoyed
As usual when I arrived home I would put my special bag
in the garage and leave my normal bag in the kitchen.
She would empty it and do the laundry and that would be
it. It was several days later that when I went to get
fresh pair of under ware it was when I opened my
drawer that there on top of my white boxers was a pair
of her panties. It was the same pair that I was wearing
a couple days ago. I was wondering if maybe it was a
mistake or something. She said nothing.
On my next trip it was normal. I checked my bag and
made sure there were only guy’s clothes in it. Again
several days later, when I opened my drawer there I saw
several pairs of new panties. A thong, briefs and a low
cut boy shorts. I knew something was up now. But what,
I had no clue.
It was a couple weeks later when I fond out I needed to
go out of town that night that I asked her to pack a
bag for me. I arrived home and she was out and there
sat my bag. I grabbed it and off I went. At the hotel
it was when I opened the bag there on top was a pair of
white and pink thongs with a candy kiss taped on them.
I now knew it was known to her what I was doing.
I wore the panties all during my trip and enjoyed them
a lot. I did not think of whom or what or why, just
enjoyed. On my return my wife had made a few comments
that could have been taken several ways. I choose the
way that I understood them. It got to be a regular
thing for her to pack my suit case. Several trips later
it was a camisole then a bra.
The time seemed to fly by at a fast pace. It has been
two years since the first pair showed up and this last
trip the case carried a dress and makeup and heels. The
problem that I was having was that it not only made me
feel good but, I looked good also. Under the wife’s
idea we joined a gym and wanted to keep healthy.
I realize that is a good thing but, truth be told it
was different now. I knew that the diet and gym visits
where doing there job, but I still wondered. My normal
clothes seemed tighter in places and loose in others. I
did not think about it. I did think about the bra that
seemed to be more practical than sexual. How it now
cupped my breasts. I was not wishing I had them I had
them. I knew that in t-shirts it looked like I had
boobs but that was just wishful thinking. My waist had
gotten smaller and my skin was softer and my body hair
was thinner. I just figured that with the diet and
vitamins that it was just a nice side effect.
My wife had convinced me to let my hair grow and in the
sales position I held it did not matter. I was
reluctant when she wanted to have both my ears pierced.
One had always been pierced since I was a teenager. Now
it was both. My wife set up a much deserved vacation
for us. It was going to be a month long. If we needed
and desired more time, she had included a 2 week
extension to the trip. She set up a nice private
vacation resort. It was located on a white sands Mexico
beach area. She packed the clothes and we were off for
much needed rest and relaxation.
We arrived at night and were off to bed. In the morning
she said that she would have breakfast delivered to the
out side deck area. She told me to shower and get
dressed and have coffee on the deck over looking the
ocean views. I showered and dried off. With a robe on I
went to the bed and there laid out was a two piece
bathing suit. There was also my secret make up. I
walked over to the door and saw here sitting drinking a
cup of coffee. She was wearing a similar bathing suit.
I called to her and asked if there was a mistake. She
replied that if I did not do as she requested that it
would be a mistake.
I dressed in the suit and fixed my hair and make up. I
put the robe on and walked to the door way. I
sheepishly walked over to that table and began to sit
down. She looked at me and said that robe had better be
off when I sit down. I took it off and then she looked
at me and said that her work was almost complete. I
asked her what she meant. She explained that just after
we were married that she had known that I crossed
dressed. She also knew that I quit.
It was when I had left her panties in my suit case that
she knew I had restarted wearing women’s clothes again.
She said that if I was doing that then she would assist
in my secret. She explained that several times when I
was out of town she would follow me there and see just
what I was doing. She told me that the gym was just a
way to add a bit to the medical portion of her plan.
I had been taking female hormones for 2 years now and
that is why my body made the changes it did. I was in
shock, but did not react the way I should have. Within
the therapy of female hormones there were additional
drugs to smooth my attitude and emotional feelings.
That is why I now cry on sappy movies. She told me she
created a plan and developed a schedule that was to
change me and still be me. We laughed. A little while
later our maid came up and surprised me.
There I was in a female’s bathing suit and there was
not so much of a blink your eye. She left and we
finished the coffee and headed down to the beach. We
walked and did some small talk. She did tell me to have
fun and she has set up everything. She made it clear
that I was to do as she requested. We found several
chairs and towels near the ocean. We sat down and
relaxed. Close to lunch we placed our order and decided
to go in to the ocean.
