Monday, December 31, 2012


Buku KISAH BENAR: SARANG BURUNG sedang dalam proses percetakan. Inilah kulit buku tersebut yang baru siap direkabentuk. Jika anda ingin menempahnya, bolehlah hubungi Setiap naskhah berharga RM30.00


Selamat tahun baru 2013. Blog ini yang berehat selama sebulan akan menerbitkan cerita-cerita baru yang lebih mendebarkan. Jika anda ingin menulis pengalaman anda, bolehlah e mail cerita anda kepada

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Saya ucapkan merry christmas kepada semua pembaca blog ini yang berugama kristian. Sehingga hari ini, isnin, 24 Disember 2012, jam 12.45 tengahari, hit blog ini telah mencapai 7,164,885. Terima kasih kepada semua

Friday, December 21, 2012


Hari ini tepat jam 11.51 tengahari, Sabtu, 22 Disember 2012 seramai 7,040,217 orang telah buka blog ini. Terima kasih kepada semua. Tunggulah tahun baru 2013, blog ini akan muncul dengan wajah baru.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Hari ini saya siap menyusun buku KISAH BENAR setebal 512 muka surat yang merupakan koleksi cerita-cerita yang telah disiarkan dalam . Buku ini akan segera buat layout sebelum masuk cetak awal bulan Januari 2013.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Mulai hari ini anda boleh add azwan adli dalam facebooknya. Azwan adli adalah pemilik blog ini. Amat mengejutklan dalam masa 7 jam sejak jam 5 petang tadi hingga sekarang 12 tengah malam seramai 25,015 telah membaca blog ini. Jam 5 petang tadi seramai 6,422,718 hit dan sebentar tadi jam 12 malam hit telah mencapai 6,447,733 walaupun tidak ada cerita baru. Ini semua gara-gara publisiti dalam facebook azwan adli pemilik blog ini. Terima kasih kepada semua.


Terima kasih kepada 6,422,718 telah membuka dan membaca blog ini. Pengendali blog ini sedang bercuti sekarang. Ia akan diupdate kemudian. Sabar semua. Sila add facebook/ azwan adli pemilik blog ini

Friday, December 7, 2012


Anda telah membaca 1,000 posting dalam blog ini. Sebagai menghargai sokongan 6 juta pembaca blog ini, saya akan emnerbitkan buku KISAH BENAR koleksi posting yang sudah disiarkan dalam blog ini. Buku ini akan memuatkan kisah yang menarik sahaja supaya pembaca tidak membaca kisah yang berulang. Insya allah bulan depan buku KISAH BENAR akan muncul di pasaran. Anda boleh buat tempahan melalui e mail Harga buku ialah RM20.00 sebuah dengan 256 muka surat.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Sehingga hari ini, jam 10.30 malam 6 Disember 2012, blog ini telah menerima hit sebanyak 6,000.491. Seramai 6 juta telah membaca blog yang mempunyai 1,000 post ini. Terima kasih kepada semua yang sudi membaca blog ini.


Ketika itu aku sedang mengelamun di perhentian Pudu Raya menantikan bas yang tak kunjung tiba.Jadualnya telah terlewat namun aku terus terpaksa menunggu kerana ingin menghabiskan cuti semester bersama keluarga.Tiba-tiba aku tersentak oleh suara anak kecil yang merengek pada ibunya ditempat duduk dihadapanku.Mula-mulanya aku buat tak kisah,tapi bila si ibu merenung dan tersenyum padaku baru aku perasaan .....La...Cikgu Faridah rupanya...!.Aku lantas
bangun menghampirinya dan saling bertanyakan khabar.

" Cik gu rupanya ...nak balik kampung ke ? " sapaku.
" Tak ... ni ha budak ni dah rindukan ayahnya..." balasnya.

Rupa-rupanya Cikgu Faridah masih tinggal berjauhan dengan suaminya.Setelah puas bertanya khabar ,tiba-tiba Cikgu Faridah memotong tajuk perbualan kami..

" Lan........ masih ingat dulu ....? " tanyanya.

" Cuba perhatikan Ira ni .....Ira ! Salam tangan abah ! " . Pintanya pada anak kecil itu yang berumur lebih kurang enam tahun.
Aku terkejut.Ira saling tak tumpah iras wajahku.

" Inilah anak kita...... " akhirnya dia berbisik pada ku.

Aku tergamam ......

Setelah bertukar alamat dan nombor talipon kami membawa haluan masing-masing.Dalam perjalanan aku terkenang peristiwa dahulu semasa aku si tingkatan tiga.

Hari itu hari Sabtu.Ada kelas tambahan.Aku datang terlalu awal.Kelas mula pukul 10 pagi tapi aku ada rancangan awal.Aku ingin menikmati bahan bacaan dan gambar-gambar lucah yang aku pinjam dari kawanku semalam.

Sedang aku khusyuk membelek majalah tersebut, tiba -tiba terasa bahu ku di sentuh ....

" Baca apa ni Lan ..... ? " .

Cikgu Faridah rupanya.Baru 3 bulan berkahwin setelah tamat maktab dan mengajar di sekolahku.Suaminya mengajar di Negeri lain.Aku serba salah . Bau perfume Cikgu Faridah menusuk hidungku.

" Boleh saya tumpang tengok ...... ? " pinta nya.

Cikgu Faridah duduk disebelah ku.Aku serba tak kena.Kalau tadi konek ku memang sudah tegang kini di tambah pula perasaan berdebar-debar dan timbul keinginanku untuk menyetubuhi Cikgu Faridah.Ku lihat Cikgu Faridah duduk serba tak kena.Pehanya ku lihat bergesel-gesel antara satu sama lain.Punggungnya dah tak senang duduk.Bila ku beranikan tanganku meletakan pada pehanya ,dia lantas memelukku, pipiku di cium-cium dan akhirnya kami berkucup lidah dengan mesra sekali.Aku tak pernah berkucup bibir selama ini dan peluang ini tak akan ku biarkan begitu saja.
Aku tak sedar bila seluarku ku tanggalkan dan entah bila masa aku sudah menindihnya diatas meja.Sambil berkucup tanpa henti ,tanganku tak henti-henti meraba-raba teteknya yang masih berkebaya lagi.Kemudian aku perasan tangannya menyingkap sendiri kainnya keatas dan seluar dalamnya telah berada ditangan kirinya.
Aku melepaskan pelukannya.Aku mengangkat kedua-dua betisnya keatas dan mengangkangkan nya.Terserlah kemaluannya yang berbulu halus dan kelengkang yang putih melepak.Kelihatan bibirnya kemaluannya basah sekail.Inilah kali pertama dalam hidupku melihat kemaluan searang wanita dan berpeluang untuk melakukannya..... .Konek ku menjadi terlalu tegang dan terasa seperti ada kemanisan yang akan mengalir.. .Lantas aku menindih semula Cigu Faridah dan kami berpelukan semula.Konek ku geselkan di sekitar kemaluannya dan pehanya memaut pinggangku dengan erat...
Terdengar rintihan kecil di telingaku .Konek ku masih tercari-cari pintu masuk kemaluannya dan bila terasa seperti akan termasuk ,tiba-tiba Ciku Faridah tersentak dan
dan merayu-rayu pada ku..

" Lan .......... Sudahlah .... jangan masukan ....
..... jannnnnnggaaaaaaann ....! " rintih nya.

Aku yang sedang dalam kesedapan tak memperdulikan rintihannya.Perlahan-lahan ku masukan sedikit demi sedikit konek ku.

" Lan ..... tolonglah ...jangannnnn masukannnnnn...! " rintihnya berterusan.

Ketika itu konek ku telah terbenam sepenuhnya..dan aku mula menghayunkan punggung....Hayun dan terus hayun...

" Lan .... tolonglah....jangan pancuttt kat dalammmmm .............. " rintihnya berterusan disertai keluhan-keluhan yang menyesakkan.

Aku terus mendayung.... Kesedapan menjadi bertambah tambah nikmat.

" Sudah lah Lan ......dah lah..... tarikkk keluaaaaaar ....!

Ketika itu aku sudah seperti tak sedarkan diri.Terasa sesuatu yang amat manis di konekku.Aku membenamkan sedalam-dalamnya...

" Lan ..... jangan pancuttttt........!!!!! "

Air mani ku mengalir deras kedalam tubuhnya.Kami kaku seketika.Cikgu Faridah Mengeluh dengan kuat sekali dan terasa tubuh badannya kejang seketika....

POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNN...!!!!! .Aku tersentak dari lamunan.Hon bas yang begitu kuat menghilangkan kenanganku bersamanya. Aku bertekat untuk menghubungi kembali Cikgu Faridah dan ingin memujuknya agar berpisah dengan suaminya dan menjadi isteriku.


My name is Jack Duncan. I am 45 and a professional 
photographer. My wife Debbie is 32 with wavy, natural
blonde hair atop a 5'6" body weighing 123 pounds.
Blessed with a beautiful face and stark green eyes,
Debbie has shapely hips carried on long, lovely legs.
With supple breasts filling a B-cup, she is an
attractive woman.

My appetite for eroticism to some is strange. I am a
voyeur and having a vivid imagination and pretty wife I
am highly aroused watching her flirt with other men. I
even encouraged her to get a boyfriend. Of course this
hurt her feelings.

One day I was sitting at my desk in our den reading
impregnation stories and didn't hear her approach. I
was startled when she wrapped her arms around me. I
could feel her breath on my neck and her breasts
pressed against my back as she looked over my shoulder.
In a soft voice she asked, "What are you reading?"

For several awkward moments I held my breath as she
studied the screen. "Read it to me," she whispered.
Hesitantly I read the story about a husband who
encourages his wife to take a lover and she gets

Debbie asked, "Do you fantasize like this when we have

"Mmm-huh," and immediately I regretted my answer.

She sighed and gave me a cuff and turned to leave.
Smarting from her reaction I called after her, "Wait,
what about you? What turns you on?"

Glancing over her shoulder she merely said, "Boys of

One night we were out to dinner with our neighbors,
Alice and Ben Johnson. They are a black couple in their
40's. Ben is an accountant and the girls teach at the
same school. The discussion turned to a recent news
report about a female teacher who had sex with a
student. Ben said, "A teacher having sex with her
student turns me on."

"It's hot," I agreed.

"How hot do you think it would be if your wife was
having sex with one of her students?" Alice asked
shooting an inquiring look my way.

"Debbie told me that boys turn her on," I chuckled.

Alice quickly turned to Debbie and asked, "Have you
been approached?"

There was silence at first as Debbie glared at me. "No,
and Jack's imagination is working overtime," Debbie
answered firmly.

Not deterred Ben asked, "What if she did have an affair
with one of her boys?"

"Ah, sex with a school boy, if only to indulge a
fantasy," I answered wistfully.

"An affair is not a one night stand," Alice pointed

Both Ben and Alice knew about my voyeurism, so without
any embarrassment I explained, "I've told her she can
date. She can have single privileges for however long
she wants."

By now Debbie was blushing in humiliation with the
conversation focused on her and boys. Alice on the
other hand had a twinkle in her eyes. Looking at Debbie
she patted her hand and said, "I know a boy you can
have sex with."

Astounded, Debbie asked, "Who?"

Alice probed, "Are you interested or just curious?"
Embarrassment flushing her face Debbie pleaded, "Tell
me who."

"Micah," Ben beamed.

Debbie looked at Ben and then Alice in disbelief,
gasping she declared "Micah is your son!" Her eyes
blinking rapidly she asked, "Are you suggesting?" In
unison both Ben and Alice declared, "Yes!"

Astonished she thought about what they were proposing.
It was bizarre. She adored Micah and his image rose in
her mind. He was tall for his age, about her height. He
had the African features of his father and the gentle
personality and inquisitive intellect of his mother.
With the slight build of a young teen he was quite

"Look," Alice began "Micah's birthday is in a month.
Between now and then be a little more intimate with him
and see how you feel. You could be his birthday

We made love that night and Debbie was incredibly
passionate. Afterward I said, "You were especially
aggressive tonight. Were you thinking about Micah?"

"Hmmm yes," she murmured gazing at nothing.

"What were you thinking?" I asked encouraging her to
say more.

"I was imagining me in your fantasy."

Curious I said, "Oh?"

She turned away to sleep. Moments passed and then in a
whisper she asked "and in your fantasy do I get
pregnant?" Sleep for me was a long time coming as I
considered the consequence of her question.

For several days I watched as Debbie went about her
normal routine. Then I noticed she began to spend more
and more time with Micah. At first it was quite
innocent. They would sit together just talking or
watching TV. But soon they were holding hands, and then
cuddling and kissing.

Finally the month was concluding and Micah's birthday
was here. Standing with her arms around him Debbie
asked "what can I give you for your birthday?" She was
wearing a light cotton see-through blouse. Braless her
pink areolas and darker nipples were plainly visible.

Shyly he looked down at her breasts and fidgeted not
answering. Aroused, his erection pressed against her.
He was nervous and self-conscious, but finally found
the courage to ask in a raspy voice, "Would you be my

Moved by how she felt the moment Micah spoke those
words, Debbie's eyes began to water. "Do you mean the
kind of girlfriend you love?" she asked emotion welling
up in her now trembling voice.

Quickly seeing how Debbie was reacting Micah tried to
run away saying, "I'm sorry Debbie. I know you are

Debbie pulled him to her laying kiss upon kiss over his
face. Sniffling with tears running down her cheeks she
said, "Oh Baby yes I want to be your girlfriend."

Looking into her eyes Micah's face relaxed from the
torment he felt just seconds before. He hesitantly
touched his lips to Debbie's and she opened her mouth
to him for the first time. Although inexperienced his
kiss was passionate, long and loving. Micah carefully
placed a hand over her breast and when Debbie didn't
object he gently squeezed.

Breaking the kiss at last Debbie asked, "Tomorrow is
your birthday, will you sleep with me tonight?"

Fear flashed across his face as he stammered "b-but?"

"Jack doesn't care," she softly assured as she kissed
him again and again. She removed her wedding ring
saying, "I'm your girl now.

Debbie went to tell Alice the news. She was sure, no
longer apprehensive. She had developed an emotional
bond with Micah she in no way expected. She explained
that he asked her to be his girlfriend and that she
wanted him to spend the night with her. Alice's face
grew bright as she cried, "That is wonderful news. And
what about Jack, does he still want this?"

"Yes, in fact he is probably masturbating right now. I
told him Micah was going to spend the night with me and
he needed to move his things to the spare room. He
could hardly contain himself. He got an erection the
second I told him."

That night Debbie dressed in a short red silk robe.
Cuddled together on the couch, her legs intertwined
with his I could see she wore nothing underneath. She
kissed him lovingly, and tenderly stroking his face she
whispered, "I'm in love with you Micah." I could tell
by her ragged breathing that Debbie was aroused.

At this point I could feel my heart beating rapidly and
the adrenalin in my veins increasing the level of my
own nervousness. In the faint light the contrast
between her and Micah was unbelievably striking.

I could sense her passion growing, and smell her
arousal. She untied her robe and smoothly slid it off
her shoulders. Slipping her arms from the sleeves she
lay naked next to him. I could see the swell of her
hips and the silky texture of her skin. The heave of
her chest betrayed her excitement. My heart was racing.

I watched his shaking hand touch her bare breast for
the first time, squeezing and gently pinching. I could
see her nipples harden under his fingers as he pulled
them. He caressed her inner thigh slowly teasing a path
to her most intimate feminine treasure. She arched and
hung her head backward as his fingers pushed into her.
Her hands were clenched into tight fists as she
trembled in orgasm. Motionless, I felt a jolt of sexual
energy surge through my body feeding my voyeur's
hunger. I was full of lust watching this boy touching
my naked wife.

Burying his face against her soft breast his lips drew
on a nipple. She could feel his tongue taunting her
causing a quiver deep inside. His hand cupped her other
breast, as his fingers teased the soft, delicate
areola. With her fingers she lightly traced along his
young lips nursing from her breast.

Micah lifted his face from her breast as his lips
reluctantly let her nipple slip from between them. Her
soft lips parted as she felt the electric thrill of his
tongue touching hers. The kiss was tender, then
demanding as he pressed his lips hungrily into her.

Debbie could feel the unmistakable hardness of Micah's
penis against her. Reaching into his pajamas she
touched, then held him for the first time, unable to
close her fingers around his surprising thickness. She
looked at her bare ring finger and then toward Jack
stroking his hardened cock. She searched his eyes for
any misgiving, and saw none.

Opening her mouth she bowed her head to swallow Micah's
penis. She felt the soft skin slide across her tongue,
the head probing deep into her throat. She pressed down
until he was entirely in her, her lips stretched and
jaws wide apart. His taste and scent fueled her
passion. With her hand cupping his sack and squeezing
lightly she worked her tongue moving her mouth up and
down his stiff member.

Feeling the sensations deep within her womb, her
clitoris hardened, she felt another orgasm course
through her body. She moaned in a throaty voice "I need
you in me."

Pulling him over her, with one hand Debbie guided his
throbbing penis to her wet opening. The pressure of his
cock at her sex increased as his engorged head slid
slightly between her soaked lips. She arched her back
to ease his entry. His cock was pushing into the open
folds of her moist vulva. She felt a delicious pressure
as his thickening penis slid deeper and deeper into
her, penetrating her. Her need to mate with this boy
willed her to push against him until his young firm
cock probed fully into her. The warmth of her pussy
enveloped him as he claimed her for his own.

His shaft, glistening with her secretions slid in and
out of her body, his hands fondling her soft white
breasts, and his lips suckling upon her nipples. He
made awkward, yet deliberate fucking motions into her,
then out of her, then back in, stretching her and
filling her. Her body rocked as he withdrew his
hardness from within her. His muscles tensed as he
drove harder back into her. She heaved her hips to meet
his thrusts.

She locked her legs tightly around her young lover as
she dug her heels into his buttocks, pulling him deeper
within her. He stiffened and moaned into her breast.
She felt his hot seed pierce her womb, her own orgasm
rippling wave after wave through her body as she cried
out "YES!" They lingered entwined together, exhausted
in a loving embrace.