I was in heaven walking dressed as a lady and it was in
the day light. We returned to the chairs and enjoyed
our lunch. We decided to walk down the beach a while.
There were several cabins and tents in a gathering. We
walked up to one of the tents, and were told to walk in
and have a seat. Again, no looks towards me. In a
minute or two a lovely lade told me to follow her.
I walked behind her and we entered a small shower area
and she requested that I get undressed. I slid off my
top and stepped out of my bottoms. She turned on the
water and from above a warm shower began. She took a
wash cloth and soap and began to wash me. She washed
every where. While I was lathered up she began to shave
my legs and underarms and face and chest. There was not
a lot there. She shaved down below into a landing strip
design. She then sat me down and someone worked on my
hair while they also painted my toes and finger nails.
When I was done she handed my suit back and told me to
dress and I was to meet my wife out side by the bar.
When I went out side she was sitting down at a table
with a couple men in bathing suits. They were talking
and laughing. I sat down and a waiter came over with a
drink for me. I took a taste and she had ordered my
favorite drink.
I was relaxed in heaven and dressed and shaved and in
the sun. I listened to there small talk and had we had
several more drinks. I was feeling great. I was
becoming very relaxed and the guy next to me seemed
cute. I have no idea where that came from but he seemed
cute. We talked and drank some more. I was feeling
dizzy and buzzed and it was nice to feel that way.
The one guy said he needed to excuse himself for a
minute. My wife stood up and said that we also needed a
minute also. We walked over to the ladies room and
entered and used the booths and relived our self’s. As
we looked into the mirror she smiled and asked if I was
having fun. I said yes.
We walked out and as we sat down she said that the guy
was hot and I should go for it. Before I could answer
the guys came back and sat down. We ordered some finger
food and more drinks. We all talked and laughed. It was
then that I realized that he had put hid hand on my leg
and was rubbing it and while doing that he was moving
his hand up to my thigh.
I was now feeling rather warm and relaxed. I glanced
over to my wife and she was watching what was going on
and just smiled at me. I felt his hand slide up and
then touch my manhood and then slip between my legs. I
relaxed my legs and let him slide his hand down
further. I had no idea what was going on but I did not
The next thing I knew we were standing up with fresh
drinks in our hands and walking over to the beach area
was they had large umbrellas set up on the beach. We
sat on some towels and enjoyed the sun and was soon
leaning back and relaxing. I soon felt that hand again
and then it was on my belly and then it was on my
chest. I turned over thinking I could get some rest and
the hand just kept on rubbing me.
He started again on my back and in no time had undid
the top and let the straps fall to the side, I felt his
fingers slide under the bottoms and begin to ease them
down I it did not bother me at all. I could tell they
were lover as I felt the breeze over the crack of my
ass. I could then feel both hands slide down my bottoms
until they were off. He began to spread my legs and
started to rub my inter thigh and down my crack.
I was getting turned on something fierce. He then
rolled me over and there I was naked to the world. At
that moment I wished my member was bigger. It was in
the open. I had felt it had been bigger in the past and
now my ball sac was very small as well as shaft. I
always figured it just grew more when excited and just
smaller when not. I felt him grab my now erect member.
I am embarrassed as I know it on al its glory is the
size of my little finger. I soon feel him spread my
legs real wide and kneel between them. I feel his now
wet lips on me and soon he is putting me inside is
mouth. I am starting to buck my hips and match is
stride. I feel that I am about to cum when he digs is
fingers into my flesh and I shoot down his throat.
With in a flash he moves his body up and then I realize
that he is naked and is stroking himself. I look down
and he grabs my hand and places it on his manhood and I
start to stroke it slowly at first then he moves up and
he moves so close that I release him and he now has his
manhood next to my lips and starts to push it into my
mouth. I open my lips and allow him to enter. He starts
to slide it in deeper and the withdraw it then enter
and withdraw.
I am now hungry for his load and fast. He cum’s rather
quick and a lot. While I am in the after glow, he rolls
me over and his friend now is moving over and I feel
him move in between my legs. I soon feel his finger
near my ass and then poking around and then I feel this
cool lotion on me and his finger slides in and out and
then he moves and straddles me and begins to push his
dick in me. I can tell he is rather large as the pain
and pressure is intense.
I feel him enter slowly and with long thrusts picking
up speed as he starts his run for the gold. What seems
forever or just a minute or two? He rams it all the way
and stays there. I feel the cum creating a swelling in
me and when he retracts I can feel it leaking down my
leg. I am relaxed and content.