And I, my lust momentarily sated, quietly murmured,

Micah moved in as Debbie wished and he became her
exclusive lover. Several months passed and one night as
I lay silently listening to the sounds of their
coupling, I thought of how this all started. My fantasy
grew into obsession and lust dared the consequence. The
proof was now in Debbie's swollen belly, pregnant by a
boy's seed with his black baby.


My name is Dan. I am a professional working at a large 
accounting firm in the Midwest. I had remained unmarried
into my thirties partly because I didn't want to give up
the variety of different women that I bedded and partly
because I couldn't find a women that I was willing to
wake up next to for the rest of my life.

I met Sharon at a party about two years ago, and was
immediately captivated by her looks as well as her
personality. We started dating and fell in love. Soon
after, we got married. She was well worth the pains of
being separated from my male friends and the bevy of
beauties that we kept in tow.

Sharon is a living doll. She is petite at about 5'-2"
tall with full firm 36C breasts and a beautiful heart-
shaped ass. Her face is beautiful with full lips and an
impish smile framing perfect white teeth. She has large
oval shaped green eyes that hypnotize me and most other
straight men. She has long wavy black hair that shimmers
in the light. At twenty-eight, she is six years younger
than I am.

She had married right out of school to her high school
sweetheart before she realized that he was a real idiot
trying to screw everything with two legs and a skirt.
She dumped him unceremoniously per her account. She is
independent and very intelligent. She is a good and
compassionate person and a great lover.

She becomes very aggressive in bed after a few drinks.
Alcohol makes her loose all inhibition. It doesn't take
much considering her size. She likes to dance at the
local nightspots. The drinks would flow and she usually
attacked me when we got home. She isn't into fellatio
but she does it for me to keep me happy. She always
spits my load in the sink and brushes her teeth

She fucks like a mink, however, and rides me like a
cowgirl on a bucking bronco until my balls are drained.
She seems happy with my seven inches and lovemaking has
been a nightly (and sometimes daily) event.

Gary and I had been friends for about the last ten
years. We were inseparable before my marriage and kept a
large group of ladies happy for many years. He worked in
sales and transferred to Texas shortly before I met
Sharon. Gary had always been a ladies man. He was good-
looking and a little taller than I was. The women always
chased him and he made it a point to not let any one of
them get their hooks into him.

We shared an apartment early in our friendship. He
seemed to make the girls happy considering their screams
of ecstasy from his bedroom. I once walked in on him
while a pretty, young coed was feasting on his dick. She
was naked from the waist up and was well endowed to say
the least. She stopped when she heard me enter and her
mouth left his dick with a plop. He was hung like a
horse! His cock was at least nine or ten inches long and
two and a half inches in diameter with a handball sized

She turned and smiled at me in embarrassment. She made
no move to cover herself and neither did he. She
sheepishly said "Hi!" and she went back to work,
mesmerized by his meat. He laughed as I apologized and
left the room. I finally realized why the noise was so
loud coming regularly from his bedroom. He had enough
dick for both of us. I felt a little inadequate.

I hadn't seen Gary for a couple of years. He called to
tell me that he had been transferred back to town. He
wanted to visit and meet the girl who finally tied me
down. He came over the next evening. I was glad to see
him. He seemed to like Sharon and she was equally
friendly to him. She was like that to everyone.

After a few drinks, I caught him staring at Sharon's ass
but wrote it off to a good buzz and after all, she does
have a great ass. Gary said that he had met a great girl
and wondered if we might go out together. Sharon readily
agreed. Gary liked to dance so we made a double date for
Saturday night.

Gary showed up at our house at about 6:30 PM with a drop
dead gorgeous blonde named Debbie. She was a tall, leggy
girl, with a large well-formed chest. She had a
beautiful face and smile that could melt an iceberg.
Gary offered to drive his new Lincoln and said that it
wouldn't be a problem.

Both girls were wearing low-cut hot-looking dresses that
really showed off their tits and legs. We went to dinner
first and started drinking wine. By the time dinner was
over, we were all feeling pretty good. I spent a lot of
time with my eyes glued to Debbie's tits. Her brassiere
barely covered them and every time she leaned over, they
almost spilled out of her dress. Gary spent time
casually checking out Sharon's ample breasts. After
catching up on old times with Gary, we decided to leave
for a local dance club.

While riding in the back seat with Sharon, she casually
put her hand in my lap and gave my dick a good squeeze.
I had wondered if she had noticed me checking out
Debbie. From her look, I knew that I was in for a good
time later in the evening. The alcohol was performing
its desired effect. We got to the club about ten o'clock
and got a table along the wall next to the dance floor.
We danced, drank, and danced some more. The table had a
great view.

Debbie was fun to watch and it was evident that Gary was
attracted to Sharon the way I saw him looking at her.
Later, I danced with Debbie and Gary danced with Sharon.
We had started dancing to a fast dance tune. I enjoyed
the way Debbie's tits bounced to the rhythm. Sharon was
the better dancer though. Gary must have enjoyed the way
she moved her ass seductively to the music.

This time I caught him staring at her body with a dumb
look on his face. I understood the reason. Sharon's
petite body with her full tits is eye catching. There
are not a lot of women put together as well as her in a
small package. She is a perfect "one-hander" (you could
hold her tiny waist with one hand and a stroke her on
your dick). When the song ended, a slow tune began and
we continued to slow dance with each other's date.
Debbie felt as good as she looked and smelled
incredible. She rubbed up against me with those great
tits of hers.

Sharon danced close to Gary with her head on his chest.
It was dark but I thought I saw Gary with a hand full of
Sharon's lovely ass. The alcohol was playing tricks on
me. He wouldn't do that with my wife and she would have
slapped him if he did. Gary and I were hammered and it
was evident that both girls were as well. About 1:30 AM,
we decided to call it a night.

As we stumbled to the car Gary suggested that we stop at
his place for a nightcap since it was close to the club.
When we got there, Sharon went to the bathroom. She had
been gone a little long and I decided to see if she was
all right. I knocked on the door and she opened it and
pulled me in! I had one hot little wife in that
bathroom. She grabbed my buns and pulled me to her. She
kissed me deeply and began to grind her crotch into my
rapidly growing hard-on. I picked her up by her ass and
carried her to sit on the bathroom sink.

I then decided to give her a little of what she wanted.
I dropped to my knees on the bathroom floor and removed
her panties. I quickly found her clit with my tongue and
it didn't take long to get her off. I told here that I'd
service her properly once we got home. Afterwards I
pocketed her underwear in my jacket and went back to
Gary and Debbie in the living room. They asked if Sharon
was all right. I told them she was fine and she soon
returned with a big smile on her face.

After a couple more drinks and some fine smoke, Debbie
said that she was starting to feel bad. Gary decided to
drop her off on the way to take us home. He walked her
to into her apartment and came back after a few moments.
He was obviously disappointed. No pussy for him tonight.

We arrived at our house after dropping off Debbie.
Sharon asked Gary if he was interested in another
nightcap. Gary was never one to turn down a drink so he
accepted. It was 2:30 AM and I was running out of steam
but I figured that I hadn't partied with Gary in a long
time. If he was up for it then I was too.

We entered our living room and decided to turn on the
television with the sound off and the stereo turned on
like in the old days. We decided to keep the lights off
because the television provided light more than
adequately. In our wasted state, the bright lights would
have made things uncomfortable. Sharon went off to make
us some drinks.

We have two couches that face one another and a coffee
table in between. I laid out on one couch and Gary
seated himself on the couch across from it close to the
TV. Sharon entered the room with the drinks and sat on
the couch next to Gary since I had occupied the entire
length of the other couch. We drank and talked for at
least an hour. I broke out some of my best smoke and we
proceeded to get further wasted. It was very late and I
was getting very comfortable. I soon fell asleep.

I don't know how long I'd been napping but it must have
been a while. I woke to find my wife sitting closer to
Gary than when I first passed out. They were both in
quite conversation. Neither paid attention to me so I
decided to play possum and listen. Gary told her how
pretty he thought she was and how lucky that I was to
have her. She slurred a thank you to him as she gazed
into his eyes. He put his right arm on top of the couch
behind her. He continued to compliment her about her

She beamed like an infatuated schoolgirl. She was
captivated by his good looks. She returned the
complement telling him that she thought he was very
sexy. He slowly dropped his hand to her shoulder, pulled
her towards him and kissed her on the lips. She
hesitated and then slowly reciprocated. She brought her
hand to his chest and they kissed passionately.

They finally came up for air and she looked as if she
was going to push him away then he kissed her again. She
succumbed to the heat of the moment. After a while, his
left hand went to her other shoulder then slowly down
her back and circled it around to caress her tit. She
made no move to dissuade him and I heard her moan

I should have stopped this before it started but now I
found that I was too excited to do anything but observe.
My dick was as hard as a rock and I wanted to know how
far she would go and how far my friend would take her.
Through slitted eyes, I watched as his left hand drop to
her legs while they continued to make out like she was
his high school date. His left hand casually dropped to
her lap and slowly began to fondle her exposed inner
thighs. She made no move to stop him.