I hear movement and my wife leans down to my ear and
says that I look like I have enjoyed myself. She then
says that this is just a taste of what will be happing
for the next month to me. She says that if that is a
problem she will just increase the pills and make me
beg for it. She laughs and says that is just what she
will do...
Our anniversary was coming up and I decided to do
something special for my wife, and myself of course.
Like I said before I had checked out all the hotels and
bars around town so I knew what they had to offer. I
decided to rent a room at the Embassy Suites for our
anniversary night. If you aren't familiar with them
they have all the rooms around a big atrium. There is a
living room when you first enter with a big window that
faces out to the atrium. Then a short hallway, which
the bathroom is off, and then the bedroom with a patio
door and small balcony. This particular one has a nice
bar and dining room on the first floor. It also has
glass elevators.
I figured this would be perfect for her celebration.
Our anniversary was during the week this year so that
would be better, mostly traveling businessmen staying
there, no families with kids. I went and made the
reservation in person so I could make sure we got a
room on the fourth floor and close to the elevators so
there would be a lot of traffic. They also said I could
check in early that day.
I told my wife I had special plans for our anniversary
so she should be ready to go by 1:30 in the afternoon.
I bought her a new dress for the occasion, a nice black
one that buttoned all the way down the front. I also
bought some good Champaign, her favorite wine and of
course tequila.
I went over right after noon that day and stocked our
room with everything. Went home to get my wife and told
her that she only needed her make-up and her bikini
because I had taken care of everything else. She
thought that was very cool. I made her take the white
bikini because that was the most revealing, almost see-
through when wet. We got to our room and had some
Champaign. She hadn't had any lunch so it went right to
her head.
I suggested we go for a swim because I didn't want her
getting too buzzed up too early. She put on her bikini
and she looked great. Her nipples poked through the top
a little and the bottom was tight enough that you could
see her pussy slit if you looked close. As always there
were a few stray pussy hairs curling out from the
crotch in her suit. The swimming area was empty at this
time of day so we had the pool to ourselves.
We decided to move to the hot tub and have some more of
the Champaign I had brought along in plastic cups. I
got a hard on just looking at her when she got out of
the pool. Her nipples were now hard and really showed
through the top. The wet bottom was pulled farther into
her slit and you could now just barely see her bush
through the suit. The back was pulled into her ass a
little so you could see more of her cheeks.
The hot tub was so relaxing as we drank the Champaign.
She was getting woozy again so I reached over and
started fondling her tits under the water. She just
smiled at me, think she forgot we were in a public
pool. I reached down and began rubbing her pussy. At
the same time I was shoving the crotch of her suit
farther into her pussy slit.
Finally I said we better go back to the room before she
fell asleep. It was later afternoon now and some guys
were checking in for the night. As she got out of the
hot tub I could see that her top was kind of crooked
and one nipple was almost out. The crotch of her suit
was so far into her slit that one of her pussy lips was
partially exposed.
I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her waist so
she could hold it in front of her. She thought she was
covered up but the towel wasn't quite long enough and
right in the front it veed open so anyone looking at
her could see her pussy lip showing. I walked her
through the area where they serve free drinks in the
There were only a few guys there at the time but she
sure caught their attention. They could all see her top
was on crooked and her one tit almost out and a few
managed to be lucky enough to get a peek at her pussy
in the towel opening. We got into the glass elevator
that faced the drink area. Trust me these are slow
I took her towel under the pretense that I needed to
wipe my face. Then I reached behind her and pulled the
back of her suit up into her ass and ran my hand down
into her crotch. The guys having drinks got a nice view
of her ass and watched as I rubbed her pussy from
behind. When we got to the room she wanted some more
Champaign but I talked her into some coffee instead. It
was way too early to have her getting too drunk.
The window facing the atrium had heavy curtains and
also sheer ones. The heavy ones were open but he sheers
were open about one foot. I didn't think anyone would
be able to see through but we took our suits off in the
living room anyway. She was sitting on the couch having
some coffee so I figured before she got too sober I
better have some fun. I walked over to her my hard cock
pointing right at her face. She got the hint and began
to suck on it, something she doesn't do when sober,
especially in front of a window.
She was sucking pretty good and I saw a number of
people walk by but no one seemed to be looking in. Then
one of the guys that must have been having drinks and
noticed which room we were in walked by very slowly.