He continued to stroke upwards until he had almost
reached his goal. Her dress was getting pushed up to
where you should have been able to see her white panties
when I realized she didn't have her underwear on. Her
panties were in my jacket pocket! She parted her thighs
slightly to accommodate his action and he soon found her
naked pussy. The alcohol was providing the normal effect
except she wasn't with me. He opened his eyes in
surprise when he hit pay dirt and realized she didn't
have her panties on.

After a few moments of contact, she moved her hand down
to his and pushed it away panting, "We shouldn't be
doing this. I'm married...."

Instead of a reply, he again brought his lips to hers
and soon they were kissing passionately. She closed her
eyes and thrust her tongue into his mouth like a snake.
Then he did something I thought took real balls with me
"sleeping" just eight feet across the living room. He
slowly unzipped his pants and his huge semi-hard dick
popped out. It looked every bit as big as before, maybe

She was so absorbed in kissing him that she didn't
notice. He then proceeded to stroke her inner thighs
again. When she reached down to stop his advances he
grasped her tiny hand and guided it to his manhood. When
she made contact with his member she pulled her hand
away and stared at his lengthy appendage in surprise.
Suddenly the realization of what was in front of her
broke down the curtain of reluctance. You could see by
the look in her face that she was truly entranced by his
semi-hard one-eyed meat cobra.

"It's amazing, I've never seen one that big," she

"Touch it and see how much bigger you could make it," he
encouraged her.

"We shouldn't be doing this. You should really put it
away," she replied as she continued to stare at his
organ. There was no conviction in her voice.

"You make me so hot. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you
tonight," he cajoled her.

"We really should stop now..." she panted. Her eyes were
still glued to his prick.

He reached down and stroked his meat making the head

"We don't have to do anything..." he plied.

"I don't know.... What about him?" she motioned to me on
the couch.

"He's out like a light. I don't think he'll wake up if
you keep quiet," he told her, trying to be convincing.
"Just hold it and see how big it gets. We really don't
have to do anything if you don't want to." he continued
to persuade her.

"We really shouldn't...." she stammered as if in a
trance. Her willpower was weakening as she gazed at his
impressive pecker.

For a long time she continued to stare at his dick
trying to convince herself that she wanted to do as he
asked and at the same time hoping that I wouldn't wake
up and catch her. She couldn't keep her eyes off of it.
She had been drinking a considerable amount of liquor
and I'm sure that she was still aroused from our earlier

"Curiosity killed the cat." I saw her resolve dissolve
before my squinted eyes as she leaned against his chest
and her small hand slowly reached for his monster. She
lightly caressed the flared head and it resulted with a
jerk from his cock. She tentatively slid her hand slowly
down his shaft and grasped it just below the huge head.
Her hand looked tiny on his huge dick. Her fingers
barely circled his meat halfway around. She slowly
pulled the foreskin up and covered the head. She gasped
and began to slowly stroke it.

"How big does it get?" she whispered.

"Just keep doing that and find out," he replied.

I didn't think that it could get any bigger or harder
but as she started to manipulate his organ, it did grow.
This time she didn't resist when he ran his hand up her
skirt to explore her exposed pussy as she stroked his
cock. Her hairy snatch and engorged pussy lips were in
full view as he fingered her. She kissed him again as he
started to fuck her with his middle finger. He added
another finger in her hole and she spread her legs wider
to accommodate.

He was driving her wild with his big fingers inside of
her. She was on the brink of orgasm when he backed off
and removed his hand from her soaked snatch. He ended
their kiss and commented how beautiful and hot her pussy
was. He brought his fingers to his lips and licked them.
He told her that she tasted as good as she looked. He
said that he wanted her badly. You could see that his
words had inflamed her desire. She was hot with lust. He
was going to make her beg for it.

She gazed at the big dick that she held in her hand. She
laid her head on his chest as she began to jack him off
more enthusiastically. She had a look of fascination and
lust on her pretty face as she stroked his huge cock. It
had to be at least ten or eleven inches long. Had he
been lifting weights with it since I had last seen it in
action? It surely had grown since our last encounter
years ago. She was clearly excited by his large stiff

He started to run his left hand through her hair over
and over to let her know that she was providing the
proper stimulation. Little did I know that he was gently
pushing and encouraging her to move her face toward the
huge penis head. He was clearly excited about the
prospect of her wrapping her luscious lips around his
dick. Her head moved slowly, almost imperceptively
toward the target as she stroked his cock. Her lips were
only an inch away when a large drop of pre-cum appeared
at the slit. She moaned and her tongue darted from
between her pink lips to lick away the drop.

He took that as a signal that it was time to feed her. I
don't think that she cared what I thought or did at this
point. She had clearly lost all control. He gently
clasped the back of her head and gently forced her full
lips onto the head of his penis. Her lips lingered as
she kissed the flared head wetly. She moaned again and
shook with an apparent orgasm without being touched.
Simply kissing the head of his cock had caused her to
have an orgasm. He looked over at where I lay and smiled
contemptuously. My wife had her lips on his cock and I
was in the same room not more than eight feet from them.
I never thought that I'd be this excited to see my wife
in this position.

She kissed her way down the shaft and found his balls.
She lifted them and kissed them too. She started to work
on his rigid member with her mouth as I had never seen
her do before. She had never showed this level of
enthusiasm with me. She continued to kiss and lick at
its length, really getting into it.

She then kissed her way to the top of his shaft and
licked around the flared head of his manhood, capturing
the pre-cum that leaked from it's slit. He squirmed and
lightly moaned when she did this. Up and down his shaft
she bathed his huge penis with her nimble tongue. She
licked her way back up to the swelling head and swirled
her tongue around and around the spongy gland making him
squirm again. He obviously wanted to put his hard dick
in my wife's hot mouth.

Finally, she grasped his dick by the root and then
proceeded to take his rigid member into her mouth. He
had finally reached his goal. Sharon was going to blow
him. He closed his eyes, threw his head back and his
hips jerked upwards involuntarily. Slowly she began
ingesting his pecker. Down she went, deeper and deeper
sucking him like a real professional.

She really amazed me by taking even more of him into her
mouth than I thought humanly possible. About half of his
full length had disappeared into her mouth. She then
moved down to swallow another couple of more inches. Her
throat bulged but she didn't gag a bit. I wondered where
she had learned to do this. She was hot for his dick.

While still attached to his appendage with her mouth she
quietly slid to her knees between his legs. She looked
up at him with lusty eyes. She was ready to get serious.
She went to work on his meat. She had become an
enthusiastic cocksucker. I couldn't believe it. My wife
was blowing one of my best friends literally right in
front of me!

He encouraged her by running his hands through her hair
and guiding her head up and down his spit soaked length.
He was really getting into my wife sucking his big cock
as I could see by the look of ecstasy on his face. She
continued to stroke and suck his dick simultaneously
with reckless abandon. She moaned softly as she bobbed
her head up and down, over and over, gently sucking his

He laid back and closed his eyes. Her ass occasionally
shuddered in orgasm as she sucked his rod. His hand
still toyed with her hair as he guided her head up and
down his massive cock.

I fully expected to see his dick pop out of her other
end as she continued to swallow his meat. He must have
had a lot of practice because his staying power was
amazing. She had worked on his dick for at least ten
minutes hardly coming up for air. I would have shot my
wad in half that time.

Her work was finally beginning to receive results. He
was moaning below his breath as to ensure that he
wouldn't wake me. His hand clenched her long hair and
began to jab his dick deeper into her throat. She moved
her head up to where the flared head was just inside of
her mouth, she began swirling her tongue around the
spongy crown, and he lost control with an "Ohhhh!" He
began to pump his jizz into her mouth.

I fully expected her to back off since she had always
said that she didn't really like the taste of semen. She
surprised me again by greedily swallowing all of his cum
that she could. She milked his shaft for at least a
couple of minutes after his orgasm had receded then
proceeded to lick up all of his seed that had spilled
from her mouth. She did it with apparent relish. It was
a hell of a load that she took and she had swallowed it
all. She wouldn't need breakfast with all of that
protein that she ingested.

She lazily stroked, licked and sucked his still massive
organ even after his load was completely spent. He
smiled down at her as she continued her brazen act. She
was in love with his dick. I just continued to play
possum with an aching hard dick.

She looked up at him with a contented look and said,
"That was wonderful, I've never felt that way before. I
got off without being touched. I have to have that
inside me before you can go." and went back to work on
his long dick. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
She had sucked him dry and now she wanted to fuck him. I
had trouble believing that she could get his thing into
her tiny twat.

"It will take a little while, but with you doing
that..." he chided. His cock was still at least a third
bigger than mine was even after all of the work she had
done. It was slowly coming back to life with her

"We need to go somewhere a little more private. When I
fuck you, you won't be able to keep quiet" he stated
matter of factly.

She raised her head and told him that the family room in
the basement would offer a good place. She immediately
got up and guided him by the root to the basement
stairs. She told him to go down and get comfortable. She
told him that she wanted to use the bathroom and freshen
up a bit. A few minutes later, I heard the water
running. She quietly came to the couch where I was
laying and gently shook me to check my state of sleep.