Stopped and backed up to get a better look. I could see
him watching out of the corner of my eye so I put my
hands behind my wives head and began to fuck her
throat. She doesn't like that so I only got a few
strokes in before she pulled her head back and he
walked away. That's OK I didn't want to shoot my load
yet anyway.
We had some more coffee and she rested for a while.
When she woke up she was more sober but still a little
drunk. I showed her the dress I bought for her and she
liked it. She asked where her panties and bra were and
I told her she was going bare under the dress tonight.
She said she needed some more to drink then. I talked
her into some wine instead of the tequila, I was afraid
of her getting too drunk.
The dress was fairly short and I watched her as we had
the wine and she put her make-up on. She looked great
in it. If she bent over too far you could just see the
bottom of her ass and a little pussy peeking out
between her legs. She was just buzzed enough to feel
good and frisky so we went down for dinner.
We stopped in the bar first and she managed to catch
most of the men's eyes and she wasn't even showing
anything yet. We sat at the bar and I had her let the
back of her dress hang over the bar stool so she was
sitting directly on the stool with her bare ass. We had
a couple of drinks and she was starting to get loosened
up again.
When she stood up to go to the bathroom she had
forgotten that her dress was over the back of the stool
so she unknowingly flashed her ass to the guys sitting
close. I looked down and the seat of her bar stool was
wet with her pussy juice. She came back and as we
finished our drinks I undid a couple of the top and
bottom buttons on her dress. We went into the dinning
area and were seated in a booth facing the bar.
The table had a cloth on it but I noticed it barely
covered the outside edge of our table. We had another
drink while we decided what to order. From the side you
could just see my wife's tits in her dress. Now I knew
why the waiter stood off to the side to take our order.
While we drank our drinks and waited for our food I had
my hand between her legs rubbing her pussy and also
undoing more buttons. I saw one guy start to leave the
bar but when he glanced in our direction he went back
and sat down again. Must have gotten a peek under our
table at my wife's pussy.
I had talked her into eating light because I didn't
want to screw up the buzz she had going. Some wine with
dinner kept her going. Constant attention from the
waiter so he could look at her tits. When she picked up
her napkin I realized that her dress was undone almost
to her waist. I pretended not to notice the guys in the
bar that now had their chairs facing us for the view.
After dinner we sat and finished up the bottle of wine.
With her napkin now on the table, when the waiter
brought the check he also got a good look at her pussy.
Instead of leaving the check he just stood there while
I signed. Where it said tip I wanted to write “looking
at her tits and pussy” but decided I better not.
As she slid out of the booth and stood up the guys in
the bar got a real good look at her hairy pussy. When
we got to the fourth floor we walked around the atrium
instead of going directly to the room. I stopped her a
number of times to look at something in the atrium
knowing that while we stood by the railing anyone below
looking up would see her naked under her dress.
About half way around I undid the rest of the dress
buttons so it fell open. From the front she was naked
and as we walked the dress opened even farther. As we
got to our room I saw two guys getting off the elevator
so I fumbled getting the key out. My wife was leaning
against the wall by the door with her eyes almost
closed so she didn't see them. I was kind of blocking
their view of her until they real close to us.
Their eyes almost popped out of their heads when they
saw this almost completely naked woman standing there.
They didn't quite stop but walked as slow as possible
enjoying their view of my wife. After they passed I
opened the door and we went into the room.
I suggested some tequila to top off the evening because
it was time to put her down. She didn't know if she
should have any more because she might fall asleep so I
assured her we would have more fun after a couple of
drinks. Well at least I would. I kept pouring the
tequila and she kept drinking it. I knew it wouldn't be
long till she was gone for the night. While we drank I
was feeling her up and fingering her.
Finally she just went limp on the sofa. I waited a few
minutes to let the booze take full affect and then
opened her dress all the way and laid her down on the
couch with her feet towards the window. I bent one leg
up and against the couch back and hung the other off
the couch and on the floor. He legs were spread enough
for a great view of her pussy with some pink showing.
I did her the favor of putting one of her arms across
her face. I turned on the lamp on the end table, opened
the curtains about two feet, grabbed the room key and
left. I wanted to be outside where I could see who
looked. I went up one floor and stood on the other side
of the atrium. It was much darker in the atrium now so
looking in a window was easy.
It seemed like forever but probably only five minute
before the first guy walked by. Like most people you
just naturally look in an open window. I'm sure in his
wildest dreams he didn't expect to see what he did..
Over the next hour forty guys must have gotten a good
look at my naked wife. More than one walked away
adjusting his dick. I thought about going back to the
room and opening the door a little to see how many
dared to go in and feel her up.