I muttered to her, faking deep sleep and then she
stumbled towards the basement. She left the stereo
blaring and the TV on to mask the noise that she would
soon make as promised by Gary. She was dressed in her
terry cloth robe. I couldn't believe that my sweet wife
had sucked off one of my best friends right in front of
me and was now going to our basement to fuck him while I
was in the house. I could definitely understand why Gary
would want to have her. She was truly a prize. Now he
was going to have her. My dick ached in anticipation of
what would happen next.

We had a large couch and a bed for guests in the
basement in one large finished room. Along one wall,
there are decorative mirrors that face the bed on the
far side of the room. We also have a TV and a few other
small pieces of furniture. From the stairs, you could
see everything that happened on the bed by looking at
the mirrors.

I waited a few minutes to allow her to get down the
stairs and get settled without her seeing or hearing me
follow her to her rendezvous. I got to the top of the
stairs when I quickly realized that they were not on the
bed as I had thought. I could see him sitting on the
couch in his birthday suite. Because of the darkness in
the kitchen behind me, neither of them could see me as I
crouched at the top of the stairs. She had lit a number
of her candles for light as well as mood.

Tonight the candles would provide enough light for me to
see all. His growing cock looked bigger now that he had
no clothes on. She stood in front of him still robed and
her eyes feasting on his semi-hard cock. She untied the
belt of her robe and allowed it to fall from her
shoulders. He looked at her beautiful diminutive body
with firm full breasts, tiny waist and heart shaped ass
and smiled. In her nakedness, she stood there still
gazing at his stiffening member.

"You have a beautiful body. You're an angel," he
complemented her as he held his hand out to her.

She took his hand and kneeled between his spread legs.
She looked into his eyes and gently grasped his cock.
She began to lick it from the base to the tip. Over and
over, she repeated this, occasionally stopping to swirl
her tongue around the flared head. Every time she did
this, he moaned. She worshiped his huge rod. The veins
pulsed as she licked his dick. She looked into his eyes
and smiled impishly. His dick was throbbing now. She was
in love with his tool and I didn't know if I could ever
get her back.

She got up, walked over to the bed, and sat. She
motioned him to come to her. As he did, I slowly moved
down the stairs for a better look. He sat beside her and
kissed her deeply. She couldn't keep her hands off of
his cock. She was clearly infatuated with it. He pushed
her back onto the bed and began to kiss his way down to
her firm breasts. Her nipples were stiff with excitement
as he kissed and licked her round mounds. She moaned.

He continued down her belly and to the top of her bush.
He then positioned himself between her outstretched legs
and started to kiss and lick her inner thighs. He was
teasing her and she was starting to get frustrated. He
relented and his tongue found her hole. She moaned again
and grabbed his head holding it to her pussy. He knew
how to eat pussy by the way she was reacting. He slid a
finger in and out of her hole while he licked her clit.
This produced the desired effect. Soon he had two and
then three fingers in her to "loosen her up". She was
moaning, her hips gyrating above the bed.

I finally let my cock out of its prison. I was afraid to
touch it because I knew I would shoot my wad
immediately. She was moaning, panting, and going crazy
on the bed. After about her fifth orgasm, he backed off.
He slid up her body to where she could get his cock in
her mouth.

"Lick it and make it good and wet. I want this to be
good for you," he said.

She didn't have to be asked twice and wetly devoured his
massive organ. After a minute, he removed his cock from
her mouth and slid down between her parted legs. He
placed his cock on her mass of wet pubic curls. He got
up onto his knees and she bent her legs. He took hold of
his pussy pleaser and rubbed it up and down her wet
slit. I didn't care about anything but watching this
scene. It was the best sex I could ever have dreamed of
in a porno movie.

"Be gentle..." she said.

"I'll go slow. You're going to love this." he replied.

After moments of stroking her pussy with the head of his
dick, he started to enter her. It took patience and
perseverance. He slowly rocked back and forth. With each
stroke, he gained a little more penetration. She was
starting to go crazy under him raising her hips to meet
his thrusts.

"Oh god, you're sooo big! You're filling me fuller than
my husband ever has." she moaned.

"I'm only half way in. Just wait until I get it all of
it inside of you." he replied.

He continued his short strokes opening her formerly
tight twat to accommodate his huge cock. I didn't think
that she could take it all but he kept filling her.
Finally, his big balls came to rest on her ass. He had
stuffed her full of his giant dick and she loved it.

He continued to fuck her with short, slow stokes. She
panted, gasped and moaned as he slid his dick in and out
of her wet hole. Her ass wriggled and writhed as he
started to screw her with longer, faster strokes. She
seemed to have an orgasm with each stroke. She placed
her hands on his ass and urged him to fuck her harder. I
thought I would see his cock coming out of her mouth any
second. He fucked her for what must have been half an

"I can't believe you're fucking me sooo good...I could
do this forever.... Ohhhhhh!" she panted.

He was starting to yield to my wife's tight cunt. His
movements became erratic and he plunged as deep as he
could, filling Sharon's womb with his hot seed. She
wrapped her legs around him the best that she could and
held him tight while they both came. He continued to
shudder and finally collapsed on Sharon. She kissed him
passionately and he returned the kiss. They stayed like
that for a long time. His hose was still connected to
her like an umbilical cord. She rolled him onto his back
displacing his cock from her now dripping cunt. Her cunt
lips were swollen and her hole was gaping. She
immediately went to work on his dick with her mouth.

"What do you think you're doing"? he smirked.

"You're going to fuck me one more time before we're
done," she demanded.

"I love your cock. I just had a half-hour of almost
continuous orgasms and I want it again," she conceded.

"Easy girl. I think I can get it up once more if you
just use that magic mouth of yours. You have to be the
best cocksucker in the world," he said.

That must have been music to her ears because she went
to work on him with a frenzy I'd never seen before. Soon
his massive meat was at attention again and she was
ready to use it. She crawled up to his mid-section and
positioned herself on top of his organ. She slowly slid
his entire length into her in one continuous motion. She
rode him like she usually rode me but took him a lot
deeper as he grasped her breasts. She was on a wave of
orgasmic pleasure. He finally came again after about ten
minutes. He told her he had to get home. He said he
really enjoyed the sex and she said the same.

I went to my couch and positioned myself in the same way
as when she last saw me. She kissed him passionately at
the door before he left.

"I'll see you later," she told him.

"Certainly..." he replied.

She found a blanket and covered me. I heard the shower
running and I finally came under the blanket after a
couple of strokes. I will be seeing a lot of Gary in the
near future and I think my wife will too.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Aku ni student IPT tempatan. Dulu masa sekolah aku dah ada girlfriend tapi aku ni tergolong dalam budak lelaki yang baik-baik so tak pernahlah aku nak merasa benda-benda sex ni. Beromen pun aku tak pernah. tapi kalau tengok video tu, jangan cakaplah... Melancap tu selalu juga... Then aku melanjutkan pelajaran kat KL ni... First year aku duduk kat kolej, masuk tahun kedua kena kick college.. so aku menyewa dengan kawan-kawan. Tapi kawan-kawan aku ni pun jenis yang alim-alim. Masuk kat U ni aku sambar satu awek... cunnya memanglah cun... aku memang teringin betul nak buat sex dengan dia tapi peluang tak ada, lagipun aku ni pandai kontrol. Setakat romen-romen tu adalah, masa tengo wayang ke... dalam kereta ke...

Tapi yang aku nak cerita ni bukannya dengan awek ni... awek aku ni bersih... Ceritanya macam ni... Aku ni ada beberapa orang kawan yang boleh di katakan kakila.. dalam bab-bab ni... tapi diaorang menyewa kat rumah lain... Girlfriend diaorang pun selalu tidor kat rumah... So ceritanya, satu hari tu aku melepak kat rumah diaorang... buat assignment... so lepas lunch hari tu aku rasa ngantuk sangat so aku pergi tidur kat bilik member aku... aku rasa tak sampai setengah jam aku tidur, aku dengar bunyi riuh kat ruang tamu. aku pun pergi la tengok... rupa-rupanya girlfriend kawan-kawan aku datang. Rasanya dalam 5 orang girl aku nampak. Mamber aku ni panggil aku dan introduce sorang girl tu.. aku rasa dia tua pada aku dan memanf betul pun... age dia masa tu 25 dan aku 22. Cantik gila... seksi pulak tu dengan mini skirt dia... rasa macam ade mix chinese. Nama dia aku panggil Reen aje... Lepas tu aku blah masuk bilik balik...ingat nak sambung tidur. Baru je aku nak baring si Reen ni masuk... Boring katanya sebab tinggal sorang-sorang kat luar.. Yang lain dah buat projek masing-masing. Dengan selamba dia datang meniarap sebelah aku. Aku terkejut jugak tapi buat selamba je. Then we all borak-borak. Dalam borak-borak tu dia tanya aku awek tak.. so aku cakap la ada.. Then dia kata mesti dah biasakan... aku kata eh tak pernah... aku beritahu aku ni teruna lagi. Dia tanya nak rasa ke?? Aku senyum aje... sebab nak tolak takut rugi.. Lagipun aku tau Reen ni memang experiance. 

Then dia bangun terus tarik tangan aku... so aku terduduk le kat tepi katil tu... Dia beritahu biar dia yang buat untuk aku... Bagiku, ini sudah bagus.. Dia tarik t-shirt aku... dan start cium-cium dadaku... kemuadin dia cium puting tetek aku... batang aku mengeras tak terkata... dia main-main puting tetek aku dengan lidah dia, aku pun start ramas-ramas tetek dia yang sederhana besar tu... tapi dia tepis tangan aku...dan beritahu aku suruh duduk diam-diam. Dia tak berhenti-henti menjilat-jilat seluruh badan ku sampai ke leher dan cuping telingan aku... Aku punya stim... nafas aku pun dah turun naik... aku merebahkan diri ke katil... Dia tak berhenti menjilat-jilat kali ni haluannnya ke bawah pula...sampai ke pusatku.. aku rasa tangannya sedang membuka zip seluarku... aku membiarkan sahajadan hanya memjamkam mata... aku rasa sejuk lepas sebab aku dah berbogel.... aku buka mata dan nampak dia sedang membuka pakaiannya sendiri... Aku akui dia memang cantik. Putih bersih tubuhnya... sekali lagi dia menjilat-jialt perutku... sampai di batangku yang keras itu dia mencim-cium dan mula menjilatnya perlahan-lahan... kemudian dimasukkan batangkupenuh kedalam mulutnya ...aaahhhh....ooooo... nikmatnya tak terkata... dia menghisap, menjilat dan ku pula aaaahhh.... aaaahh... rasa macam nak terpancut tapi aku control... lebih kurang 10 minit dia kembali mencium dadaku... mengisap puting tetekku... Perempuan ni memang pandai... aku rasa dadanya yang lembut menindih dadaku... dikepitnya peha kanan ku di celah kangkangnya, aku rasa cipap dan bijinya yang basah... bertambah stim aku... 

Kemuadian dia kangkangkan kaki dan memasukkan batang ku perlahan-lahan ... akhirnya batang ku masuk sepenuhnya... So dai memulakan henjutan yang pada mulanya slow tapi lama-kelamaan menjadi semakin kuat aku terawang-awangan.. Aku berkata kuat lagi sayang... dia pun menhentaknya semakin kuat.. aku dengar reen mengerang-ngerang kesedapan aku tak tahan lagi dan terus memancutkan mani ke dalam kemaluannya.. tapi Reen tak berhenti di situ.. Dia bangan dan membalikkan badanku... Buntut ku dicium-cium, digomol-gomol sehingga batangku keras kembali... Lepas tu dia barkata... It's your turn... Aku pun apa lagi...... Tolak dia ke katil dan terus menindihya... aku menghisap-hisap puting teteknya... Reen mengeliat kesedapan... jariku memainkan peranan... aku memasukkan jari ke dalam cipapnya... Reen berkata sedap... buat lagi... so jari ku semakin galak... aku turun ke cipapnya..aku terbau air maniku... tapi peduli apa.. aku menjilat cipapnya... sambil menyondol-nyondolkan hidung ku ke bijinya.. reen mengerang.. aaahhh...mmmmmm... buat lagi sayang---buat sayang... itu yanga ku dengan...

Aku kembali menindihnya dan memasukkan batangku... yeah... aku menghentak sekuat hatiku terhenjut-henjut badan reen menahan kesedapan.. aku rasa adalah tiga kali dia climax... dan aku merangkak k atasnya, sambil menonggeng dan reen pula terbarin aku sua kan batang ku ke mulut reen... Reen menghisapnya sepenuh hati .. aku pula terpejam mata... aaahhh... hisap reen... I nak datang ni... dan akhirnya aku memancutkan maniku ke dalam mulut reen...

Itulah cerita aku dan reen... lepas tu kami tak pernah berjumpa... aku still dengan awek ku yang kini dah kehilangan dara nya sebab aku dah ada experiance... nanti aku cerita pasal first time aku dengan awek ku pula...


Hai, kenalkan namaku retno, aku seorang janda, orang bilang aku cantik
mirip Tamara Blezinsky, tinggiku 1.68cm, kulitku putih mulus dengan ukuran tubuh
34C/29/37, yah tetekku memang tidak begitu besar dibandingkan dengan tinggi
tubuhku, tapi aku punya pinggul yang sangat menggiurkan. Banyak pria yang pernah tidur
denganku yang mengatakan demikian. Dulu aku pernah menikah selama tiga
tahun. Barusaja aku bercerai karena suamiku itu main serong dengan ibu dan
kakak kandungku sendiri.
Sekarang aku masih bekerja di salah satu maskapai penerbangan Indonesia, BUMN ternama lah.Dua minggu yang
lalu aku sempat berkencan dengan teman kantorku di sebuah motel di jakarta
selatan. Saat itu aku sedang bingung karena kehabisan uang untuk bayar berbagai
tagihan-tagihan. Setelah aku ketemu Deni, dia mau meminjamkan uangnya
kepadaku sebanyak tiga juta setengah, tapi dengan syarat dia ingin tidur denganku.
Aku terkejut tapi lalu aku mengiyakan saja daripada aku tidak dapat uangnya.
Ditambah lagi Deni itu lumayan ganteng (seperti Andy Law). 
Hari jum'at pulang kantor aku dijemput olehnya, lalu kami pergi kemotel
Pondok Nirwana. Sampai disana dia langsung menerkamku. Tetekku diremas-remas
sampai sedikit ngilu. Lalu bajuku semua dibukanya, aku telanjang bulat
dihadapannya dan dia memandangku sambil tersenyum penuh nafsu. Lalu aku berbaring sambil
menutupi tubuhku dengan bantal. Setelah dia membuka seluruh bajunya aku
terkejut memandangi batang kontolnya yang cukup panjang, lebih panjang
mantan suamiku, apalagi si Angga, Maxy dan Budi mantan-mantan pacarku.
Aku sebenarnya sangat tidak menyukai oral sex, tapi untuk yang satu ini,
aku ingin
melumatnya habis kedalam mulutku. Aku tertegun sambil memegang batang
kontolnya, karena sangat panjang, kupegang dengan dua tangan saja kepala
kontolnya masih keliatan. Sambil kukocok-kocok kontol gede milik Deni ini
jilat-jilat kepala kontolnya, lalu aku masukkan kedalam mulutku. Uppss
cukup semuanya baru setengah saja sudah menyentuh amandelku. Tiba-tiba
menjerit pelan dan terasa cairan hangat dan encer membasahi rongga
mulutku. Aku
kaget lalu aku keluarkan batang kontolnya lalu bangun dan berlari kecil
mandi untuk membuang air mani si Deni dan membersihkan mulutku.
Setelah gosok gigi dan aku merasa bersih, aku kembali ketempat tidur.
Deni telah tidur tengkurap dan tidak bergeming. Aku sedikit kecewa
ternyata dia
ejakulasi prematur. Baru kuhisap sekali-dua kali saja sudah kaluar. Lalu
tertidur lemas tak berdaya...Payah!! laki-laki egois!! .
Tiba-tiba aku ingat dan kangen sekali pada bekas suamiku, dia adalah
yang sangat perkasa yang pernah meniduri diriku, aku belum pernah
dengan laki-laki yang bisa membuatku keluar lebih dari sekali. Kecuali mas
ku itu,
sayang aku telah bercerai darinya padahal aku sangat mencintainya.
kami sering bertengkar setelah aku pernah memergokinya di kamar kami,
itu kulihat dia sedang duduk di pinggir tempat tidur sambil batang kontolnya
dihisap dan dijilat-jilat oleh ibuku sendiri. Kami sekeluarga bertengkar
tetapi masku itu dibela dan didukung oleh ibu dan kakakku, terakhir aku
ternyata selain ibuku, kakakku juga sering menikmati tubuh suamiku. Aku
mengultimatum keluargaku, aku boleh bercerai atau jika tidak aku yang
pergi dari
rumah ini. Akhirnya semuanya mengalah, kami pun bercerai. 
Namun hingga saat ini mantan suamiku masih sering datang kerumah,
terutama bila
ayahku sedang berada dirumah istri mudanya. Aku tahu apa yang sering
dilakukannya bila dirumahku, bahkan aku pernah memergoki kemudian
mantan suamiku dan ibu serta kakakku bergumul hebat tanpa busana di
kakakku. Nanti kapan-kapan aku ceritain yah. 

Saat ini betapa aku mendambakan kehangatan seorang laki-laki yang mampu
kebutuhan sexualku tanpa mau perduli akan godaan yang datang dari ibu
serta kakakku.
Adakah diantara anda para pembaca? Jika ada tolong hubungi aku di
Hotmail dengan 
namaku adalah retnowulan. Aku berjanji akan membalas setiap harapan
yang kalian berikan
asalkan kalian serius.


My wife is a big fan of Elton John. So when she heard 
that he would be giving a concert here in our town, she
was over the moon. She bought two tickets for the
standing arena, the closest to the stage and the most
expensive ones, three months before the actual concert.
She bought a new dress – a very nice body-hugging,
curves-enhancing black tube-dress for the event and a
pair of patented leather pumps to match. Early that
day, she went to the parlor to spruce herself a bit.
She looked so excited and tingly, just like she was on
the day we got married ten-years ago.