I chalked that idea up for another time because it was
starting to get late and I had things to do. I felt
like I was doing these guys a service. Instead of going
back to their room and watching boring TV they could
think about my naked wife while they jacked off wishing
they were fucking her. I went back to the room closed
the curtains, called my buddy Steve and told him to get
his butt over to the Embassy Suites and gave him our
room number. Steve is one of the guys that have played
with my naked wife a number of times.
Until now I had only let guys play with her when she
was out. My anniversary gift to her was going to be a
strange cock to fuck her. I knew it wouldn't take Steve
long to get here because he lived pretty close. I
carried my wife back into the bedroom and took her
dress off. I laid her naked on the bed and pushed her
feet up to her ass and let her legs fall open. Now that
hairy pussy was wide open and between her puffy lips
was that pretty little cunt hole just waiting. I knew
Steve had a pretty fat cock so I worked my fingers into
her cunt to loosen her up a little. After I stretched
her out I went back to the living room for a drink.
Right after that Steve knocked on the door. I let him
in and handed him a drink. He wanted to know what the
hell was going on. I told him I had a surprise for him.
He kept bugging me about what it was as he drank. I
laughed and told him he was my wife's anniversary
present. He just looked confused until I took him into
the bedroom. He had seen my wife naked a number of
times but when I told him he was going to be her first
strange cock his mouth dropped open. "You're kidding!"
he said.
"Nope, her pussy is ready and waiting for you to fuck."
He dropped his pants and bent over the bed and started
licking her pussy. He kept saying, God I can't believe
this. Finally he pulled her to the edge of the bed and
put her legs over his shoulders, lined up his fat dick
to her open cunt and started to push. I knelt behind
him so I could better watch his cock slowly slide into
God this was great, another guy fucking my passed out
wife. It took a while but he finally got his entire
cock buried into her cunt. He pumped her very slow at
first, her cunt making some slurping noises as he
Finally I said, "Come on, pound her pussy!" And he
started banging her like crazy. Her tits were flopping
back and forth as he pumped her cunt. Her pussy was
making a lot of noise now and juice was running down
her ass crack. Her pussy never looked so good as it did
with another guys cock fucking it.
He grunted and dumped his load deep into her cunt. He
pumped a few more strokes and then pulled his dick out.
I heard him say, God that was the best piece of ass I
remember having, but I was busy watching her pussy
drool his cum out and down her ass. I couldn't wait any
longer, I had to fuck that stretched out sloppy cunt
hole. I slammed it home in one shove.
I couldn't believe I was having sloppy seconds on my
wife. I fucked her as hard as I could and shot my load
in just a few minutes. We left her on the bed and went
to get a drink. I couldn't help but notice Steve's cock
was hard again and all shiny from her pussy juice. He
was half way through his drink when he said, "Damn! I
get to fuck her again?" This time he slid right into
her used cunt. He pounded her pussy for a lot longer
this time before he came in her.
Watching him fuck her again gave me a hard on, so as
soon as he pulled out I shoved my cock into that fucked
over cunt. When I came and pulled out there was a big
pool of cum between her ass cheeks on the bedspread.
Her cunt hole was so far open I could look up into her.
I felt like her ob/gyn Dr. looking up into her pink
cunt hole. Her pussy lips were swollen and red from the
abuse they had taken.
Steve and I washed off our dicks and had another drink.
He just went on and on about how great a fuck she was
and he hoped he got to do her again some time. I smiled
and said that I thought he would get another chance but
he should return the favor with his wife. Steve
admitted he had been thinking about it. I hope he goes
through with it because his wife is hot!
Steve thanked me again and left. I went into clean up
my wife. I washed all the cum off. Her cunt hole was
still so big I managed to wipe most of the cum out that
was still in her. When I got her cleaned up I put some
lotion all over her pussy. I rubbed a lot of it in
hoping it would make her a little less sore the next
I went to sleep reliving the night and thinking of the
future possibilities for my wife. The next morning she
was a little hung over and couldn't believe how sore
her pussy was. I assured her she was an animal the
night before and just wanted to fuck and fuck. That
made her feel pretty good.
We stopped for some breakfast before we left and my
wife could not figure out why so many guys were staring
at her with a wicked smile on their faces.
Well, my wife thought the night out was our present to
each other. She will never know that her pussy with a
strange cock fucking it was her present to me.
That was her first strange cock but not her last...
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