We even arrived at the indoor stadium where the concert
was being held full three hours before the start to
secure standing space closest to the ring. Although
there was some beer and cocktails being sold inside, I
also sneaked in a bottle of vodka, that my wife
absolutely loves. There were already about 200 early
birds like us and many were drinking freely. We too had
our share of alcohol – four gin and tonics for wife and
lots of beer for me.

We were not feeling any pain, especially my wife who
was a bit tipsy and already stammering through her
sentences. Anyway it was all in good fun. But the fun –
for my wife and for some other die-hard Elton John fans
– stopped immediately when just 30 minutes before the
concert, the organizers announced that Elton John had
food poisoning and would not be able to perform at all,
even though he had been polite enough to announce that
he would make an appearance half-way through the
concert to apologize personally.

There was a murmur of dissent, some angry fans started
hurling bottles and shoes and stones at the stage...but
then they announced that they had arranged for a boy-
band to perform instead. That was not good enough and
although my angry wife wanted to storm out, the promise
of Elton John making an appearance calmed her down and
we decided to stay on, holding on to our precious
standing space next to the empty stage.

A wave of rowdy crowd, latecomers, then started pushing
all early birds around, and soon we found ourselves
pushed to the extreme left corner of the stage –
drunken as both of us were. My wife drowned her sorrow
by gulping almost a quarter of the vodka down her
throat straight from the bottle.

I was amused and was only wondering at what would be
her state when the alcohol reached her brain. Anyway,
by the time the boy-band appeared on the stage, my wife
had consumed more than half the vodka even though I
abstained because at least one of us had to be in his
senses when it was time to go home.

So there we were – my wife absolutely drunken, mumbling
incoherently like a homeless drunkard and I, half-drunk
and full horny with all the rubbing of my crotch by my
wife's sexy ass, wrapped in a tight dress. The boy-band
turned out to be Boy-zone and soon people had forgotten
Elton John's absence. They belted out some nice songs
and got everyone to sway and tap their feet. There was
constant pushing and shoving from all three sides of us
and I was finding it hard to stick to my wife who was
immediately in front of me.

Things were not easy as there was no solid support in
front of us. Like they usually do, they had separated
the stage and the crown (that's is us) by a rope and
with each push from behind, we were pulled against the
rope. Fortunately for the organizers the poles holding
the ropes were strong and didn't give way otherwise
there would have been cacophony everywhere.

There were guards standing with their backs to the
stage, keeping a lookout for any trespassers. One of
these guards, a burly black man with massive shoulders
and tree-trunk thick solid thighs was positioned right
in front of us. He was short, just about my wife's
height but he was so thick that he looked like carved
from a big fat tree. He had been standing slightly off,
but I realized that each time the crowds pushed us from
behind, he would move towards us and soon he was
directly in front of my wife.

I was glad that he was there to save her in case the
rope crashed. But I soon realized that his intention
was farther from saving my wife. The way he behaved, he
was there to take advantage of my wife with each push
as the front of his body grinded on to the front of my
wife's body.

I was already horny, and the thought that a burly black
ugly bouncer was grinding in my wife's crotch only send
shivers of pleasure down my cock, which was at full
mast. My wife, 30 minutes into the concert was
completely gone. She was standing there only because I
had clasped her body to mine. Otherwise she was swaying
to and fro and her head hung limply to one side. To
have some more fun with her, I started pushing her more
frequently, without any push from behind. And once I
pushed her I would keep her body locked with that of
the bouncer. My eyes were (intentionally) glued to the
boy-band singers (they looked very pretty, I realized).

It was absolutely dark, as the spotlights focused on
the singers and I couldn't see the ground if I wanted
to because of the number of people. So imagine my shock
when my hand accidentally dropped down and encountered
a big-sized hand jammed in the front of my wife's
crotch. It was the guard-cum-bouncer. His black hand
was jammed inside my wife's panty and the fingers were
moving in and out.

He must have been doing this finger fucking of my
wife's pussy for sometime because his hand was dripping
wet from my wife's pussy juice till the knuckles.

Being a good faithful loving husband, I should have
pulled his black hand and fat fingers out of my wife's
lovely hairy cunt... but I was only thinking from my
spongy, purple cock head so I thought let him enjoy
just a few more minutes. The poor black man was anyway
so sincerely doing his job. Then I concentrated on the
movements of my wife's body under the manipulation of
the black bouncer. There was a soft hum to his
movements as he slowly finger fucked her moist intimate

When I felt a jerking motion convulsing my wife, I
ducked my hand down from behind and was further shocked
to find that my wife's lovely lacy panties were
missing. He had possibly yanked them off her
completely. I know THEN I should have definitely
stopped him but my horny cock told me to let him enjoy
a little bit more. Soon the hum of my wife's body
moving to and fro returned. Her slinky black dress had
ridden up and short as it was, I realized her rounded
big ass was visible to anyone who cared to see down.

I should have pulled the dress down but the friction of
her smooth ass-cheeks had hardened my cock beyond any
redemption and I had no choice but to pull my seven-
inch long and five-inch thick uncut aching cock from
the confines of my trousers. I thought while the black
bouncer was finger fucking her, I could simply fuck her
from behind and release my boiling sperm inside her hot
moist pussy. Holding her with one hand, I maneuvered my
cock between her ass cheeks and pushed it between the
ass crack. Lubed generously with my copious pre-cum, it
slithered its way between her legs like a well oiled-
snake. But there it got stuck by something rough and

I probed with hand and realized I was holding two oval
objects with some hairy, tingly rough spiked hair-like
things. Oh jinkies, I realized in that moment of truth
that those big round thingies were the black bouncer's
hairy black balls and they were blocking my cock's way
to my own wife's pussy entrance because, his black cock
had beaten me to it. The burly black bouncer's fat
black-panther was already inside my wife's wet sloppy

I know, I should have immediately hauled his big black
cock out of my wife's pussy but just then my eyes met
his smoldering, blood-shot black eyes, and he looked at
me pleadingly. His mouth moved slowly but I understood
him clearly. He was saying, "Whether you like or not,
loser, I am gonna breed your trash wife right here,
right now," or something to that effect. Just as I
found my real place in life, as a cuckold meant to let
other real black men enjoy my wife's hairy pussy with
their smelly, bigger, superior black cocks, I felt his
big black balls squirm and tingle in anticipation.

Then I felt the underside of his wrist-thick cock spasm
and jerk uncontrollably as its veins rushed his black
potent baby-making man-juice from the balls to his piss
slit to be deposited in my wife's fertile pussy. My
sensitive, spongy cock head felt the earth-shattering
orgasm experienced by my wife's fucker.

And he gave up all pretence of being a bouncer and
collapsed on my wife; planting his thick, black Negro
lips on her lovely soft pink lips... I turned sideways
to see his purple tongue snake its way inside my wife's
mouth. My won cock was hit by his black heavy cock as
it plopped out of my wife's pussy after it released
every single drop of his sperm. I simply inserted my
cock in her loose pussy flooded with his still hot cum.
It was enough to send my own cock in a tizzy and it
shot string after string of thin cum just at the
pussy's entrance.

The bouncer got off and immediately moved away. Within
minutes he was back with another guard, grinning
maliciously and pointing at my wife. He even pulled her
dress up to show his friend the mess he had made and
then left with a wink. The second bouncer was as thin
and tall and the first one was stout and short. But he
didn't hesitate a minute before plunging his long thin
fingers inside the sopping hot oven of my wife's sloppy
pussy. He pulled his cum-covered hand out and sniffed
it...his wide nose flaring even wider like a bull
sniffing the behind of a cow in heat. As he was
repeating the process his hand touched mine.

He grinned and pulled my hand through my wife's wet
thighs and placed it on his big lumpy crotch. He wanted
me to make him hard and who was I to deny him this
pleasure. I zipped him down and fished for his cock. It
took me about two minutes to pull it out; it was so
meaty and long. It was soft but already difficult to
hold in one hand.

I peeled his foreskin down and rubbed his spongy cock
head, feeling every movement, every jerk as it grew,
and grew, and grew. Once it was rock hard, I could see
the cock's glistening head reaching the other side of
my wife's body. I was dying to go down on my knees to
gobble it in my watering mouth but that would mean my
wife would fall down so I couldn't. So I did the next
best thing possible – slowly I rubbed his cock up and
down my wife's sloppy pussy slit and then I placed his
angry hot cock right at the entrance of her pussy and
put my hands behind his lanky ass.

Then I pulled him with such great strength that he went
super deep inside my wife's pussy canal. He bumped into
something inside – possibly the entrance to my wife's
womb – and still there was an inch or two of black
cock-meat outside. I would have helped him fuck my
wife, but he was too irritated by my slow manipulations
and brushing my hands aside, he took matters in his own
hand. He clasped his bony hands tightly on my wife's
waist and started a steady fucking even in the midst of
all the noise, singing and cheering.

And just as the night sky lit up with fireworks as
Elton John made an appearance, the second black bouncer
planted one last stroke and held my wife tightly as his
whole body rocked with his own orgasm and my wife
received her third coat of sperm within an hour – from
three different men. I was horrified when my wife
opened her eyes suddenly as she heard Elton John's
baritone. I was super quick as I pulled the black
bouncer's cock out of her puffed up pussy and pushed
him away. He also moved back as he saw my wife was now

My wife, half startled, felt her pussy and removed a
huge amount of sperm in her hand – mostly released by
the last black man, she scooped it up in her palm and
licked it all – right as the amused black bouncer
watched. She swallowed her hand and scooped some more
to lick it dry too. Then she turned around and said
sleepily, "Fuck Elton John, but I loved every moment of
the fucking you gave me tonight."

Then as quickly as she had awakened, she slumped in her
drunken state again, a pearly white gob of the black
bouncer's sperm still dangling at the edge of her
mouth. The black bouncer smiled, and whispered in my
ears, "Shall I get one more black cock for your wife? I
have seen that he has a 14-inch long and 8-inch thick
cock...she and you will love it." My cock sprang up
again leaking pre-cum and all my lust-induced mind
could do was to nod my head in consent.


It began as a note that arrived on Monday. Steve was 
coming for a few days. He was accepting the open
invitation my husband offered him last time we saw him.
My husband, David, and I liked Steve but he tended to
drink a bit much for our liking. David and I are
involved regularly in Church and are our faith played a
major role in our lives.

I met David when I was 17 and he was 20. After a year
courtship we were married. I lost my virginity to David
on my wedding night and he is the only man I have ever
had any sexual contact with. I was 21 and David, my
husband, was still the only man I had ever been with.
He wasn't a great lover but he was my husband and I
followed Church teachings despite the words of the
girls in the office.

Gina and Sandra worked in the billing office with me.
They were a bit more wild minded. "Damn girl, You look
just like that singer Faith Hill. Perfect hair,
flawless skin, generous bust line and a tight ass.
Girl, you ought to wear some tight clothes and show
your husband what you're made of. He better have a
strong heart." Gina shouted.

I laughed.

Sandra chimed in. "Gina's right. I wish I could borrow
your face and body for one night. I would have to bring
a club to beat the men off!"

I laughed at these comments and responded. "That's all
I would need. Steve knocking at the door when I was
wearing something skimpy."

The girls looked puzzled. "Steve? Who is Steve?" Sandra

"He is one of my husband's old friends and he is coming
this weekend for a visit."

Gina's turned around quickly. "Do you mean Steve
Roberts?" She asked, "Oh my God. I haven't seen him in
years. He was my old boyfriend." We were about to
resume conversation when the boss entered the room. We
quickly returned to our seats and the discussion
abruptly ended.

A few minutes later I heard Sandra whispering to Gina.
"You dated this guy?" Sandra asked.

Gina responded, "Hell yeah for six months. Hottest 6
months of my life."

"Really?" Sandra queried.

"Oh my yes," Gina whispered back. I leaned over my desk
to listen in as Gina continued. "He was an awesome
lover and he is seriously packing."

Sandra laughed. I, being naïve didn't understand until
Sandra whispered, "How big was he?"

Gina responded quietly, "Very, a full nine inches and

The conversation soon grew too quiet to hear but I had
heard enough. I knew it wasn't right but I had a morbid
curiosity. How big was nine inches? My husband David
had the only penis I had ever seen and I had never
measured it. I remembered I had a ruler in my desk and
reached down to pull it out and measured off nine

I gasped and was suddenly turned on. I know it was
wrong but the mere thought of something that big inside
me made me hot and my vagina moisten. I stood up and
went to the cooler for a drink. "What's wrong? Your
face looks red." My boss asked.

"I'm just a little warm." I said. He was none the

I was distracted all day looking at the nine on that
ruler. Could a man's penis be that big? I had never
measured my husband's but I knew it wasn't 9 inches
long. That night going home I was hot and horny. My
underwear was nearly soaked through with anticipation.
I wanted my husband's cock more than ever.

I decided to measure David too but I couldn't bring a
ruler into the bed without arousing his suspicion so I
copied the inch measurements up to 9 onto a piece of
paper to compare my husband to Steve. After we both
arrived from work I allowed him to eat dinner and asked
him if he was interested in what we call 'fooling

"Not now dear, I'm too stuffed to get it up," he

"You don't have to move from the dinner table," I said.

David looked at me seemingly stunned. We had never had
sex outside the bedroom. "Relax, no one can see us
now." I said as I closed the shades. I then knelt and
went under the table from my side to his and, on my
hands and knees, made my way to his lap. I massaged his
already stiff penis through his work trousers. I undid
his belt and unzipped his pants in one motion pulling
them to his knees.

His penis was visibly erect in his white fruit of the
loom's. I pulled them down and immediately engulfed his
cock as he let out a groan. I began bobbing up and down
on David as fast as I could. I tried to measure his
cock with the makeshift tape measure I had made up. I
lined it up best I could without getting caught and saw
he measured about 4.5 inches.

That's when David put his right hand on my head and
forced me violently up and down as he grunted loudly. I
hated myself for it, but I wished for a split second
that I was blowing Steve's big cock.

After about 20 seconds David ejaculated with a groan
into my mouth. I did something I had never done. I
swallowed, and continued sucking David dry. He
collapsed into the chair breathless wondering what
brought all this on. I crawled out from under the table
and slowly sauntered upstairs.

That night David and I had sex but, again, but I
imagined Steven's thick penis in me instead of my
husband's and came to a violent orgasm. Despite my best
efforts all I could think of that night was Steve and
his huge rod.

The weekend came and Steve arrived. Despite my best
efforts I couldn't stop staring at his package all day.
I honestly didn't notice anything sizeable and wondered
if the girls were just kidding each other. Then
Saturday night came. Steve went to a local bar and I
had a plan. I followed him there and gave money to the

"That guy is a family friend. Keep the rounds coming
for him," I said pointing to Steve.

Needless to say the bartender obliged. David went to
sleep early for Church but I couldn't sleep. I was too
excited like a child at Christmastime. I gently went
downstairs and watched television waiting for a glimpse
of Steve's dick.

I fell asleep on the couch when at 3:30 in the morning
I saw a cab pull in and Steve stumble out of it and
make his way up the steps. I hid in the shadows as I
watched him come in and enter his room leaving the door
slightly cracked. He removed his shirt and my heart
began to race with anticipation. He reached for his
zipper and I couldn't see anymore as he collapsed on
the bed removing his pants. He was clearly, for all
intents and purposes, blitzed. He rolled on his left
side so I couldn't see anything but his ass.

I felt my juices roll down my leg as my anticipation
grew. I wanted this man more than anything ever and
despite the fact that my husband was sleeping upstairs,
I was going to have him. I turned off all the lights
leaving the downstairs in total darkness. I then
tiptoed into his room. I never considered. What if he
turned me down? What if he yelled? What if he wondered
who was touching him? I just went for it.

I entered the room, climbing onto his bed next to him
and began slowly rubbing his belly. He rolled over onto
his stomach with a groan. I couldn't see a thing and
had to go by feel and worked my way down to his boxers.
I slowly entered them and felt his hot cock. I found
the shaft and the girls were right. I immediately knew
he was much bigger than David.

I was shivering with anticipation now.

Steve laid back and just groaned while I knelt at the
foot of his bed. I could tell by feel that his penis
was twice the thickness of David's. I slowly moved it
to my tongue and moistened the entire huge head. I was
too impatient. I took as much as I could into my mouth.
I could fit all of David's dick into my mouth but only
about half of Steve's thick pole. I used my hand to
jerk the rest while I sucked off what I could.

I tried to control my emotions and slow down. I didn't
want him to cum in my mouth. I wanted this monster in
me. After a minute I stood up and removed the sweat
pants I was wearing making myself bare from the waist
down. I then straddled him and grasped his cock
attempting to insert his huge prick into my tight
pussy. I tried to be quiet but I let out a soft groan
as his baseball bat sized organ penetrated me.

I thought, what if my husband wakes up and comes in
here? It didn't matter it was too late to turn back
now. I moved back and forth slowly as his cock
penetrated further and further into me. I was being
filled like I had long desired to be. I rocked on his
thick prick doing all I could to stop from screaming

I soon felt his body become rigid. I knew he was going
to cum. I didn't care that he wasn't wearing a condom.
I wanted his fat pole to blow its wad inside of me. I
swayed back and forth until I felt my orgasm coming on.
I bit my lip and put all of the cock in me I could
stand as the wave rushed over me.

I simultaneously heard him groan one last time and felt
his prick fill up my cunt with his hot cum. When I knew
he was finished, I went to the bathroom to clean up and
jumped right into bed next to my husband who was none
the wiser.


The next morning I woke up with a note on the pillow
next to me.

David wrote that I looked tired so he would allow me to
sleep through church and go alone. I went downstairs
for breakfast and there was Steve at the kitchen table.
I sat at the table and said nothing.

Steve stood up and approached me. "If you wanted to see
my cock why didn't you just ask?" he said as he pulled
back his bathrobe to reveal the most majestic penis I
have ever seen.

In the light of day it hung half way to his knee and
was thick as a beer can. Without a word I knelt beside
him and began to give him head. After a minute of
polishing his sweet shaft Steve filled my mouth with
his salty cum.

One hour later he fucked me to orgasm again on my
marriage bed. I was able to blow him in the car one
more time before he had to leave on Monday.

I have never cheated since, but Steve, if you read
this, you are always welcome at my house.